QuoVadis.configure do |config| # The model we want to authenticate. config.model = '<%= model_name.pluralize.classify %>' # # Sign in # # The URL to redirect the user to after s/he signs in. # Use a proc if the URL depends on the user on controller. E.g.: # # config.signed_in_url = Proc.new do |user, controller| # user.admin? ? :admin : :root # end # # See also `:override_original_url`. config.signed_in_url = :root # Whether the `:signed_in_url` should override the URL the user was trying # to reach when they were made to authenticate. config.override_original_url = false # Code to run when the user has signed in. E.g.: # # config.signed_in_hook = Proc.new do |user, controller| # user.increment! :sign_in_count # assuming this attribute exists # end config.signed_in_hook = nil # Code to run when someone has tried but failed to sign in. E.g.: # # config.failed_sign_in_hook = Proc.new do |controller| # Rails.logger.info "Failed sign in from #{controller.request.remote_ip}" # end config.failed_sign_in_hook = nil # How long to remember user across browser sessions. # Set to nil to never remember user. config.remember_for = 2.weeks # The domain to use for remember-me cookies. config.cookie_domain = :all # Code to run to determine whether the sign-in process is blocked to the user. E.g.: # # config.blocked = Proc.new do |controller| # # Assuming a SignIn model with scopes for `failed`, `last_day`, `for_ip`. # SignIn.failed.last_day.for_ip(controller.request.remote_ip) >= 5 # end config.blocked = false # # Sign out # # The URL to redirect the user to after s/he signs out. # Use a proc if the URL depends on the controller. E.g.: # # config.signed_out_url = Proc.new do |controller| # controller.root_url(:subdomain => nil) # end config.signed_out_url = :root # Code to run just before the user has signed out. E.g.: # # config.signed_out_hook = Proc.new do |user, controller| # controller.session.reset # end config.signed_out_hook = nil # # Forgotten-password Mailer # # From whom the forgotten-password email should be sent. config.from = 'noreply@example.com' # Subject of the forgotten-password email. config.subject = 'Change your password' # # Miscellaneous # # Layout for the sign-in view. Pass a string or a symbol. config.layout = 'application' end