module GraphitiGraphQL module Federation module ResourceDSL class TypeProxy def initialize(caller, type_name) @caller = caller @type_name = type_name end def has_many(relationship_name, foreign_key: nil, magic: true, &blk) @caller.federated_has_many relationship_name, type: @type_name, foreign_key: foreign_key, magic: magic, &blk end end extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do # Sugar around federated_has_many def federated_type(type_name), type_name) end # Add to Graphiti::Resource config as normal # Helpful for inheritance + testing def federated_resources config[:federated_resources] ||= [] end # NB - for external use, use federated_type("Type").has_many instead # # * Add to the list of external graphql-ruby types we need in schema # * Add a readable and filterable FK, without clobbering pre-existing def federated_has_many(name, type:, magic: true, foreign_key: nil, &blk) foreign_key ||= :"#{type.underscore}_id" resource = federated_resources << resource resource.add_relationship(:has_many, name, self, foreign_key, &blk) return unless magic attribute = attributes.find { |name, config| name.to_sym == foreign_key && !!config[:readable] && !!config[:filterable] } has_filter = filters.key?(foreign_key) if !attribute && !has_filter attribute foreign_key, :integer, only: [:readable, :filterable], schema: false, readable: :gql?, filterable: :gql? elsif has_filter && !attribute prior = filters[foreign_key] attribute foreign_key, prior[:type], only: [:readable, :filterable], schema: false, readable: :gql? filters[foreign_key] = prior elsif attribute && !has_filter filter foreign_key, attribute[:type] end end # * Add to the list of external graphql-ruby types we need in schema # * Add a gql-specific attribute to the serializer that gives apollo # the representation it needs. def federated_belongs_to(name, type: nil, foreign_key: nil, foreign_type: nil) type ||= name.to_s.camelize foreign_key ||= :"#{name.to_s.underscore}_id" resource = federated_resources << resource resource.add_relationship(:belongs_to, name, self, foreign_key) foreign_type ||= :"#{name.to_s.underscore}_type" if resource.polymorphic? opts = {readable: :gql?, only: [:readable], schema: false} attribute name, :hash, opts do prc = self.class.attribute_blocks[foreign_key] fk = prc ? instance_eval(&prc) : @object.send(foreign_key) typename = type if resource.polymorphic? prc = self.class.attribute_blocks[foreign_type] ft = prc ? instance_eval(&prc) : @object.send(foreign_type) typename = type[ft] end if fk && typename.present? {__typename: typename, id: fk.to_s} end end end end # Certain attributes should only work in GQL context def gql? Graphiti.context[:graphql] end end end end