module ForemanVirtWhoConfigure class ConfigsController < ::ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::ApplicationController include Foreman::Controller::AutoCompleteSearch include ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Concerns::ConfigParameters if >= '1.13' before_action :find_resource, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy, :show, :deploy_script] # in 1.11 we can't use welcome from application controller since it does not work with namespaces def welcome scope = apply_organization_filter(model_of_controller) if scope.first.nil? @welcome = true render :action => :welcome end end def index if respond_to?(:resource_base_search_and_page) @configs = resource_base_search_and_page else base = resource_base.search_for(params[:search], :order => params[:order]) @configs = base.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => params[:per_page]) end @configs = apply_organization_filter(@configs) end def new @config = if params.key?(:organization_id) @config.organization = Organization.authorized(:view_organizations).where(:id => params[:organization_id]).first end @config.hypervisor_type ||= Config::HYPERVISOR_DEFAULT_TYPE @config.organization ||= Organization.current @config.satellite_url ||= URI.parse(Setting[:foreman_url]).host end def create @config = if process_success :success_redirect => foreman_virt_who_configure_config_path(@config) else render 'new' end end def show end def edit end def update if @config.update_attributes(config_params) process_success :object => @config else process_error :object => @config end end def destroy if @config.destroy process_success :object => @config else process_error :object => @config end end def deploy_script send_data @config.virt_who_bash_script, :filename => "deploy_virt_who_config_#{}.sh", :type => 'text/x-shellscript', :disposition => :attachment end def auto_complete_controller_name 'foreman_virt_who_configure_configs' end def controller_name 'foreman_virt_who_configure_configs' end # compatibility layer for 1.11 - pre strong params patch def config_params if defined?(super) super else params[:foreman_virt_who_configure_config] end end def controller_permission 'virt_who_config' end private def apply_organization_filter(scope) scope.for_organization(Organization.current) end def resource_scope(*args) apply_organization_filter(super) end # equivalent to which was added after 1.11 # define_action_permission ['deploy_script'], :view def action_permission case params[:action] when 'deploy_script' :view else super end end end end