class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base include TheComments::Comment # --------------------------------------------------- # Define comment's avatar url # Usually we use Comment#user (owner of comment) to define avatar # @blog.comments.includes(:user) <= use includes(:user) to decrease queries count # comment#user.avatar_url # --------------------------------------------------- # public # --------------------------------------------------- # Simple way to define avatar url # # def avatar_url # src = id.to_s # src = title unless title.blank? # src = contacts if !contacts.blank? && /@/ =~ contacts # hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(src) # "{hash}?s=42&d={hash}.png" # end # --------------------------------------------------- # private # --------------------------------------------------- # Define your content filters # gem 'RedCloth' # gem 'sanitize' # gem 'MySmilesProcessor' # # def prepare_content # text = self.raw_content # text = # text = # text = Sanitize.clean(text, Sanitize::Config::RELAXED) # self.content = text # end # --------------------------------------------------- end