require 'helper' require 'tempfile' require 'pathname' module SQLite3 class TestDatabase < SQLite3::TestCase attr_reader :db def setup @db =':memory:') super end def test_segv assert_raises { 1 } end def test_db_filename tf = nil assert_equal '', @db.filename('main') tf = 'thing' @db = tf.path assert_equal File.realdirpath(tf.path), File.realdirpath(@db.filename('main')) ensure tf.unlink if tf end def test_filename tf = nil assert_equal '', @db.filename tf = 'thing' @db = tf.path assert_equal File.realdirpath(tf.path), File.realdirpath(@db.filename) ensure tf.unlink if tf end def test_filename_with_attachment tf = nil assert_equal '', @db.filename tf = 'thing' @db.execute "ATTACH DATABASE '#{tf.path}' AS 'testing'" assert_equal File.realdirpath(tf.path), File.realdirpath(@db.filename('testing')) ensure tf.unlink if tf end def test_filename_to_path tf = 'thing' pn = Pathname tf.path db = pn assert_equal pn.realdirpath.to_s, File.realdirpath(db.filename) ensure tf.close! if tf end def test_error_code begin db.execute 'SELECT' rescue SQLite3::SQLException => e end assert_equal 1, e.code end def test_extended_error_code db.extended_result_codes = true db.execute 'CREATE TABLE "employees" ("token" integer NOT NULL)' begin db.execute 'INSERT INTO employees (token) VALUES (NULL)' rescue SQLite3::ConstraintException => e end assert_equal 1299, e.code end def test_bignum num = 4907021672125087844 db.execute 'CREATE TABLE "employees" ("token" integer(8), "name" varchar(20) NOT NULL)' db.execute "INSERT INTO employees(name, token) VALUES('employee-1', ?)", [num] rows = db.execute 'select token from employees' assert_equal num, rows.first.first end def test_blob @db.execute("CREATE TABLE blobs ( id INTEGER, hash BLOB(10) )") blob ="foo\0bar") @db.execute("INSERT INTO blobs VALUES (0, ?)", [blob]) assert_equal [[0, blob, blob.length, blob.length*2]], @db.execute("SELECT id, hash, length(hash), length(hex(hash)) FROM blobs") end def test_get_first_row assert_equal [1], @db.get_first_row('SELECT 1') end def test_get_first_row_with_type_translation_and_hash_results @db.results_as_hash = true @db.type_translation = true assert_equal({"1"=>1}, @db.get_first_row('SELECT 1')) end def test_execute_with_type_translation_and_hash @db.results_as_hash = true @db.type_translation = true rows = [] @db.execute('SELECT 1') { |row| rows << row } assert_equal({"1"=>1}, rows.first) end def test_encoding assert @db.encoding, 'database has encoding' end def test_changes @db.execute("CREATE TABLE items (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, number integer)") assert_equal 0, @db.changes @db.execute("INSERT INTO items (number) VALUES (10)") assert_equal 1, @db.changes @db.execute_batch( "UPDATE items SET number = (number + :nn) WHERE (number = :n)", {"nn" => 20, "n" => 10}) assert_equal 1, @db.changes assert_equal [[30]], @db.execute("select number from items") end def test_batch_last_comment_is_processed # FIXME: nil as a successful return value is kinda dumb assert_nil @db.execute_batch <<-eosql CREATE TABLE items (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT); -- omg eosql end def test_execute_batch2 @db.results_as_hash = true return_value = @db.execute_batch2 <<-eosql CREATE TABLE items (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name string); INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ("foo"); INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ("bar"); SELECT * FROM items; eosql assert_equal return_value, [{"id"=>"1","name"=>"foo"}, {"id"=>"2", "name"=>"bar"}] return_value = @db.execute_batch2('SELECT * FROM items;') do |result| result["id"] = result["id"].to_i result end assert_equal return_value, [{"id"=>1,"name"=>"foo"}, {"id"=>2, "name"=>"bar"}] return_value = @db.execute_batch2('INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ("oof")') assert_equal return_value, [] return_value = @db.execute_batch2( 'CREATE TABLE employees (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name string, age integer(3)); INSERT INTO employees (age) VALUES (30); INSERT INTO employees (age) VALUES (40); INSERT INTO employees (age) VALUES (20); SELECT age FROM employees;') do |result| result["age"] = result["age"].to_i result end assert_equal return_value, [{"age"=>30}, {"age"=>40}, {"age"=>20}] return_value = @db.execute_batch2('SELECT name FROM employees'); assert_equal return_value, [{"name"=>nil}, {"name"=>nil}, {"name"=>nil}] @db.results_as_hash = false return_value = @db.execute_batch2( 'CREATE TABLE managers (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, age integer(3)); INSERT INTO managers (age) VALUES (50); INSERT INTO managers (age) VALUES (60); SELECT id, age from managers;') do |result| result = do |res| res.to_i end result end assert_equal return_value, [[1, 50], [2, 60]] assert_raises (RuntimeError) do # "names" is not a valid column @db.execute_batch2 'INSERT INTO items (names) VALUES ("bazz")' end end def test_new db =':memory:') assert db end def test_new_yields_self thing = nil':memory:') do |db| thing = db end assert_instance_of(SQLite3::Database, thing) end def test_new_with_options # determine if Ruby is running on Big Endian platform utf16 = ([1].pack("I") == [1].pack("N")) ? "UTF-16BE" : "UTF-16LE" if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" db =':memory:'.encode(utf16), :utf16 => true) else db =, 'UTF-8', ':memory:'), :utf16 => true) end assert db end def test_close db =':memory:') db.close assert db.closed? end def test_block_closes_self thing = nil':memory:') do |db| thing = db assert !thing.closed? end assert thing.closed? end def test_block_closes_self_even_raised thing = nil begin':memory:') do |db| thing = db raise end rescue end assert thing.closed? end def test_prepare db =':memory:') stmt = db.prepare('select "hello world"') assert_instance_of(SQLite3::Statement, stmt) end def test_block_prepare_does_not_double_close db =':memory:') r = db.prepare('select "hello world"') do |stmt| stmt.close :foo end assert_equal :foo, r end def test_total_changes db =':memory:') db.execute("create table foo ( a integer primary key, b text )") db.execute("insert into foo (b) values ('hello')") assert_equal 1, db.total_changes end def test_execute_returns_list_of_hash db =':memory:', :results_as_hash => true) db.execute("create table foo ( a integer primary key, b text )") db.execute("insert into foo (b) values ('hello')") rows = db.execute("select * from foo") assert_equal [{"a"=>1, "b"=>"hello"}], rows end def test_execute_yields_hash db =':memory:', :results_as_hash => true) db.execute("create table foo ( a integer primary key, b text )") db.execute("insert into foo (b) values ('hello')") db.execute("select * from foo") do |row| assert_equal({"a"=>1, "b"=>"hello"}, row) end end def test_table_info db =':memory:', :results_as_hash => true) db.execute("create table foo ( a integer primary key, b text )") info = [{ "name" => "a", "pk" => 1, "notnull" => 0, "type" => "integer", "dflt_value" => nil, "cid" => 0 }, { "name" => "b", "pk" => 0, "notnull" => 0, "type" => "text", "dflt_value" => nil, "cid" => 1 }] assert_equal info, db.table_info('foo') end def test_total_changes_closed db =':memory:') db.close assert_raise(SQLite3::Exception) do db.total_changes end end def test_trace_requires_opendb @db.close assert_raise(SQLite3::Exception) do @db.trace { |x| } end end def test_trace_with_block result = nil @db.trace { |sql| result = sql } @db.execute "select 'foo'" assert_equal "select 'foo'", result end def test_trace_with_object obj = { attr_accessor :result def call sql; @result = sql end }.new @db.trace(obj) @db.execute "select 'foo'" assert_equal "select 'foo'", obj.result end def test_trace_takes_nil @db.trace(nil) @db.execute "select 'foo'" end def test_last_insert_row_id_closed @db.close assert_raise(SQLite3::Exception) do @db.last_insert_row_id end end def test_define_function called_with = nil @db.define_function("hello") do |value| called_with = value end @db.execute("select hello(10)") assert_equal 10, called_with end def test_call_func_arg_type called_with = nil @db.define_function("hello") do |b, c, d| called_with = [b, c, d] nil end @db.execute("select hello(2.2, 'foo', NULL)") assert_in_delta(2.2, called_with[0], 