#ifndef BZS_DB_ENGINE_MYSQL_DATABASE_H #define BZS_DB_ENGINE_MYSQL_DATABASE_H /* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2012 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fieldAccess.h" #include class THD; struct TABLE; #ifndef MAX_KEYLEN #define MAX_KEYLEN 1023 #endif namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace engine { namespace mysql { /* Please comment out the following, when you emulate btrv variable length record of btrv with a server. #define USE_BTRV_VARIABLE_LEN */ #define READ_RECORD_GETNEXT 1 #define READ_RECORD_GETPREV 2 #define READ_RECORD_STEPNEXT 3 #define READ_RECORD_STEPPREV 4 #define RF_FIXED_LEN 0 #define RF_FIXED_PLUS_VALIABLE_LEN 1 #define RF_VALIABLE_LEN 2 #define RF_INCLUDE_NIS 4 #define TRN_RECORD_LOCK_SINGLE 0 #define TRN_RECORD_LOCK_MUILTI 1 #define MODE_READ_ONLY -2 #define MODE_EXCLUSIVE -4 #define MODE_READ_EXCLUSIVE -6 /** bookmark size * btreive API is MAX 4 byte */ #define REF_SIZE_MAX 4 class table; /** Control mysql table cahche */ class tableCacheCounter { std::vector m_tables; std::vector m_counts; boost::mutex m_mutex; int getHash(const std::string& dbname, const std::string& tbname); size_t getCounterIndex(const std::string& dbname, const std::string& tbname); public: tableCacheCounter(); void addref(const std::string& dbname, const std::string& tbname); int count(const std::string& dbname, const std::string& tbname); void release(const std::string& dbname, const std::string& tbname); }; struct rowLockMode { bool lock : 1; bool read : 1; }; class database : private boost::noncopyable { friend class table; friend class smartDbReopen; public: typedef std::vector > tableList; private: std::string m_dbname; mutable THD* m_thd; int m_inTransaction; int m_inSnapshot; int m_stat; int m_usingExclusive; table* m_inAutoTransaction; short m_trnType; short m_cid; enum_tx_isolation m_iso; tableList m_tables; ulong m_privilege; TABLE* doOpenTable(const std::string& name, short mode, const char* ownerName); void unUseTable(table* tb); size_t getNomalOpenTables(tableList& tables); void prebuildIsoratinMode(); void prebuildExclusieLockMode(table* tb); void prebuildLocktype(table* tb, enum_sql_command& cmd, rowLockMode* lck) ; void changeIntentionLock(table* tb, thr_lock_type lock_type); void checkACL(enum_sql_command cmd); public: database(const char* name, short cid); ~database(); bool setGrant(const char* host, const char* user); unsigned char* getUserSha1Passwd(const char* host, const char* user, unsigned char* buf); int stat() { return m_stat; } THD* thd() const { return m_thd; } void use() const; short clientID() const { return m_cid; } const std::string& name() const { return m_dbname; } bool inTransaction() const { return (m_inTransaction != 0); } short transactionType() const { return m_trnType; } bool inSnapshot() const { return m_inSnapshot != 0; } const std::vector >& tables() const { return m_tables; } bool beginSnapshot(enum_tx_isolation iso); bool endSnapshot(); table* openTable(const std::string& name, short mode, const char* ownerName); table* useTable(int index, enum_sql_command cmd, rowLockMode* lck); bool beginTrn(short type, enum_tx_isolation iso); bool commitTrn(); bool abortTrn(); bool existsDatabase(); void closeTable(const std::string& name, bool drop); void closeTable(table* tb); void unUseTables(bool rollback); void closeForReopen(); void reopen(); void cleanTable(); inline bool canUnlockRow() const { /* inSnapshot or inTransaction multi record lock do not unlock */ if (m_inSnapshot || (m_inTransaction && (m_trnType == TRN_RECORD_LOCK_MUILTI))) return false; return