require 'spec_helper' require 'ec2ssh/ec2_instances' describe 'aws-sdk compatibility' do let(:region) { 'us-west-1' } let(:root_device) { '/dev/xvda' } let!(:ec2_instances) do VCR.use_cassette('ec2-instances') do {'foo' => {'us-west-1' =>'access_key_id', 'secret_access_key')}}, [{ name: 'instance-state-name', values: ['running'] }] ).instances('foo') end end let(:ins) { ec2_instances.first } it { expect(ec2_instances.count).to be == 1 } it { expect(ins.tag('Name')).to match /.+/ } it { expect(ins.tag('Role')).to match /.+/ } it { expect(ins.tags).to match_array([have_attributes(key: 'Name', value: /.+/), have_attributes(key: 'Role', value: /.+/)]) } it { expect(ins.ami_launch_index).to be == 0 } it { expect(ins.architecture).to be == 'x86_64' } it do expect(ins.block_device_mappings).to match [ have_attributes( device_name: root_device, ebs: have_attributes( volume_id: /\Avol-\w+\z/, status: 'attached', attach_time: an_instance_of(Time), delete_on_termination: true ) )] end # it { expect(ins.capacity_reservation_id).to be_nil} # it { expect(ins.capacity_reservation_specification).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.classic_address).to be_a(Aws::EC2::ClassicAddress) } it { expect(ins.client).to be_a(Aws::EC2::Client) } it { expect(ins.client_token).to match /\A\w{18}\z/ } # it { expect(ins.cpu_options).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.ebs_optimized).to be_falsy } # it { expect(ins.elastic_gpu_associations).to be_nil } # it { expect(ins.elastic_inference_accelerator_associations).to be_nil } # it { expect(ins.ena_support).to be_falsy } # it { expect(ins.hibernation_options).to be_nil} it { expect(ins.hypervisor).to be == 'xen' } it { expect(ins.iam_instance_profile).to have_attributes(arn: /\Aarn:aws:iam::\d+:instance-profile\/[\w\-]+\z/, id: /\A\w{21}\z/) } it { expect( match /\Ai-\w+\z/ } it { expect(ins.identifiers).to match(id: /\Ai-\w+\z/) } it { expect(ins.image).to be_a(Aws::EC2::Image) } it { expect(ins.image_id).to match /\Aami-\w+\z/ } it { expect(ins.instance_id).to match /\Ai-\w+\z/ } it { expect(ins.instance_lifecycle).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.instance_type).to match /\A[trmci][1248]\.\w+\z/ } it { expect(ins.kernel_id).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.key_name).to match /\A.+\.pem\z/ } # it { expect(ins.key_pair).to be_a(Aws::EC2::KeyPairInfo) } it { expect(ins.launch_time).to be_a(Time) } # it { expect(ins.licenses).to all have_attributes(license_configuration_arn: '') } it { expect(ins.monitoring).to have_attributes(state: 'disabled') } it { expect(ins.network_interfaces).to all match(an_instance_of(Aws::EC2::NetworkInterface)) } it { expect(ins.placement).to have_attributes(availability_zone: /\A#{region}[a-c]\z/, group_name: '', tenancy: 'default') } it { expect(ins.placement_group).to be_a(Aws::EC2::PlacementGroup) } it { expect(ins.platform).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.private_dns_name).to match /\Aip-[\w\-]+\.#{region}\.compute\.internal\z/ } it { expect(ins.private_ip_address).to match /\A[\d\.]+\z/ } it { expect(ins.product_codes).to be == [] } it { expect(ins.public_dns_name).to match /\Aec2-[\w\-]+\.#{region}\.compute\.amazonaws\.com\z/ } it { expect(ins.public_ip_address).to match /\A[\d\.]+\z/ } it { expect(ins.ramdisk_id).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.root_device_name).to eq root_device } it { expect(ins.root_device_type).to be == 'ebs' } it do expect(ins.security_groups).to all have_attributes( group_id: /\Asg-\w+\z/, group_name: /\A.+\z/ ) end it { expect(ins.source_dest_check).to be true } it { expect(ins.spot_instance_request_id).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.sriov_net_support).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.state).to have_attributes(code: 16, name: 'running') } it { expect(ins.state_reason).to be_nil } it { expect(ins.state_transition_reason).to be == '' } it { expect(ins.subnet).to be_a(Aws::EC2::Subnet) } it { expect(ins.subnet_id).to match /\Asubnet-\w+\z/ } it { expect(ins.virtualization_type).to be == 'hvm' } it { expect(ins.vpc).to be_a(Aws::EC2::Vpc) } it { expect(ins.vpc_id).to match /\Avpc-\w+\z/ } end