# Lusnoc [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/lusnoc.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/lusnoc) [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/lusnoc.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/lusnoc/versions) [![YARD](https://badgen.net/badge/YARD/doc/blue)](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/lusnoc) [![Coverage](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_coverage.svg)](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_coverage.html) [![Quality](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_quality.svg)](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_quality.html) [![Outdated](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_outdated.svg)](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_outdated.html) [![Vulnerabilities](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_vulnerable.svg)](https://lysander.rnds.pro/api/v1/badges/lusnoc_vulnerable.html) Lusnoc is reliable gem to deal with [Consul](https://www.consul.io). It is designed to be simple and work without dark background magic. It is inspired by [consul-mutex](https://github.com/kinnalru/consul-mutex)(which has hard background magic). Article about gem: https://blog.rnds.pro/lusnoc (in russian) ## FAQ #### What's Lusnoc for? Lusnoc allows you to interact with Consul to provide distributed locks(mutex) to your application. #### What's the difference between lusnoc and [consul-mutex](https://github.com/kinnalru/consul-mutex) or [diplomat](https://github.com/WeAreFarmGeek/diplomat) * consul-mutex starts background thread and ***the block of code that you pass to #synchronize runs on a separate thread, and can be killed without warning if the mutex determines that it no longer holds the lock.*** * diplomat provides the basic session/locks functionality but no automated control over it #### How Lusnoc deal with sessions/mutexes? * Lusnoc ensures session creation/destruction upon block execution * Lusnoc uses only sessions with TTL to protect you system from stale sessions/locks * Lusnoc enforces you to manualy renew session(through callback or explicit check) but provide background session checker * Lusnoc tries to carefuly handle timeouts and expiration using Consul [blocking queries](https://www.consul.io/api/features/blocking.html) ## Usage Simply instantiate a new `Lusnoc::Mutex`, giving it the key you want to use as the "lock": ```ruby require 'lusnoc/mutex' mutex = Lusnoc::Mutex.new('/locks/mx1', ttl: 20) ``` TTL will be used in session creation on `#synchronize`: ```ruby mutex.synchronize(timeout: 10) do |mx| puts "We are exclusively owns resource" end ``` If mutex cannot be acquired within given timeout `Lusnoc::TimeoutError` is raised. By default, the "value" of the lock resource will be the hostname of the machine that it's running on (so you know who has the lock). If, for some reason, you'd like to set the value to something else, you can do that, too: ```ruby Lusnoc::Mutex.new('/some/key', value: {time: Time.now}).synchronize do |mx| #... end ``` Session invalidation/renewal handled through mutex instance: ```ruby Lusnoc::Mutex.new('/some/key').synchronize do |mx| mx.time_to_expiration # seconds to session expiration in consul. mx.ttl # session ttl. mx.need_renew? # true when time_to_expiration less than half of ttl mx.need_renew? # false sleep (mx.ttl / 2) + 1 mx.need_renew? # true mx.on_mutex_lost do |mutex| # this callback will be called from other(guard) thread when mutex is lost(session invalidated) end mx.locked? # true while session is not expired or invalidated by admin mx.owned? # true while session is not expired or invalidated by admin and owner is a Thread.current mx.session_id # id of Consul session mx.expired? # is session expired? mx.alive? # is session alive? mx.alive! # ensures session alive or raise Lusnoc::ExpiredError mx.renew # renew session or raise Lusnoc::ExpiredError if session already expired end ``` You can use only Session: ```ruby Session.new("session_name", ttl: 20) do |session| session.on_session_die do # this callback will be called from other(guard) thread when session invalidated end session.expired? # is session expired? session.alive? # is session alive? session.alive! # ensures session alive or raise Lusnoc::ExpiredError session.renew # renew session or raise Lusnoc::ExpiredError if session already expired end ``` Typical usage scenario: ```ruby Lusnoc::Mutex.new('/some/key').synchronize do |mx| # do some work mx.renew if mx.need_renew? # do other work mx.renew if mx.need_renew? # ... rescue Lusnoc::ExpiredError => e # Session was invalidated and mutex was lost! end ``` ## Installation It's a gem: ```bash gem install lusnoc ``` There's also the wonders of [the Gemfile](http://bundler.io): ```ruby gem 'lusnoc' ``` ## Mirrors * GitFlic: [https://gitflic.ru/project/rndsoft/lusnoc](https://gitflic.ru/project/rndsoft/lusnoc) * Github: [https://github.com/RND-SOFT/lusnoc](https://github.com/RND-SOFT/lusnoc)