0 "running" else "ready" end run_on = [] run_on << 'Sunday' if task["su"]=="on" run_on << 'Monday' if task["mo"]=="on" run_on << 'Tuesday' if task["tu"]=="on" run_on << 'Wednesday' if task["we"]=="on" run_on << 'Thursday' if task["th"]=="on" run_on << 'Friday' if task["fr"]=="on" run_on << 'Saturday' if task["sa"]=="on" if run_on.empty? run_on << "everyday" end if task["start_time"] and task["stop_time"] from_to = "from " + task["start_time"] + " to " + task["stop_time"] end color = Mutx::View.color(status) ?>


% if status=="running" % end
    % if running_results.size > 0
  •    Running {{running_results.size}} tasks % if max_number_of_execs_reached (Maximum no. of execution reached) % end
  • % end % unless max_number_of_execs_reached
  • % task_type = (task["type"] == "test") ? "tests" : "tasks" % form_url = "/#{task_type}/#{task["name"]}/run"
    % unless task["custom_params"].empty? % custom_template = Mote.parse(File.read("#{Mutx::View.path}/custom/params.mote"), self, [:custom_params]) {{custom_template.call(custom_params:task["custom_params"])}} % end

    % if task["cronneable"]=="on"
  • Run every {{task["cron_time"]}} minutes % unless run_on.empty?
    on: % run_on.each do |day| {{day}}  % end % end % if from_to
    {{from_to}} % end
  • % end % if task["notifications"]=="on"
  • Notification on {{task["notify_on"]}}
    Recipients: {{task["mail"]}}
    Subject: {{task["subject"]}}
  • % end % if task["information"]


    % end
  • % end
% if task["last_result"] # There is at least one result % if task["results"]["size"] > 0 All results({{task["results"]["size"]}}) % end % else   % end