0.0001) assert_equal("foo", called_with[1]) assert_nil(called_with[2]) end def test_define_varargs called_with = nil @db.define_function("hello") do |*args| called_with = args nil end @db.execute("select hello(2.2, 'foo', NULL)") assert_in_delta(2.2, called_with[0], 0.0001) assert_equal("foo", called_with[1]) assert_nil(called_with[2]) end def test_call_func_blob called_with = nil @db.define_function("hello") do |a, b| called_with = [a, b, a.length] nil end blob ="a\0fine\0kettle\0of\0fish") @db.execute("select hello(?, length(?))", [blob, blob]) assert_equal [blob, blob.length, 21], called_with end def test_function_return @db.define_function("hello") { |a| 10 } assert_equal [10], @db.execute("select hello('world')").first end def test_function_return_types [10, 2.2, nil, "foo","foo\0bar")].each do |thing| @db.define_function("hello") { |a| thing } assert_equal [thing], @db.execute("select hello('world')").first end end def test_function_gc_segfault @db.create_function("bug", -1) { |func, *values| func.result = values.join } # With a lot of data and a lot of threads, try to induce a GC segfault. params =, "?" * 28000) proc = { db.execute("select bug(#{, "?").join(",")})", params) } m = { { m.synchronize { } } }.each(&:join) end def test_function_return_type_round_trip [10, 2.2, nil, "foo","foo\0bar")].each do |thing| @db.define_function("hello") { |a| a } assert_equal [thing], @db.execute("select hello(hello(?))", [thing]).first end end def test_define_function_closed @db.close assert_raise(SQLite3::Exception) do @db.define_function('foo') { } end end def test_inerrupt_closed @db.close assert_raise(SQLite3::Exception) do @db.interrupt end end def test_define_aggregate @db.execute "create table foo ( a integer primary key, b text )" @db.execute "insert into foo ( b ) values ( 'foo' )" @db.execute "insert into foo ( b ) values ( 'bar' )" @db.execute "insert into foo ( b ) values ( 'baz' )" acc = { attr_reader :sum alias :finalize :sum def initialize @sum = 0 end def step a @sum += a end }.new @db.define_aggregator("accumulate", acc) value = @db.get_first_value( "select accumulate(a) from foo" ) assert_equal 6, value end def test_authorizer_ok @db.authorizer = { def call action, a, b, c, d; true end }.new @db.prepare("select 'fooooo'") @db.authorizer = { def call action, a, b, c, d; 0 end }.new @db.prepare("select 'fooooo'") end def test_authorizer_ignore @db.authorizer = { def call action, a, b, c, d; nil end }.new stmt = @db.prepare("select 'fooooo'") assert_nil stmt.step end def test_authorizer_fail @db.authorizer = { def call action, a, b, c, d; false end }.new assert_raises(SQLite3::AuthorizationException) do @db.prepare("select 'fooooo'") end end def test_remove_auth @db.authorizer = { def call action, a, b, c, d; false end }.new assert_raises(SQLite3::AuthorizationException) do @db.prepare("select 'fooooo'") end @db.authorizer = nil @db.prepare("select 'fooooo'") end def test_close_with_open_statements @db.prepare("select 'foo'") assert_raises(SQLite3::BusyException) do @db.close end end def test_execute_with_empty_bind_params assert_equal [['foo']], @db.execute("select 'foo'", []) end def test_query_with_named_bind_params assert_equal [['foo']], @db.query("select :n", {'n' => 'foo'}).to_a end def test_execute_with_named_bind_params assert_equal [['foo']], @db.execute("select :n", {'n' => 'foo'}) end def test_strict_mode unless">= 3.29.0").satisfied_by?( skip("strict mode feature not available in #{SQLite3::SQLITE_VERSION}") end db =':memory:') db.execute('create table numbers (val int);') db.execute('create index index_numbers_nope ON numbers ("nope");') # nothing raised db =':memory:', :strict => true) db.execute('create table numbers (val int);') error = assert_raises SQLite3::SQLException do db.execute('create index index_numbers_nope ON numbers ("nope");') end assert_includes error.message, "no such column: nope" end def test_load_extension_with_nonstring_argument db =':memory:') skip("extensions are not enabled") unless db.respond_to?(:load_extension) assert_raises(TypeError) { db.load_extension(1) } assert_raises(TypeError) { db.load_extension("")) } end end end