require "rack" require "tilt" class Rack::Response # 301 Moved Permanently # 302 Found # 303 See Other # 307 Temporary Redirect def redirect(target, status = 302) self.status = status self["Location"] = target end end module Cuba class Ron attr :env attr :req attr :res attr :captures def initialize(&blk) @blk = blk @captures = [] end def call(env) dup._call(env) end def _call(env) @env = env @req = @res = @matched = false catch(:ron_run_next_app) do instance_eval(&@blk) @res.status = 404 unless @matched || !@res.empty? return @res.finish end # @private Used internally by #render to cache the # Tilt templates. def _cache Thread.current[:_cache] ||= end private :_cache # Render any type of template file supported by Tilt. # # @example # # # Renders home, and is assumed to be HAML. # render("home.haml") # # # Renders with some local variables # render("home.haml", site_name: "My Site") # # # Renders with HAML options # render("home.haml", {}, ugly: true, format: :html5) # def render(template, locals = {}, options = {}) _cache.fetch(template, locals) {, 1, options) }.render(self, locals) end # Basic wrapper for using Rack session. def session @session ||= env['rack.session'] end # The heart of the path / verb / any condition matching. # # @example # # on get do # res.write "GET" # end # # on get, "signup" do # res.write "Signup # end # # on "user/:id" do |uid| # res.write "User: #{uid}" # end # # on "styles", extname("css") do |file| # res.write render("styles/#{file}.sass") # end # def on(*args, &block) # No use running any other matchers if we've already found a # proper matcher. return if @matched try do # For every block, we make sure to reset captures so that # nesting matchers won't mess with each other's captures. @captures = [] # We stop evaluation of this entire matcher unless # each and every `arg` defined for this matcher evaluates # to a non-false value. # # Short circuit examples: # on true, false do # # # PATH_INFO=/user # on true, "signup" return unless args.all? { |arg| match(arg) } # The captures we yield here were generated and assembled # by evaluating each of the `arg`s above. Most of these # are carried out by #consume. yield *captures # At this point, we've successfully matched with some corresponding # matcher, so we can skip all other matchers defined. @matched = true end end # @private Used internally by #on to ensure that SCRIPT_NAME and # PATH_INFO are reset to their proper values. def try script, path = env["SCRIPT_NAME"], env["PATH_INFO"] yield env["SCRIPT_NAME"], env["PATH_INFO"] = script, path ensure unless @matched env["SCRIPT_NAME"], env["PATH_INFO"] = script, path end end private :try def consume(pattern) return unless match = env["PATH_INFO"].match(/\A\/(#{pattern})(?:\/|\z)/) path, *vars = match.captures env["SCRIPT_NAME"] += "/#{path}" env["PATH_INFO"] = "/#{match.post_match}" captures.push(*vars) end private :consume def match(matcher, segment = "([\\.a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)") case matcher when String then consume(matcher.gsub(/:\w+/, segment)) when Regexp then consume(matcher) when Symbol then consume(segment) when Proc then else matcher end end # A matcher for files with a certain extname. # # @example # # PATH_INFO=/style/app.css # on "style", extname("css") do |file| # res.write file # writes app # end def extname(ext = "\\w+") lambda { consume("([^\\/]+?)\.#{ext}\\z") } end # Used to ensure that certain request parameters are present. Acts like a # precondition / assertion for your route. # # @example # # POST with data like user[fname]=John&user[lname]=Doe # on "signup", param("user") do |atts| # User.create(atts) # end def param(key, default = nil) lambda { captures << (req[key] || default) } end def header(key, default = nil) lambda { env["-","_")] || default } end # Useful for matching against the request host (i.e. HTTP_HOST). # # @example # on host(""), "api" do # res.write "You have reached the API of account1." # end def host(hostname) hostname === end # If you want to match against the HTTP_ACCEPT value. # # @example # # HTTP_ACCEPT=application/xml # on accept("application/xml") do # # automatically set to application/xml. # res.write res["Content-Type"] # end def accept(mimetype) lambda do env["HTTP_ACCEPT"].split(",").any? { |s| s.strip == mimetype } and res["Content-Type"] = mimetype end end # Syntactic sugar for providing catch-all matches. # # @example # on default do # res.write "404" # end def default true end # Syntatic sugar for providing HTTP Verb matching. # # @example # on get, "signup" do # end # # on post, "signup" do # end def get ; req.get? end def post ; end def put ; req.put? end def delete ; req.delete? end # If you want to halt the processing of an existing handler # and continue it via a different handler. # # @example # def redirect(*args) # run { on(default) { res.redirect(*args) }} # end # # on "account" do # redirect "/login" unless session["uid"] # # res.write "Super secure account info." # end def run(app) throw :ron_run_next_app, app end end end