#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # Find version version_file_path = File.expand_path('~/.nanoc-select-version') if !File.exist?(version_file_path) version = 3 else version = File.read(version_file_path).to_i end # Determine nanoc executable name VERSION_MAP = { 2 => 'nanoc2', 3 => 'nanoc3' } name = VERSION_MAP[version] if name.nil? $stderr.puts "Unsupported nanoc version number: #{version}. Supported versions: #{VERSION_MAP.keys.join(', ')}." exit 1 end # Run nanoc begin exec name, *ARGV rescue Errno::ENOENT $stderr.puts "Could not execute #{name}, which is your selected nanoc version. Make sure that #{name} is installed and that it is in your $PATH." $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "* To install #{name}, run `gem install #{name}`." $stderr.puts "* To select a different version of nanoc, run `nanoc-select`." exit 1 end