module Redlander class Node attr_reader :rdf_node # Create a RDF node. # Argument can be: # - an instance of URI - to create a RDF "resource", # - an instance of Node - to create a copy of the node, # - nil (or absent) - to create a "blank" node, # - an instance of Statement ("role" must be supplied then) - # to create a node from subject, predicate or object # (determined by "role" parameter) of the statement. # - any other Ruby object, which can be coerced into a literal. # If nothing else, a RedlandError is thrown. # # Note, that you cannot create a resource node from an URI string, # it must be an instance of URI. Otherwise it is treated as a string literal. def initialize(arg = nil, role = :subject) bound = false @rdf_node = case arg when NilClass Redland.librdf_new_node_from_blank_identifier(Redlander.rdf_world, nil) when URI Redland.librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(Redlander.rdf_world, arg.to_s) when Node Redland.librdf_new_node_from_node(arg.rdf_node) when Statement bound = true case role when :subject Redland.librdf_statement_get_subject(arg.rdf_statement) when :object Redland.librdf_statement_get_object(arg.rdf_statement) when :predicate Redland.librdf_statement_get_predicate(arg.rdf_statement) else raise"Invalid role specified") end else value = arg.respond_to?(:xmlschema) ? arg.xmlschema : arg.to_s datatype = Redland.librdf_new_node_from_typed_literal(Redlander.rdf_world, value, nil, datatype.rdf_uri) end if @rdf_node.null? raise"Failed to create a new node") unless bound else ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, proc { Redland.librdf_free_node(@rdf_node) }) # bound nodes cannot be added to (other) statements freeze if bound end end def resource? Redland.librdf_node_is_resource(@rdf_node) != 0 end # Return true if node is a literal. def literal? Redland.librdf_node_is_literal(@rdf_node) != 0 end # Return true if node is a blank node. def blank? Redland.librdf_node_is_blank(@rdf_node) != 0 end # Return the datatype URI of the node. # Returns nil if the node is not a literal, or has no datatype URI. def datatype if literal? end # Equivalency. Only works for comparing two Nodes. def eql?(other_node) Redland.librdf_node_equals(@rdf_node, other_node.rdf_node) != 0 end alias_method :==, :eql? def hash self.class.hash + to_s.hash end # Convert this node to a string (with a datatype suffix). def to_s Redland.librdf_node_to_string(@rdf_node) end # Value of the literal node as a Ruby object instance. def value if resource? URI.parse( else XmlSchema.instantiate(to_s) end end end end