require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper') class ConfigureTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase context 'Configure' do setup do # Stub the setup token method EspSdk::Configure.any_instance.expects(:token_setup).returns(nil).at_least_once @config ={email: '', token: 'token'}) end context '#initialize' do should 'set a default version of v1' do assert_equal 'v1', @config.version end end context '#uri' do should 'return the production URI when the environment is production' do EspSdk.expects(:production?).returns(true) assert_equal '', @config.uri end should 'return the release URI when the environment is release' do EspSdk.expects(:production?).returns(false) EspSdk.expects(:release?).returns(true) assert_equal '', @config.uri end should 'return the development URI when the environment is not release or production' do EspSdk.expects(:production?).returns(false) EspSdk.expects(:release?).returns(false) assert_equal '', @config.uri end end context '#token_setup' do setup { EspSdk::Configure.any_instance.unstub(:token_setup) } should 'should set the token and token and expires at' do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, /api\/v1\/token\/new/, :body => { authentication_token: 'token', token_expires_at: 1.hour.from_now }.to_json) @config.send(:token_setup, { password: 'password1234' }) assert_not_nil @config.token assert_not_nil @config.token_expires_at end end end end