module Motion::Project class Sparkle def setup_ok? config_ok? certificates_ok? end def config_ok? check_base_url check_feed_url check_public_key end def check_base_url base_url_check = appcast.base_url.to_s if base_url_check.nil? or base_url_check.empty? "Sparkle :base_url missing. Use `release :base_url, ''` in your Rakefile's `app.sparkle` block" end true end def check_feed_url feed_url_check = @config.info_plist['SUFeedURL'] feed_filename_check = appcast.feed_filename if feed_url_check.nil? or feed_url_check.empty? or feed_filename_check.nil? or feed_filename_check.empty? "Sparkle :feed_filename is nil or blank. Please check your Rakefile." end true end def check_public_key public_key_check = @config.info_plist['SUPublicDSAKeyFile'].to_s if public_key_check.nil? or public_key_check.empty? "Sparkle :public_key is nil or blank. Please check your Rakefile." end true end def certificates_ok?(silence=false) unless File.exist?("./#{Sparkle::CONFIG_PATH}") if silence return false else "Missing `#{Sparkle::CONFIG_PATH}`. Run `rake sparkle:setup` to get started" end end unless File.exist?(private_key_path) if silence return false else "Missing `#{private_key_path}`. Please run `rake sparkle:setup_certificates` or check the docs to know where to put them." end end unless File.exist?(public_key_path) if silence return false else "Missing `#{public_key_path}`. Did you configure `release :public_key` correctly in the Rakefile? Advanced: recreate your public key with `rake sparkle:recreate_public_key`" end end true end def setup verify_installation create_sparkle_folder add_to_gitignore copy_templates if config_ok? "Sparkle", "Config found" else return false end silence = true if certificates_ok?(silence) "Sparkle", "Certificates found" else "Sparkle", "Certificates not found Please generate your private and public keys with `rake sparkle:setup_certificates` If you already have your certificates and only need to include them in the project, follow these steps: 1. Rename your private key to `./#{private_key_path}` 2. Place your public key in `./#{public_key_path}` 3. If you wish to use a different name or location for your public key within the resources dir, make sure you add `publish :public_key, 'folder/new_name.pem'` to the sparkle config in your Rakefile " return false end "Sparkle", "Setup OK. After `rake build:release`, you can now run `rake sparkle:package`." end end end