# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helpers')) describe 'groovyc compiler' do it 'should identify itself from groovy source directories' do write 'src/main/groovy/some/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello Groovy"' write 'src/test/groovy/some/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello Groovy"' define('foo') do compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) test.compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) end end it 'should identify if groovy sources are found on java directories' do write 'src/main/java/some/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello Groovy"' write 'src/test/java/some/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello Groovy"' define('foo') do compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) test.compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) end end it 'should identify itself even if groovy and java sources are found' do write 'src/main/java/some/Empty.java', 'package some; public interface Empty {}' write 'src/main/groovy/some/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello Groovy"' write 'src/test/java/some/Empty.java', 'package some; public interface Empty {}' write 'src/test/groovy/some/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello Groovy"' define('foo') do compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) test.compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) end end it 'should identify from custom layout' do write 'groovy/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello world"' write 'testing/Hello.groovy', 'println "Hello world"' custom = Layout.new custom[:source, :main, :groovy] = 'groovy' custom[:source, :test, :groovy] = 'testing' define 'foo', :layout=>custom do compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) test.compile.compiler.should eql(:groovyc) end end it 'should identify from compile source directories' do write 'src/com/example/Code.groovy', 'println "monkey code"' write 'testing/com/example/Test.groovy', 'println "some test"' define 'foo' do lambda { compile.from 'src' }.should change { compile.compiler }.to(:groovyc) lambda { test.compile.from 'testing' }.should change { test.compile.compiler }.to(:groovyc) end end it 'should report the multi-language as :groovy, :java' do define('foo').compile.using(:groovyc).language.should == :groovy end it 'should set the target directory to target/classes' do define 'foo' do lambda { compile.using(:groovyc) }.should change { compile.target.to_s }.to(File.expand_path('target/classes')) end end it 'should not override existing target directory' do define 'foo' do compile.into('classes') lambda { compile.using(:groovyc) }.should_not change { compile.target } end end it 'should not change existing list of sources' do define 'foo' do compile.from('sources') lambda { compile.using(:groovyc) }.should_not change { compile.sources } end end it 'should compile groovy sources' do write 'src/main/groovy/some/Example.groovy', 'package some; class Example { static main(args) { println "Hello" } }' define('foo').compile.invoke file('target/classes/some/Example.class').should exist end it 'should compile test groovy sources that rely on junit' do write 'src/main/groovy/some/Example.groovy', 'package some; class Example { static main(args) { println "Hello" } }' write 'src/test/groovy/some/ExampleTest.groovy', "package some\n import junit.framework.TestCase\n class ExampleTest extends TestCase { public testHello() { println \"Hello\" } }" foo = define('foo') do test.using :junit end foo.test.compile.invoke file('target/classes/some/Example.class').should exist file('target/test/classes/some/ExampleTest.class').should exist end it 'should include as classpath dependency' do write 'src/bar/groovy/some/Foo.groovy', 'package some; interface Foo {}' write 'src/main/groovy/some/Example.groovy', 'package some; class Example implements Foo { }' define('bar', :version => '1.0') do compile.from('src/bar/groovy').into('target/bar') package(:jar) end lambda { define('foo').compile.with(project('bar').package(:jar)).invoke }.should run_task('foo:compile') file('target/classes/some/Example.class').should exist end it 'should cross compile java sources' do write 'src/main/java/some/Foo.java', 'package some; public interface Foo { public void hello(); }' write 'src/main/java/some/Baz.java', 'package some; public class Baz extends Bar { }' write 'src/main/groovy/some/Bar.groovy', 'package some; class Bar implements Foo { def void hello() { } }' define('foo').compile.invoke %w{Foo Bar Baz}.each { |f| file("target/classes/some/#{f}.class").should exist } end it 'should cross compile test java sources' do write 'src/test/java/some/Foo.java', 'package some; public interface Foo { public void hello(); }' write 'src/test/java/some/Baz.java', 'package some; public class Baz extends Bar { }' write 'src/test/groovy/some/Bar.groovy', 'package some; class Bar implements Foo { def void hello() { } }' define('foo').test.compile.invoke %w{Foo Bar Baz}.each { |f| file("target/test/classes/some/#{f}.class").should exist } end it 'should package classes into a jar file' do write 'src/main/groovy/some/Example.groovy', 'package some; class Example { }' define('foo', :version => '1.0').package.invoke file('target/foo-1.0.jar').should exist Zip::File.open(project('foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| jar.exist?('some/Example.class').should be_true end end end describe 'groovyc compiler options' do def groovyc(&prc) define('foo') do compile.using(:groovyc) @compiler = compile.instance_eval { @compiler } class << @compiler public :groovyc_options, :javac_options end if block_given? instance_eval(&prc) else return compile end end project('foo').compile end it 'should set warning option to false by default' do groovyc do compile.options.warnings.should be_false @compiler.javac_options[:nowarn].should be_true end end it 'should set warning option to true when running with --verbose option' do verbose true groovyc do compile.options.warnings.should be_true @compiler.javac_options[:nowarn].should be_false end end it 'should not set verbose option by default' do groovyc.options.verbose.should be_false end it 'should set verbose option when running with --trace=groovyc option' do Buildr.application.options.trace_categories = [:groovyc] groovyc.options.verbose.should be_true end it 'should set debug option to false based on Buildr.options' do Buildr.options.debug = false groovyc.options.debug.should be_false end it 'should set debug option to false based on debug environment variable' do ENV['debug'] = 'no' groovyc.options.debug.should be_false end it 'should set debug option to false based on DEBUG environment variable' do ENV['DEBUG'] = 'no' groovyc.options.debug.should be_false end it 'should set deprecation option to false by default' do groovyc.options.deprecation.should be_false end it 'should use deprecation argument when deprecation is true' do groovyc do compile.using(:deprecation=>true) compile.options.deprecation.should be_true @compiler.javac_options[:deprecation].should be_true end end it 'should not use deprecation argument when deprecation is false' do groovyc do compile.using(:deprecation=>false) compile.options.deprecation.should be_false @compiler.javac_options[:deprecation].should_not be_true end end it 'should set optimise option to false by default' do groovyc.options.optimise.should be_false end it 'should use optimize argument when deprecation is true' do groovyc do compile.using(:optimise=>true) @compiler.javac_options[:optimize].should be_true end end it 'should not use optimize argument when deprecation is false' do groovyc do compile.using(:optimise=>false) @compiler.javac_options[:optimize].should be_false end end after do Buildr.options.debug = nil ENV.delete "debug" ENV.delete "DEBUG" end end