# Chargebee Ruby Client Library - API V2 [![gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/chargebee.svg?maxAge=2592000)](https://rubygems.org/gems/chargebee) [![gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/dtv/chargebee.svg?maxAge=2592000)](https://rubygems.org/gems/chargebee) This is the Ruby Library for integrating with Chargebee. Sign up for a Chargebee account [here](https://www.chargebee.com). Chargebee now supports two API versions - [V1](https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/v1) and [V2](https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api), of which V2 is the latest release and all future developments will happen in V2. This library is for API version V2. If you’re looking for V1, head to [chargebee-v1 branch](https://github.com/chargebee/chargebee-ruby/tree/chargebee-v1). ## Installation Install the latest version of the gem with the following command... $ sudo gem install chargebee -v '~>2' ## Requirements * Ruby 1.9.3 or above. * rest-client ## Documentation See our [Ruby API Reference](https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api?lang=ruby "API Reference"). ## Usage ### To create a new subscription: ```ruby ChargeBee.configure({:api_key => "your_api_key" , :site => "your_site"}) result = ChargeBee::Subscription.create({ :id => "sub_KyVqDh__dev__NTn4VZZ1", :plan_id => "basic", }) subscription = result.subscription puts "created subscription is #{subscription}" ``` ### Create an Idempotent Request [Idempotency keys](https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/idempotency?prod_cat_ver=2) are passed along with request headers to allow a safe retry of POST requests. ```ruby require 'chargebee' ChargeBee.configure({:api_key => "your_api_key" , :site => "your_site"}) result = ChargeBee::Customer.create({ :first_name => "John", :last_name => "Doe", :email => "john@test.com", :locale => "fr-CA", :billing_address => { :first_name => "John", :last_name => "Doe", :line1 => "PO Box 9999", :city => "Walnut", :state => "California", :zip => "91789", :country => "US" } }, nil, {"chargebee-idempotency-key" => "<>"} # Replace <> with a unique string ) customer = result.customer card = result.card responseHeader = result.get_response_headers # Retrieves response headers puts(responseHeader) idempotencyReplayedValue = result.is_idempotency_replayed # Retrieves Idempotency replayed header value puts(idempotencyReplayedValue) ``` `is_idempotency_replayed` method can be accessed to differentiate between original and replayed requests. ## License See the LICENSE file.