module BigSimon # Methods for parsing output files class Parsers # @note VirHostMatcher returns true distances that run from 0 to 1, so it doesn't need scaling. # @note VirHostMatcher includes the whole file name as the id of the organism, so we chop off some common endings. def self.vir_host_matcher fname hosts = nil host_info = {}, "rt").each_line.with_index do |line, idx| line.chomp! line.sub! /,$/, "" # git rid of trailing commas if stat, *hosts = line.split ","! { |str| BigSimon::Utils.strip_suffix str } else ary = line.split "," virus = BigSimon::Utils.strip_suffix ary.shift # In this case the best value is the lowest distance. dists = with_index do |dist, idx| { host: hosts[idx], score: dist.to_f, scaled_score: dist.to_f } end.sort_by { |ht| ht[:scaled_score] } host_info[virus] = dists end end host_info end # @note WIsH gives log likelihoods so the scaled value is actually scaled. # @note The viruses and hosts will have the ID rather than the file name. def self.wish fname viruses = nil host_info = {} hosts = nil, "rt") do |line, idx| line.chomp! if ary = line.split("\t") ary.unshift("") else ary = line.split("\t") end end.transpose.each_with_index do |line_ary, idx| if hosts = line_ary.drop(1) else virus = line_ary.shift scores = host_vals = do |score, idx| { host: hosts[idx], score: score, scaled_score: 1 - Math.exp(score) } end host_info[virus] = host_vals end host_info.each do |virus, hosts| hosts.sort_by! { |ht| ht[:scaled_score] } end end host_info end end end