true; } inline bool noUserTransaction() const { return ((m_inSnapshot + m_inTransaction) == 0); } short aclReload(); static tableCacheCounter tableRef; }; typedef std::vector > databases; class IReadRecordsHandler; class IPrepare; class bookmarks; //unsigned char* getUserSha1Passwd(const char* host, const char* user, unsigned char* buf); //short aclReload(); /* * Since it differs from the key number which a client specifies * , and an internal key number, it changes. * As for the key name, it is a premise that it is keyNN. * NN is client specifies key number. */ class keynumConvert { KEY* m_key; int m_keyCount; char m_keyNum; char m_convNum; public: keynumConvert(KEY* key, int count) : m_key(key), m_keyCount(count), m_keyNum(-1), m_convNum(-1) { } void setKey(KEY* key) { m_key = key; } char keyNumByMakeOrder(char num) { if (m_keyNum == num) return m_convNum; m_keyNum = num; for (int i = 0; i < m_keyCount; i++) if (strstr(m_key[i].name, "key") && m_key[i].name[3] == num + '0') return m_convNum = i; return m_convNum = num; // If not found, a value as it is returned. } }; class table : private boost::noncopyable { friend class database; friend struct smartForceConsistantRead; TABLE* m_table; std::string m_name; short m_mode; unsigned short m_nullFields; int m_id; uint m_recordLenCl; int m_recordFormatType; #ifdef USE_BTRV_VARIABLE_LEN uint m_lastVarLenBytes; #endif database& m_db; mutable boost::scoped_array m_keybuf; mutable boost::scoped_array m_nonNccKeybuf; int m_stat; int m_percentResult; boost::shared_ptr m_bms; String m_str; keynumConvert m_keyconv; IblobBuffer* m_blobBuffer; std::vector m_nonKeySegNullFields; int m_readCount; int m_updCount; int m_delCount; int m_insCount; char m_keyNum; struct { bool m_nonNcc : 1; bool m_validCursor : 1; bool m_cursor : 1; bool m_locked : 1; bool m_changed : 1; bool m_nounlock : 1; bool m_bulkInserting : 1; bool m_delayAutoCommit : 1; }; struct { bool m_forceConsistentRead : 1; }; table(TABLE* table, database& db, const std::string& name, short mode, int id); void moveKey(boost::function func); void readRecords(IReadRecordsHandler* handler, bool includeCurrent, int type, bool noBookmark); bool keyCheckForPercent(); void preBuildPercent(uchar* first, uchar* last); void seekPos(const uchar* pos); int setKeyNullFlags(); void setFiledNullFlags(); bookmarks* bms(); int percentage(uchar* first, uchar* last, uchar* cur); bool setNonKey(bool scan = false); void fillNull(uchar* ptr, int size); inline void* keybuf() const { return &m_keybuf[0]; } inline uint keylen() const { return m_table->key_info[m_keyNum].key_length; } void setKeyValues(const uchar* ptr, int size); void setBlobFieldPointer(const bzs::db::blobHeader* hd); inline bool setCursorStaus() { if (m_stat == 0) { ++m_readCount; m_validCursor = true; m_cursor = true; }else { m_validCursor = false; m_cursor = ((m_stat == HA_ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT) || (m_stat == HA_ERR_LOCK_DEADLOCK)) ? m_cursor : false; } return m_validCursor; } inline void unlockRow(bool noConsistent); inline void tryConsistentRead(bool noConsistent); #ifdef USE_HANDLERSOCKET std::vector m_useFields; void checkFiledIndex(int index); int fieldIndexByName(const char* name) const; void addUseField(int index) { m_useFields.push_back(index); }; public: std::vector& useFields() { return m_useFields; }; void setUseFieldList(const std::string& csv); void setValue(int index, const std::string& v, int type); void setUseValues(const std::vector& values, int type); #define UPDATE_REPLACE 0 #define UPDATE_INC 1 #define UPDATE_DEC 2 #endif public: static bool