require 'socket' require 'net/pop' require 'net/protocol' require 'openssl/ssl' # Backport of ruby 1.9's POP3 SSL support class Net::POP3 @@usessl = nil @@verify = nil @@certs = nil PORT = 110 SSL_PORT = 995 def self.default_port PORT end def self.default_ssl_port SSL_PORT end # Enable SSL for all new instances. # +verify+ is the type of verification to do on the Server Cert; Defaults # to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER. # +certs+ is a file or directory holding CA certs to use to verify the # server cert; Defaults to nil. def self.enable_ssl( verify = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, certs = nil ) @@usessl = true @@verify = verify @@certs = certs end # Disable SSL for all new instances. def self.disable_ssl @@usessl = nil @@verify = nil @@certs = nil end # Creates a new POP3 object. # +addr+ is the hostname or ip address of your POP3 server. # The optional +port+ is the port to connect to. # The optional +isapop+ specifies whether this connection is going # to use APOP authentication; it defaults to +false+. # This method does *not* open the TCP connection. def initialize(addr, port = nil, isapop = false) @address = addr @usessl = @@usessl if @usessl @port = port || SSL_PORT else @port = port || PORT end @apop = isapop @certs = @@certs @verify = @@verify @command = nil @socket = nil @started = false @open_timeout = 30 @read_timeout = 60 @debug_output = nil @mails = nil @n_mails = nil @n_bytes = nil end # does this instance use SSL? def usessl? @usessl end # Enables SSL for this instance. Must be called before the connection is # established to have any effect. # +verify+ is the type of verification to do on the Server Cert; Defaults # to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER. # +certs+ is a file or directory holding CA certs to use to verify the # server cert; Defaults to nil. # +port+ is port to establish the SSL conection on; Defaults to 995. def enable_ssl(verify = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, certs = nil, port = SSL_PORT) @usessl = true @verify = verify @certs = certs @port = port end def disable_ssl @usessl = nil @verify = nil @certs = nil end def do_start( account, password ) s = timeout(@open_timeout) {, @port) } if @usessl unless defined?(OpenSSL) raise "SSL extension not installed" end sslctx = sslctx.verify_mode = @verify sslctx.ca_file = @certs if @certs && FileTest::file?(@certs) sslctx.ca_path = @certs if @certs && FileTest::directory?(@certs) s =, sslctx) s.sync_close = true s.connect end @socket = on_connect @command = if apop? @command.apop account, password else @command.auth account, password end @started = true ensure do_finish if not @started end private :do_start end