module RDF::N3::Algebra::Log ## # The object formula is NOT a subset of subject. True iff log:includes is false. The converse of log:includes. # (Understood natively by cwm. The subject formula may contain variables.) # # (In cwm, variables must of course end up getting bound before the log:include test can be done, or an infinite result set would result) # # Related: See includes class NotIncludes < Includes NAME = :logNotIncludes URI = RDF::N3::Log.notIncludes ## # Uses log:includes and returns a solution if log:includes fails # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to query # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional keyword options # @option options [RDF::Query::Solutions] solutions # optional initial solutions for chained queries # @return [RDF::Solutions] distinct solutions def execute(queryable, solutions:, **options) super.empty? ? RDF::Query::Solutions( : end end end