noKeybufResult; std::vector preparedStatements; ~table(); inline void setBlobBuffer(IblobBuffer* blobBuffer) { m_blobBuffer = blobBuffer; } inline IblobBuffer* blobBuffer() const { return m_blobBuffer; } inline short mode() const { return m_mode; } inline bool cursor() const {return m_cursor;} inline bool isReadOnly() const { return (m_mode == MODE_READ_ONLY) ||(m_mode == MODE_READ_EXCLUSIVE); } inline bool isExclusveMode() const { return m_mode <= MODE_EXCLUSIVE;} inline bool isNomalMode() const { return m_mode > MODE_EXCLUSIVE;} inline bool islocked() { return m_locked; } inline void setLocked(bool value) { m_locked = value; } inline bool isChanged() { return m_changed; } int id() { return m_id; }; /* The singleRowLock is no effects with Transaction or Snapshot. */ inline void unUse() { if (m_delayAutoCommit) { m_delayAutoCommit = false; m_db.m_inAutoTransaction = this; } else m_db.unUseTable(this); } inline const std::string& name() const { return m_name; } inline int recordFormatType() const { return m_recordFormatType; } void resetTransctionInfo(THD* thd); void resetInternalTable(TABLE* table); #ifdef USE_BTRV_VARIABLE_LEN inline uint lastVarFieldNum() const { return m_table->s->fields - 1 - nisFields(); } inline const Field* lastVarFiled() const { return m_table->s->field[lastVarFieldNum()]; } unsigned short lastVarLenBytes() const { return m_lastVarLenBytes; } inline unsigned short lastVarFieldDataLen() const { return fieldDataLen(lastVarFieldNum()); } unsigned short lastVarFieldPos() const; #endif inline int blobFields() const { return m_table->s->blob_fields; } /** if call close then table is deleten. */ inline void close() { m_table->file->ha_index_or_rnd_end(); m_db.closeTable(this); } inline char keyNum() const { return m_keyNum; } inline bool isUniqueKey() { return (m_table->key_info[m_keyNum].flags & HA_NOSAME); } /* * Since it differs from the key number which a client specifies * , and an internal key number, it changes. * As for the key name, it is a premise that it is keyNN. * NN is client specifies key number. */ inline char keyNumByMakeOrder(char num) { return m_keyconv.keyNumByMakeOrder(num); } inline bool keynumCheck(char num) { return ((num >= 0) && (num < (short)m_table->s->keys)); } bool setKeyNum(char num, bool sorted = true); inline void setKeyNum(const char* name, bool sorted = true) { setKeyNum(keynumByName(name), sorted); } bool isNisKey(char num) const; inline key_part_map keymap() { return (1U << m_table->key_info[m_keyNum].user_defined_key_parts) - 1; } void seekKey(enum ha_rkey_function find_flag, key_part_map keyMap); void getNextSame(key_part_map keyMap); void getLast(); void getFirst(); void getNext(); void getPrev(); void getByPercentage(unsigned short per); void calcPercentage(); inline int* percentResult() { return &m_percentResult; } void stepLast(); void stepFirst(); void stepNext(); void stepPrev(); void movePos(const uchar* pos, char keyNum, bool sureRawValue = false); inline void getNextExt(IReadRecordsHandler* handler, bool includeCurrent, bool noBookmark) { readRecords(handler, includeCurrent, READ_RECORD_GETNEXT, noBookmark); } inline void getPrevExt(IReadRecordsHandler* handler, bool includeCurrent, bool noBookmark) { readRecords(handler, includeCurrent, READ_RECORD_GETPREV, noBookmark); } inline void stepNextExt(IReadRecordsHandler* handler, bool includeCurrent, bool noBookmark) { if (m_table->file->inited != handler::RND) setNonKey(true); readRecords(handler, includeCurrent, READ_RECORD_STEPNEXT, noBookmark); } inline void stepPrevExt(IReadRecordsHandler* handler, bool includeCurrent, bool noBookmark) { if (m_table->file->inited != handler::RND) setNonKey(true); readRecords(handler, includeCurrent, READ_RECORD_STEPPREV, noBookmark); } void clearBuffer(); inline void clearKeybuf() { memset(&m_keybuf[0], 0x00, MAX_KEYLEN); } __int64 insert(bool ncc); void update(bool ncc); void updateDirectkey(); void beginUpdate(char keyNum); void del(); void beginDel(); int keynumByName(const char* name) const; inline int stat() { return m_stat; } short setKeyValuesPacked(const uchar* ptr, int size); void* record() const; uint keyPackCopy(uchar* ptr); void setRecord(void* ptr, unsigned short size, int offset = 0); void setRecordFromPacked(const uchar* packedPtr, uint size, const bzs::db::blobHeader* hd); uint recordPackCopy(char* buf, uint maxsize = 0); ushort fieldPackCopy(unsigned char* dest, short fieldNum); inline uint fieldSizeByte(int fieldNum) { return var_bytes_if(m_table->field[fieldNum]); } unsigned short fieldDataLen(int fieldNum) const; inline unsigned short fieldLen(int fieldNum) const { return m_table->field[fieldNum]->pack_length(); } inline unsigned short filedVarLenBytes(int fieldNum) const { return var_bytes_if(m_table->field[fieldNum]); } inline char* fieldPos(int fieldNum) const { return (char*)m_table->field[fieldNum]->ptr; } inline enum enum_field_types fieldType(int fieldNum) const { return m_table->field[fieldNum]->type(); } inline enum enum_field_types fieldRealType(int fieldNum) const { return m_table->field[fieldNum]->real_type(); } inline unsigned int fieldFlags(int fieldNum) const { return m_table->field[fieldNum]->flags; } inline unsigned short fields() const { return m_table->s->fields; } inline unsigned int nisFields() const { return m_nullFields; } inline const char* fieldName(int fieldNum) const { return m_table->s->field[fieldNum]->field_name; } inline const CHARSET_INFO& fieldCharset(int fieldNum) const { return *m_table->s->field[fieldNum]->charset(); } /* number of key. */ inline unsigned short keys() const { return m_table->s->keys; } inline const KEY& keyDef(char keyNum) const { return m_table->key_info[keyNum]; } inline const KEY* primaryKey() const { return (m_table->s->primary_key != MAX_KEY) ? &m_table->key_info[m_table->s->primary_key] : NULL; } inline Field* field(int fieldNum) const { return m_table->field[fieldNum]; } inline char primarykey() const { return m_table->s->primary_key; } /** is this view. not table */ inline bool isView() const { return m_table->s->is_view; } /** char set of this table. */ inline const CHARSET_INFO& charset() const { return *m_table->s->table_charset; } ha_rows recordCount(bool estimate); inline ulong recordLen() const { return m_table->s->reclength; } /** record length for client side. exclude null flag segmnet * ,lastVarLenBytes and NIS fields from recordLen() */ inline uint recordLenCl() const { return m_recordLenCl; } inline uint nullBytes() const { return (uint)(m_table->s->null_fields > 0); } /** bookmark length */ uint posPtrLen() const; inline uint posPtrLenRaw() const { return m_table->file->ref_length; } /** bookmark */ const uchar* position(bool raw = false); const char* keyName(char keyNum); inline void errorMessage(String* buf) { m_table->file->get_error_message(m_stat, buf); } void startBulkInsert(ha_rows rows); void endBulkInsert(); inline TABLE* internalTable() { return m_table; } /// for debuglog const char* valStr(int index, int& size); /// for debuglog /** add blob field list. * @param fieldNum field index if it is -1 then all fields of cureent row; * @return field count of listed. */ uint makeBlobFieldList(int fieldNum); inline void addBlobBuffer(int fieldNum) { Field* fd = m_table->field[fieldNum]; m_blobBuffer->addBlob(blob_len(fd), fd->field_index, blobBodyPtr(fd)); } inline void setBlobFieldCount(uint num) { m_blobBuffer->setFieldCount(num); } inline uint getBlobFieldCount() { return m_blobBuffer->fieldCount(); } inline void indexInit() { int ret = m_table->file->ha_index_or_rnd_end(); assert(ret == 0); if (m_keyNum >= 0) ret = m_table->file->ha_index_init(m_keyNum, true); else ret = m_table->file->ha_rnd_init(true); assert(ret == 0); } inline void setRowLock(rowLockMode* lck) { if (lck->lock && m_db.noUserTransaction() && isNomalMode()) m_delayAutoCommit = true; else m_delayAutoCommit = false; } inline void setRowLockError() { m_delayAutoCommit = false; } inline bool isDelayAutoCommit() const { return m_delayAutoCommit; } inline short unlock() { if (m_db.inSnapshot() || m_db.inTransaction()) { if (m_validCursor) { m_table->file->unlock_row(); m_nounlock = true; } else return 1; }else if (m_db.m_inAutoTransaction == this) unUse(); return 0; } inline void startStmt() { m_validCursor = false; m_table->file->start_stmt(m_db.m_thd, m_table->reginfo.lock_type); } inline void initForHANDLER() { if (!m_db.m_thd->in_lock_tables) { m_table->file->init_table_handle_for_HANDLER(); m_validCursor = false; } } void setKeyValues(const std::vector& values, int keypart, const std::string* inValue = NULL); }; class fieldBitmap { TABLE* m_table; bool m_keyRead; public: inline fieldBitmap(TABLE* table) : m_table(table), m_keyRead(false) { m_table->read_set = &m_table->tmp_set; m_table->write_set = &m_table->tmp_set; bitmap_clear_all(m_table->read_set); } inline fieldBitmap() : m_table(NULL), m_keyRead(false) {} inline void setTable(table* tb) { if (tb) { m_table = tb->internalTable(); m_table->read_set = &m_table->tmp_set; m_table->write_set = &m_table->tmp_set; bitmap_clear_all(m_table->read_set); } else if (m_table) { if (m_keyRead) m_table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD); m_table->read_set = &m_table->s->all_set; m_table->write_set = &m_table->s->all_set; m_table = NULL; } } inline ~fieldBitmap() { if (m_table) { if (m_keyRead) m_table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD); m_table->read_set = &m_table->s->all_set; m_table->write_set = &m_table->s->all_set; } } inline void setKeyRead(bool v) { assert(m_table); if (v) m_table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); else if (m_keyRead) m_table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD); m_keyRead = v; } inline void setReadBitmap(uint bit) { assert(m_table); bitmap_set_bit(m_table->read_set, bit); } inline MY_BITMAP* getReadBitmap() { if (m_table) return m_table->read_set; return NULL; } inline bool isUsing() const { return (m_table != NULL); } }; // smart wrapper for exception class smartBulkInsert { table* m_tb; public: smartBulkInsert(table* tb, ha_rows rows) : m_tb(tb) { m_tb->startBulkInsert(rows); } ~smartBulkInsert() { m_tb->endBulkInsert(); } }; class smartTransction { database* m_db; short m_type; public: smartTransction(database* db, short type = TRN_RECORD_LOCK_SINGLE , enum_tx_isolation iso = ISO_READ_COMMITTED) : m_db(db) { m_db->beginTrn(type, iso); } void end() { m_db->commitTrn(); m_db = NULL; } ~smartTransction() { if (m_db) m_db->abortTrn(); } }; struct smartForceConsistantRead { table* tb; inline smartForceConsistantRead(table* t):tb(t) { tb->m_forceConsistentRead = true; } inline ~smartForceConsistantRead() { tb->m_forceConsistentRead = false; } }; #define BUILINSERT_SCOPE } // namespace mysql } // namespace engine } // namespace db } // namespace bzs #endif // BZS_DB_ENGINE_MYSQL_DATABASE_H