module AgnosticBackend module Indexable class << self attr_reader :includers def indexable_class(index_name) includers.find { |klass| klass.index_name == index_name } end end def self.included(base) @includers ||= [] @includers << base if @includers.none?{|klass| ==} base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def create_index AgnosticBackend::Indexable::Config.create_index_for(self) end def create_indices(include_primary: true) AgnosticBackend::Indexable::Config.create_indices_for(self, include_primary: include_primary) end # establishes the convention for determining the index name from the class name def index_name(source=nil) (source.nil? ? name : source.to_s).split('::').last.underscore.pluralize end def _index_content_managers @__index_content_managers ||= {} end def index_content_manager(index_name) _index_content_managers[index_name.to_s] end def _index_root_notifiers @__index_root_notifiers ||= {} end def index_root_notifier(index_name) _index_root_notifiers[index_name.to_s] end def schema(for_index: nil, &block) index_name = for_index.nil? ? self.index_name : for_index manager = index_content_manager(index_name) raise "Index #{index_name} has not been defined for #{name}" if manager.nil? kv_pairs = do |field_name, field| schema = if field.type.nested? { |klass| klass.schema(for_index: index_name, &block) }.reduce(&:merge) elsif block_given? yield field.type else field.type.type end [field_name, schema] end Hash[kv_pairs] end # specifies which fields should be indexed for a given index_name # also sets up the manager for the specified index_name def define_index_fields(owner: nil, &block) return unless block_given? _index_content_managers[index_name(owner)] ||= _index_content_managers[index_name(owner)].add_definitions &block unless instance_methods(false).include? :_index_content_managers define_method(:_index_content_managers) { self.class._index_content_managers } end end # specifies who should be notified when this object is saved def define_index_notifier(target: nil, &block) return unless block_given? _index_root_notifiers[index_name(target)] = block unless instance_methods(false).include? :_index_root_notifiers define_method(:_index_root_notifiers) { self.class._index_root_notifiers } end end end module InstanceMethods def index_name(source=nil) self.class.index_name(source) end def generate_document(for_index: nil, observer: nil) index_name = for_index.nil? ? self.index_name : for_index.to_s return unless respond_to? :_index_content_managers manager = _index_content_managers[index_name.to_s] raise "Index #{index_name} does not exist" if manager.nil? observer ||= manager.extract_contents_from self, index_name, observer: observer end def put_to_index(index_name=nil) indexable_class = index_name.nil? ? self.class : AgnosticBackend::Indexable.indexable_class(index_name) do |index| indexer = index.indexer indexer.put(self) end end def index_object(index_name) put_to_index(index_name) end private def trigger_index_notification return unless respond_to? :_index_root_notifiers _index_root_notifiers.each do |index_name, block| obj = instance_eval &block obj = [obj] unless obj.respond_to? :each obj.each { |o| o.index_object(index_name) if o.present? } end end end end end