#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' describe "Domain name facts" do def resolv_conf_contains(*lines) file_handle = StringIO.new(lines.join("\n")) FileTest.stubs(:exists?).with("/etc/resolv.conf").returns(true) File.stubs(:open).with("/etc/resolv.conf").yields(file_handle) end [ { :kernel => "Linux", :hostname_command => "hostname -f 2> /dev/null" }, { :kernel => "SunOS", :hostname_command => "hostname 2> /dev/null" }, { :kernel => "Darwin", :hostname_command => "hostname -f 2> /dev/null" }, { :kernel => "FreeBSD", :hostname_command => "hostname -f 2> /dev/null" }, { :kernel => "HP-UX", :hostname_command => "hostname 2> /dev/null" }, ].each do |scenario| describe "on #{scenario[:kernel]}" do let(:hostname_command) { scenario[:hostname_command] } let(:dnsdomain_command) { "dnsdomainname 2> /dev/null" } def the_hostname_is(value) Facter::Core::Execution.stubs(:exec).with(hostname_command, {:on_fail => nil}).returns(value) end def the_dnsdomainname_is(value) Facter::Core::Execution.stubs(:exec).with(dnsdomain_command, {:on_fail => nil}).returns(value) end before do Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns(scenario[:kernel]) end it "should use the hostname binary" do the_hostname_is("test.example.com") Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == "example.com" end it "should fall back to the dnsdomainname binary" do the_hostname_is("myhost") the_dnsdomainname_is("example.com") Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == "example.com" end it "should fall back to /etc/resolv.conf" do the_hostname_is("myhost") the_dnsdomainname_is("") resolv_conf_contains("domain testing.com") Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == "testing.com" end describe "Top level domain" do it "should find the domain name" do the_hostname_is("ns01.tld") Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == "tld" end end describe "when using /etc/resolv.conf" do before do the_hostname_is("") the_dnsdomainname_is("") end it "should use the domain field over the search field" do resolv_conf_contains( "nameserver", "search example.org", "domain example.com" ) Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == 'example.com' end it "should fall back to the search field" do resolv_conf_contains( "nameserver", "search example.org" ) Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == 'example.org' end it "should use the first domain in the search field" do resolv_conf_contains("search example.org example.net") Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == 'example.org' end # Test permutations of domain and search, where 'domain' can be a value of # the search keyword and the domain keyword # and also where 'search' can be a value of the search keyword and the # domain keyword # For example, /etc/resolv.conf may look like: # domain domain # or # search search # or # domain search # # # Why someone would have their machines named 'www.domain' or 'www.search', I # don't know, but we'll at least handle it properly [ [["domain domain"], "domain"], [["domain search"], "search"], [["search domain"], "domain"], [["search search"], "search"], [["search domain notdomain"], "domain"], [["#search notdomain", "search search"], "search"], [["# search notdomain", "search search"], "search"], [["#domain notdomain", "domain domain"], "domain"], [["# domain notdomain", "domain domain"], "domain"], ].each do |tuple| conf = tuple[0] expect = tuple[1] it "should return #{expect} from \"#{conf}\"" do resolv_conf_contains(*conf) Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == expect end end end end end describe "on Windows" do before(:each) do Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("windows") require 'facter/util/registry' end describe "with primary dns suffix" do before(:each) do Facter::Util::Registry.stubs(:hklm_read).returns('baz.com') end it "should get the primary dns suffix" do Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == 'baz.com' end it "should not execute the wmi query" do require 'facter/util/wmi' Facter::Util::WMI.expects(:execquery).never Facter.fact(:domain).value end end describe "without primary dns suffix" do before(:each) do Facter::Util::Registry.stubs(:hklm_read).returns('') end def expects_dnsdomains(domains) nics = [] domains.each do |domain| nic = stubs 'nic' nic.stubs(:DNSDomain).returns(domain) nics << nic end require 'facter/util/wmi' Facter::Util::WMI.stubs(:execquery).with("select DNSDomain from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True").returns(nics) end it "uses the first DNSDomain" do expects_dnsdomains(['foo.com', 'bar.com']) Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == 'foo.com' end it "uses the first non-nil DNSDomain" do expects_dnsdomains([nil, 'bar.com']) Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == 'bar.com' end it "uses the first non-empty DNSDomain" do expects_dnsdomains(['', 'bar.com']) Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == 'bar.com' end context "without any network adapters with a specified DNSDomain" do let(:hostname_command) { 'hostname > NUL' } it "should return nil" do expects_dnsdomains([nil]) Facter::Core::Execution.stubs(:exec).with(hostname_command, {:on_fail => nil}).returns('sometest') FileTest.stubs(:exists?).with("/etc/resolv.conf").returns(false) Facter.fact(:domain).value.should be_nil end end end end describe "with trailing dots" do describe "on Windows" do before do Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("windows") require 'facter/util/registry' require 'facter/util/wmi' end [{:registry => 'testdomain.', :wmi => '', :expect => 'testdomain'}, {:registry => '', :wmi => 'testdomain.', :expect => 'testdomain'}, ].each do |scenario| describe "scenarios" do before(:each) do Facter::Util::Registry.stubs(:hklm_read).returns(scenario[:registry]) nic = stubs 'nic' nic.stubs(:DNSDomain).returns(scenario[:wmi]) Facter::Util::WMI.stubs(:execquery).with("select DNSDomain from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True").returns([nic]) end it "should return #{scenario[:expect]}" do Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == scenario[:expect] end it "should remove trailing dots" do Facter.fact(:domain).value.should_not =~ /\.$/ end end end end describe "on everything else" do before do Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("Linux") FileTest.stubs(:exists?).with("/etc/resolv.conf").returns(true) end [ { :scenario => 'when there is only a hostname', :hostname => 'host.testdomain.', :dnsdomainname => '', :resolve_domain => '', :resolve_search => '', :expect => 'testdomain' }, { :scenario => 'when there is only a domain name', :hostname => '', :dnsdomainname => 'testdomain.', :resolve_domain => '', :resolve_search => '', :expect => 'testdomain' }, { :scenario => 'when there is only a resolve domain', :hostname => '', :dnsdomainname => '', :resolve_domain => 'testdomain.', :resolve_search => '', :expect => 'testdomain' }, { :scenario => 'when there is only a resolve search', :hostname => '', :dnsdomainname => '', :resolve_domain => '', :resolve_search => 'testdomain.', :expect => 'testdomain' }, { :scenario => 'when there is no information available', :hostname => '', :dnsdomainname => '', :resolve_domain => '', :resolve_search => '', :expect => nil } ].each do |scenario| describe scenario[:scenario] do before(:each) do Facter::Core::Execution.stubs(:exec).with("hostname -f 2> /dev/null", {:on_fail => nil}).returns(scenario[:hostname]) Facter::Core::Execution.stubs(:exec).with("dnsdomainname 2> /dev/null", {:on_fail => nil}).returns(scenario[:dnsdomainname]) resolv_conf_contains( "search #{scenario[:resolve_search]}", "domain #{scenario[:resolve_domain]}" ) end it "should remove trailing dots" do Facter.fact(:domain).value.should_not =~ /\.$/ end it "should return #{scenario[:expect]}" do Facter.fact(:domain).value.should == scenario[:expect] end end end end end end