Workarea Package Products 3.4.1 (2020-04-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use patched HashUpdate for localized hash fields Fixes an infinite loop when installed with other plugins. Ben Crouse Workarea Package Products 3.3.1 (2019-04-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix pricing method being private This isn't private on the base `Storefront::ProductViewModel` so it shouldn't be private in this view model. PACKAGEPDP-58 Ben Crouse Workarea Package Products 3.3.0 (2019-03-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix reference to deprecated testing product template This was removed from base in v3.4 since we have some out of the box templates you can use now. Ben Crouse * Fix test for v3.4 insights changes Ben Crouse * Require Workarea 3.4 to fix testing dependency This plugin overrides a test needed in v3.4 that won't pass in earlier minors, so this should be enforced in the dependencies. Ben Crouse * Add via param for metrics tracking ECOMMERCE-6630 Ben Crouse * Add product-details__heading class for direct styling hook ECOMMERCE-6363 Curt Howard * Update for workarea v3.4 compatibility PACKAGEPDP-55 Matt Duffy Workarea Package Products 3.2.1 (2018-10-03) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Prevent Exception When Adding "Displayable When Out Of Stock" Product in Family to Cart Products using the `DisplayableWhenOutOfStock` policy which were not actually available to sell caused an exception when a user attempted to add them to cart. Workarea now prevents this error by ensuring that all order items passed into the `AddPackageToCart` command are actually in the order (since inventory checks may have removed items due to being out of stock) before rendering order items to the screen in the cart. PACKAGEPDP-50 Tom Scott * Compact filters in seeds If the products are created from other sample data where there isn't any color or size filters, the seeds would create a filter where the value was `[nil]`, breaking analytics seeds. PACKAGEPDP-53 Eric Pigeon * Fix JS linting ECOMMERCE-6125 Ben Crouse Workarea Package Products 3.2.0 (2018-05-24) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Update worflow view to link to new import page, setup for minor. PACKAGEPDP-52 Matt Duffy * Leverage Workarea Changelog task ECOMMERCE-5355 Curt Howard Workarea Package Products 3.1.4 (2018-02-20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add append point to alt images on package and family template * Allow plugins, such as product videos, to append alt images to the PDP PACKAGEPDP-47 Jake Beresford * Lock plugin down to Workarea v3.0.x PACKAGEPDP-43 Curt Howard * Remove duplicate IDs in add to cart dialog confirmation Fixes failing test PACKAGEPDP-38 Curt Howard Workarea Package Products 3.1.3 (2018-01-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add ids to fields to prevent duplicate ids, update template test for plugin friendliness PACKAGEPDP-45 Matt Duffy * Fix packaged generic product inline refresh When the generic product template refreshes itself upon a SKU change, it was replacing the `.product-details` element on the page with one that didn't include a `data-packaged-product-id`, thus causing the JS module that adds packaged products in a family to the cart to think that the item was not actually selected. We're now wrapping the `.product-details` for each packaged product with a `.packaged-product-details` element that includes the `data-packaged-product-id`, ensuring that the ID will always be on the page right after the checkbox. PACKAGEPDP-44 Tom Scott Workarea Package Products 3.1.2 (2017-10-03) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix pageview event firing for package products. The package product was being passed into the analytics helper for each product within the package. This caused the pageview event to be fired on the package product the same number of times as products within the package. Products within the package are now sending the appropriate product to the analytics helper PACKAGEPDP-28 Brian Berg Workarea Package Products 3.1.1 (2017-09-26) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Standardize plugin configuration PACKAGEPDP-41 Matt Duffy Workarea Package Products 3.1.0 (2017-09-15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix headings in package product create workflow PACKAGEPDP-39 Curt Howard * Remove duplicate IDs in add to cart dialog confirmation Fixes failing test PACKAGEPDP-38 Curt Howard * Remove product id from packages when packaged product is deleted PACKAGEPDP-36 Matt Duffy * Add logic to handle copying package products properly PACKAGEPDP-34 Matt Duffy Workarea Package Products 3.0.5 (2017-09-26) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Standardize plugin configuration PACKAGEPDP-41 Matt Duffy Workarea Package Products 3.0.4 (2017-09-06) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Remove product id from packages when packaged product is deleted PACKAGEPDP-36 Matt Duffy Workarea Package Products 3.0.3 (2017-06-08) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix missing translations PACKAGEPDP-33 Dave Barnow Workarea Package Products 3.0.2 (2017-05-26) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move seeds config to an initializer, seed after product data PACKAGEPDP-31 Dave Barnow Workarea Package Products 3.0.1 (2017-05-19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix broken base tests PACKAGEPDP-30 Ben Crouse * Adjust Admin::ProductViewModel#templates to not require a model PACKAGEPDP-27 Matt Duffy Workarea Package Products 3.0.0 (2017-05-04) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Update for workarea v3 compatiblity WebLinc Package Products 2.0.0 (2016-10-12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix package products indexing errors Package products are being saved in the admin with an empty string as one of the packaged product ids. This causes the indexing to break since there is a hard find in the product mapper for package products to grab all the packaged products by id. Add: Validation to clean up all blank entries in the packaged_product_ids field PACKAGEPDP-18 David Freiman * Restrict results for packaged products to exclude other package products. PACKAGEPDP-13 Matt Duffy * Add a note to Package Product's Active toggle PACKAGEPDP-3 Curt Howard * Ensure ordering of packaged products is consistent throughout app PACKAGEPDP-9 Matt Duffy * Isolate template types between standard and package products. PACKAGEPDP-10 Matt Duffy * Resolve issues with package product editing and display. PACKAGEPDP-4 fixes: PACKAGEPDP-5, PACKAGEPDP-7, PACKAGEPDP-8 Matt Duffy WebLinc Package Products 1.0.3 (2016-09-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix package products indexing errors Package products are being saved in the admin with an empty string as one of the packaged product ids. This causes the indexing to break since there is a hard find in the product mapper for package products to grab all the packaged products by id. Add: Validation to clean up all blank entries in the packaged_product_ids field PACKAGEPDP-18 David Freiman WebLinc Package Products 1.0.2 (2016-04-05) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WebLinc Package Products 1.0.1 (2016-03-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Namespace product decorator Product decorator is missing `with` keyword argument. Add the argument to properly namespace the decorator to the plugin. PACKAGEPDP-1 Chris Cressman WebLinc Package Products 1.0.0 (2016-01-13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * First release