# RBS RBS is a language to describe the structure of Ruby programs. You can write down the definition of a class or module: methods defined in the class, instance variables and their types, and inheritance/mix-in relations. It also allows declaring constants and global variables. The following is a small example of RBS for a chat app. ```rbs module ChatApp VERSION: String class User attr_reader login: String attr_reader email: String def initialize: (login: String, email: String) -> void end class Bot attr_reader name: String attr_reader email: String attr_reader owner: User def initialize: (name: String, owner: User) -> void end class Message attr_reader id: String attr_reader string: String attr_reader from: User | Bot # `|` means union types: `#from` can be `User` or `Bot` attr_reader reply_to: Message? # `?` means optional type: `#reply_to` can be `nil` def initialize: (from: User | Bot, string: String) -> void def reply: (from: User | Bot, string: String) -> Message end class Channel attr_reader name: String attr_reader messages: Array[Message] attr_reader users: Array[User] attr_reader bots: Array[Bot] def initialize: (name: String) -> void def each_member: () { (User | Bot) -> void } -> void # `{` and `}` means block. | () -> Enumerator[User | Bot, void] # Method can be overloaded. end end ``` ## The Target Version * The standard library signatures targets the latest release of Ruby. (`3.2` as of 2023.) * The library code targets non-EOL versions of Ruby. (`>= 3.0` as of 2023.) ## Installation Install the `rbs` gem. `$ gem install rbs` from the command line, or add a line in your `Gemfile`. ```rb gem "rbs" ``` ## CLI The gem ships with the `rbs` command line tool to demonstrate what it can do and help develop RBS. ```bash $ rbs version $ rbs list $ rbs ancestors ::Object $ rbs methods ::Object $ rbs method Object then ``` An end user of `rbs` will probably find `rbs prototype` the most useful. This command generates boilerplate signature declarations for ruby files. For example, say you have written the below ruby script. ```ruby # person.rb class Person attr_reader :name attr_reader :contacts def initialize(name:) @name = name @contacts = [] end def speak "I'm #{@name} and I love Ruby!" end end ``` Running prototype on the above will automatically generate ``` $ rbs prototype rb person.rb class Person @name: untyped @contacts: untyped attr_reader name: untyped attr_reader contacts: untyped def initialize: (name: untyped) -> void def speak: () -> ::String end ``` It prints signatures for all methods, classes, instance variables, and constants. This is only a starting point, and you should edit the output to match your signature more accurately. `rbs prototype` offers three options. - `rb` generates from just the available Ruby code - `rbi` generates from Sorbet RBI - `runtime` generates from runtime API ## Library There are two important concepts, _environment_ and _definition_. An _environment_ is a dictionary that keeps track of all declarations. What is the declaration associated with `String` class? An _environment_ will give you the answer. A _definition_ gives you the detail of the class. What is the type of the return value of `gsub` method of the `String` class? The _definition_ for `String` class knows the list of methods it provides and their types. The following is a small code to retrieve the definition of the `String#gsub` method. ```rb require "rbs" loader = RBS::EnvironmentLoader.new() # loader.add(path: Pathname("sig")) # Load .rbs files from `sig` directory # loader.add(library: "pathname") # Load pathname library environment = RBS::Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names # ::String string = RBS::TypeName.new(name: :String, namespace: RBS::Namespace.root) # Class declaration for ::String decl = environment.class_decls[string] # Builder provides the translation from `declaration` to `definition` builder = RBS::DefinitionBuilder.new(env: environment) # Definition of instance of String instance = builder.build_instance(string) # Print the types of `gsub` method: puts instance.methods[:gsub].method_types.join("\n") # Outputs => # (::Regexp | ::string pattern, ::string replacement) -> ::String # (::Regexp | ::string pattern, ::Hash[::String, ::String] hash) -> ::String # (::Regexp | ::string pattern) { (::String match) -> ::_ToS } -> ::String # (::Regexp | ::string pattern) -> ::Enumerator[::String, self] # Definition of singleton of String singleton = builder.build_singleton(string) # No `gsub` method for String singleton puts singleton.methods[:gsub] ``` ## Guides - [Architecture](docs/architecture.md) - [Core and standard library signature contribution guide](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) - [Writing signatures guide](docs/sigs.md) - [Stdlib signatures guide](docs/stdlib.md) - [Syntax](docs/syntax.md) - [RBS by Example](docs/rbs_by_example.md) - [RBS collection](docs/collection.md) - [Using `Data` and `Struct`](docs/data_and_struct.md) - [Releasing a gem with RBS](docs/gem.md) ## Community Here is a list of some places you can talk with active maintainers. - [Ruby Discord Server (invite link)](https://discord.gg/ad2acQFtkh) -- We have `rbs` channel in Ruby Discord server. - [ruby-jp Slack Workspace (in Japanese)](https://ruby-jp.github.io/) -- We have `types` channel in ruby-jp slack workspace. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bundle exec rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ruby/rbs.