require_relative 'global' require_relative 'runtime_utils' if Antrapol::ToolRack::RuntimeUtils.on_windows? # pty causing "function 'openpty' not found in msvcrt.dll" in some # windows platform. Due to patches? Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "On Windows. Not going to load gem 'pty'" else require 'pty' end require 'expect' require 'io/console' require 'teLogger' require 'open3' module Antrapol module ToolRack module ProcessUtils def exec(cmd, opts = { }, &block) type = opts[:exec_type] if not type.nil? instance(type, cmd, opts, &block) else instance(:basic, cmd, opts, &block) end end def instance(type, cmd, opts = { }, &block) case type when :basic Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "Basic execution" basic_exec(cmd, &block) when :system Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "System execution" system_exec(cmd, opts, &block) when :popen3 Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "Popen3 execution" popen3_exec(cmd, opts, &block) else Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "Basic (fallback) execution" # basic basic_exec(cmd, &block) end end private # backtick # backtick will only return at the end of the process. # If in the event there is a prompt to user, this should nto be used. def basic_exec(cmd, &block) Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "Basic shell exec command : #{cmd}" res = `#{cmd}` if block$?, res) else res end end # basic_shell_exec # system # System call link the stdout and stdin to the calling process and idea # to call mild interactive process def system_exec(cmd, opts = { }, &block) Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "System exec command : #{cmd}" system(cmd) $. end # system_exec #def popen_exec(cmd, opts = { }, &block) # puts "Cmd : #{cmd}" # IO.popen(cmd, "r+") do |io| # puts io.gets # puts io.gets # puts io.gets # end #end def popen3_exec(cmd, opts = { }, &block) Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "Popen3 exec command : #{cmd}" stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(cmd), { output: stdout, error: stderr, status: status }) end def pty_exec(cmd, opts = { }, &block) Antrapol::ToolRack::Logger.instance.glogger.debug "PTY exec command : #{cmd}" # pty seems error running on windows + jruby if Antrapol::ToolRack::RuntimeUtils.on_windows? raise Exception, "You're running on Windows. There have been report that error \"function 'openpty' not found in msvcrt.dll\". Probably due to patches. For now pty_exec() shall be halted" end logger = opts[:logger] || expect = opts[:expect] || { } bufSize = opts[:intBufSize] || 1024000 if bufSize != nil and bufSize.to_i > 0 else bufSize = 1024000 end logger.debug "Command : #{cmd}" PTY.spawn(cmd[0], *(cmd[1..-1])) do |pout,pin,pid| #, 'env TERM=ansi') do |stdout, stdin, pid| pin.sync = true begin loop do dat = [] loop do d = pout.sysread(bufSize) dat << d break if d.length < bufSize end #dat = dat.join("\r\n") if block, { data: dat, output: pout, input: pin }) end end rescue EOFError => ex logger.error "EOF : #{ex}" #clog "EOF reached. Waiting to kill process.", :debug, :os_cmd Process.wait(pid) #clog "Processed killed.", :debug, :os_cmd rescue Exception => ex logger.error ex.message logger.error ex.backtrace.join("\n") #clog ex.message, :error, :os_cmd #clog ex.backtrace.join("\n"), :error, :os_cmd end end # end PTY.spawn() method $?.exitstatus end # pty_exec end # module ProcessUtils class ProcessUtilsEngine extend ProcessUtils end end # module ToolRack end # module Antrapol