# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) require 'fog' describe "Media" do before do @site = setup_site end after do ::Content.delete teardown_site end describe "Utility methods" do it "be able to sanitise filenames" do filename = "Something with-dodgy 'characters'.many.jpg" S::Media.to_filename(filename).must_equal "Something-with-dodgy-characters.many.jpg" end end describe "All media files" do it "know their mimetype" do file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.mimetype.must_equal "text/plain" file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.jpg") file.mimetype.must_equal "image/jpeg" file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.jpg", "text/html") file.mimetype.must_equal "text/html" end end describe "cloud media files" do before do Fog.mock! @bucket_name = "media.example.com" @aws_credentials = { :provider=>"AWS", :aws_secret_access_key=>"SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", :aws_access_key_id=>"ACCESS_KEY_ID", :public_host => "http://media.example.com" } @storage = Spontaneous::Storage::Cloud.new(@aws_credentials, 'media.example.com') @storage.backend.directories.create(:key => @bucket_name) @site.stubs(:storage).with(anything).returns(@storage) @content = ::Piece.create @content.stubs(:id).returns(99) Spontaneous::State.stubs(:revision).returns(853) end it "return an absolute path for the url" do file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.url.must_equal "http://media.example.com/00099/0853/file-name.txt" end it "create a new instance with a different name" do file1 = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file2 = file1.rename("another.jpg") file2.owner.must_equal file1.owner file2.mimetype.must_equal "image/jpeg" file2.url.must_equal "http://media.example.com/00099/0853/another.jpg" end it "be able to copy a file into place if passed the path of an existing file" do @storage.bucket.files.expects(:create).with{ |args| args[:key] == "00099/0853/file-name.txt" && args[:body].is_a?(File) && args[:public] == true } existing_file = File.expand_path("../../fixtures/images/rose.jpg", __FILE__) assert ::File.exist?(existing_file) file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.copy(existing_file) end it "be able to copy a file into place if passed the file handle of an existing file" do @storage.bucket.files.expects(:create).with{ |args| args[:key] == "00099/0853/file-name.txt" && args[:body].is_a?(File) && args[:public] == true } existing_file = File.expand_path("../../fixtures/images/rose.jpg", __FILE__) assert ::File.exist?(existing_file) file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") File.open(existing_file, 'rb') do |f| file.copy(f) end end it "provide an open method that writes files to the correct location" do @storage.bucket.files.expects(:create).with() { |args| args[:key] == "00099/0853/file-name.txt" && (args[:body].is_a?(File) || args[:body].is_a?(Tempfile)) && args[:public] == true } file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") content_string = "Hello" file.open do |f| f.write(content_string) end end end describe "Local media files" do before do @media_dir = Dir.mktmpdir @storage = Spontaneous::Storage::Local.new(@media_dir, '/media') @site.stubs(:storage).with(anything).returns(@storage) @content = ::Piece.create @content.stubs(:id).returns(99) Spontaneous::State.stubs(:revision).returns(853) end it "return an absolute path for the url" do file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.url.must_equal "/media/00099/0853/file-name.txt" end it "place files into its configured root" do file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.path.must_equal File.join(@media_dir, "/00099/0853/file-name.txt") end it "create a new instance with a different name" do file1 = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file2 = file1.rename("another.jpg") file2.owner.must_equal file1.owner file2.mimetype.must_equal "image/jpeg" file2.url.must_equal "/media/00099/0853/another.jpg" end it "be able to copy a file into place if passed the path of an existing file" do file_path = File.join(@media_dir, "/00099/0853/file-name.txt") existing_file = File.expand_path("../../fixtures/images/rose.jpg", __FILE__) refute ::File.exist?(file_path) assert ::File.exist?(existing_file) file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.copy(existing_file) assert ::File.exist?(file_path) file.source.must_equal existing_file end it "be able to copy a file into place if passed the handle of an existing file" do file_path = File.join(@media_dir, "/00099/0853/file-name.txt") existing_file = File.expand_path("../../fixtures/images/rose.jpg", __FILE__) refute ::File.exist?(file_path) assert ::File.exist?(existing_file) file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") File.open(existing_file, 'rb') do |f| file.copy(f) end assert ::File.exist?(file_path) file.source.must_equal existing_file end it "provide an open method that writes files to the correct location" do file_path = File.join(@media_dir, "/00099/0853/file-name.txt") refute ::File.exist?(file_path) file = Spontaneous::Media::File.new(@content, "file name.txt") content_string = "Hello" file.open do |f| f.write(content_string) end File.read(file_path).must_equal content_string end end describe "temporary media items" do before do # Setup cloud storage as default to ensure that the temp files # are bypassing this and being written locally Fog.mock! @bucket_name = "media.example.com" @aws_credentials = { :provider=>"AWS", :aws_secret_access_key=>"SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", :aws_access_key_id=>"ACCESS_KEY_ID", :public_host => "http://media.example.com" } cloud = Spontaneous::Storage::Cloud.new(@aws_credentials, 'media.example.com') cloud.backend.directories.create(:key => @bucket_name) @site.stubs(:storage).with(anything).returns(cloud) @media_dir = Dir.mktmpdir @storage = Spontaneous::Storage::Local.new(@media_dir, '/media') @site.stubs(:local_storage).with(anything).returns(@storage) @site.stubs(:default_storage).with(anything).returns(@storage) @content = ::Piece.create @content.stubs(:id).returns(99) end it "return an absolute path for the url" do file = Spontaneous::Media::TempFile.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.url.must_equal "/media/tmp/00099/file-name.txt" end it "place files into its configured root" do file = Spontaneous::Media::TempFile.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.path.must_equal File.join(@media_dir, "/tmp/00099/file-name.txt") end it "be able to copy a file into place if passed the path of an existing file" do file_path = File.join(@media_dir, "/tmp/00099/file-name.txt") existing_file = File.expand_path("../../fixtures/images/rose.jpg", __FILE__) refute ::File.exist?(file_path) assert ::File.exist?(existing_file) file = Spontaneous::Media::TempFile.new(@content, "file name.txt") file.copy(existing_file) assert ::File.exist?(file_path) file.source.must_equal existing_file end it "be able to copy a file into place if passed the handle of an existing file" do file_path = File.join(@media_dir, "/tmp/00099/file-name.txt") existing_file = File.expand_path("../../fixtures/images/rose.jpg", __FILE__) refute ::File.exist?(file_path) assert ::File.exist?(existing_file) file = Spontaneous::Media::TempFile.new(@content, "file name.txt") File.open(existing_file, 'rb') do |f| file.copy(f) end assert ::File.exist?(file_path) file.source.must_equal existing_file end it "provide an open method that writes files to the correct location" do file_path = File.join(@media_dir, "/tmp/00099/file-name.txt") refute ::File.exist?(file_path) file = Spontaneous::Media::TempFile.new(@content, "file name.txt") content_string = "Hello" file.open do |f| f.write(content_string) end File.read(file_path).must_equal content_string end end end