module Hashie module Extensions # IndifferentAccess gives you the ability to not care # whether your hash has string or symbol keys. Made famous # in Rails for accessing query and POST parameters, this # is a handy tool for making sure your hash has maximum # utility. # # One unique feature of this mixin is that it will recursively # inject itself into sub-hash instances without modifying # the actual class of the sub-hash. # # @example # class MyHash < Hash # include Hashie::Extensions::MergeInitializer # include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess # end # # h = => 'bar', 'baz' => 'blip') # h['foo'] # => 'bar' # h[:foo] # => 'bar' # h[:baz] # => 'blip' # h['baz'] # => 'blip' # module IndifferentAccess def self.included(base) base.class_eval do alias_method :regular_writer, :[]= alias_method :[]=, :indifferent_writer %w(default update fetch delete key? values_at).each do |m| alias_method "regular_#{m}", m alias_method m, "indifferent_#{m}" end end end # This will inject indifferent access into an instance of # a hash without modifying the actual class. This is what # allows IndifferentAccess to spread to sub-hashes. def self.inject!(hash) (class << hash; self; end).send :include, Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess hash.convert! end # Injects indifferent access into a duplicate of the hash # provided. See #inject! def self.inject(hash) inject!(hash.dup) end def convert_key(key) key.to_s end # Iterates through the keys and values, reconverting them to # their proper indifferent state. Used when IndifferentAccess # is injecting itself into member hashes. def convert! keys.each do |k| regular_writer convert_key(k), convert_value(self.regular_delete(k)) end self end def convert_value(value) if hash_lacking_indifference?(value) Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess.inject(value.dup) elsif value.is_a?(::Array) value.dup.replace( { |e| convert_value(e) }) else value end end def indifferent_default(key = nil) return self[convert_key(key)] if key?(key) regular_default(key) end def indifferent_update(other_hash) return regular_update(other_hash) if hash_with_indifference?(other_hash) other_hash.each_pair do |k,v| self[k] = v end end def indifferent_writer(key, value); regular_writer convert_key(key), convert_value(value) end def indifferent_fetch(key, *args); regular_fetch convert_key(key), *args end def indifferent_delete(key); regular_delete convert_key(key) end def indifferent_key?(key); regular_key? convert_key(key) end def indifferent_values_at(*indices);{|i| self[i] } end def indifferent_access?; true end protected def hash_lacking_indifference?(other) other.is_a?(::Hash) && !(other.respond_to?(:indifferent_access?) && other.indifferent_access?) end def hash_with_indifference?(other) other.is_a?(::Hash) && other.respond_to?(:indifferent_access?) && other.indifferent_access? end end end end