# Copyright (c) 2022 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details.
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'set'
require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/source_validation/source_validation'
require 'contrast/components/logger'
require 'contrast/utils/object_share'
require 'contrast/utils/sha256_builder'
require 'contrast/utils/assess/source_method_utils'
require 'contrast/agent/assess/events/event_data'

module Contrast
  module Agent
    module Assess
      module Policy
        # This class controls the actions we take on Sources, as determined by our Assess policy. It indicates what
        # actions we should take in order to mark data as User Input and treat it as untrusted, starting the dataflows
        # used in Assess vulnerability detection.
        module SourceMethod
          extend Contrast::Components::Logger::InstanceMethods
          extend Contrast::Utils::Assess::SourceMethodUtils

          HEADER_TYPE        = 'HEADER'
          COOKIE_TYPE        = 'COOKIE'

          class << self
            # This is called from within our woven proc. It will be called as if it were inline in the Rack application.
            # @param method_policy [Contrast::Agent::Patching::Policy::MethodPolicy] the policy that applies to the
            #   method being called
            # @param object [Object] the Object on which the method was invoked
            # @param ret [Object] the Return of the invoked method
            # @param args [Array<Object>] the Arguments with which the method was invoked
            # @return [Object, nil] the tracked Return or nil if no changes were made
            def source_patchers method_policy, object, ret, args
              return unless analyze?(method_policy, object, ret, args)
              return unless (source_node = method_policy.source_node)

              # used to hold the object and ret
              source_data = Contrast::Agent::Assess::Events::EventData.new(nil, nil, object, ret, nil)
              return unless (target = determine_target(source_node, source_data, args))

              return_val = nil
              if target.cs__frozen? && !Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.trackable?(target)
                return unless ::Contrast::ASSESS.track_frozen_sources?
                return unless source_node.targets[0] == Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::RETURN_KEY
                return unless (dup = safe_dup(source_data.ret))
                return unless Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.trackable?(dup)

                return_val = dup.cs__freeze
                target = dup

              apply_source(source_node, target, source_data, source_node.type, nil, *args)

            Contrast::Components::Logger.add_trace_log_timing_for(SourceMethod, :source_patchers)


            # This is our method that actually taints the object our source_node targets.
            # @param source_node [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::SourceNode] the node to direct applying this source
            #   event
            # @param target [Object] the target of the Source Event
            # @param source_data [Contrast::Agent::Asssess::Events::EventData] used to hold object and ret
            # @param source_type [String] the type of this source, from the source_node, or a KEY_TYPE if invoked for a
            #   map
            # @param source_name [String, nil] the name of this source, i.e. the key used to accessed if from a map or
            #   nil if a type like BODY
            # @param args [Array<Object>] the Arguments with which the method was invoked
            def apply_source source_node, target, source_data, source_type, source_name = nil, *args
              context = Contrast::Agent::REQUEST_TRACKER.current
              return unless context && source_node && target

              source_name ||= determine_source_name(source_node, source_data.object, source_data.ret, *args)
              # We know we only work on certain things.
              # Skip if this isn't one of them
              if Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.trackable?(target)
                apply_tags(source_node, target, source_data, source_type, source_name, *args)
              elsif Contrast::Utils::DuckUtils.iterable_hash?(target)
                apply_hash_tags(source_node, target, source_data, source_type, *args)
                # While we don't taint arrays themselves, we may taint the things they hold. Let's pass their keys and
                # values back to ourselves and try again
              elsif Contrast::Utils::DuckUtils.iterable_enumerable?(target)
                target.each do |value|
                  apply_source(source_node, value, source_data, source_type, source_name, *args)
            rescue StandardError => e
              logger.warn('Unable to apply source', e, node_id: source_node.id)

            # While we don't taint hashes themselves, we may taint the things they hold. Let's pass their keys and
            # values back to ourselves and try again
            # @param source_node [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::SourceNode] the node to direct applying this source
            #   event
            # @param target [Object] the target of the Source Event
            # @param source_data [Contrast::Agent::Asssess::Events::EventData] used to hold object and ret
            # @param source_type [String] the type of this source, from the source_node, or a KEY_TYPE if invoked for a
            #   map
            # @param args [Array<Object>] the Arguments with which the method was invoked
            def apply_hash_tags source_node, target, source_data, source_type, *args
              to_replace = []
              target.each_pair do |key, value|
                # We only do this for Strings b/c of the way Hash lookup works. To replace another object would break
                # hash lookup and, therefore, the application
                if replace_hash_key?(key, target)
                  key = key.dup
                  to_replace << key
                apply_source(source_node, key, source_data, key_type(source_type), key, *args)
                apply_source(source_node, value, source_data, source_type, key, *args)
              handle_hash_key(target, to_replace)

            # Given an unfrozen hash, if the key is a String, we should replace it with one that we can finalize,
            # allowing us to track that key. This method handles checking if that replace can and should occur.
            # @param key [Object] the key in the hash that may need replacing.
            # @param hash [Hash] the hash to which the key belongs.
            # @return [Boolean] whether replace the key in the hash or not.
            def replace_hash_key? key, hash
              ::Contrast::ASSESS.track_frozen_sources? &&
                  !hash.cs__frozen? &&
                  key.is_a?(String) &&

            # Hash is designed to keep one instance of the string key in it. We need to remove the existing one and
            # replace it with our new tracked one.
            def handle_hash_key target, to_replace
              to_replace.each do |key|
                value = target.delete(key)
                target[key] = value

            # @param source_node [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::SourceNode] the node to direct applying this source
            #   event
            # @param target [Object] the target of the Source Event
            # @param source_data [Contrast::Agent::Asssess::Events::EventData] used to hold object and ret
            # @param source_type [String] the type of this source, from the source_node, or a KEY_TYPE if invoked for a
            #   map
            # @param source_name [String, nil] the name of this source, i.e. the key used to accessed if from a map or
            #   nil if a type like BODY
            # @param args [Array<Object>] the Arguments with which the method was invoked
            def apply_tags source_node, target, source_data, source_type, source_name, *args
              # don't apply tags if we can't track the thing
              return unless Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.trackable?(target)
              # don't apply second source -- probably needs tuning later if we use more than 'UNTRUSTED' in our sources
              return if Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.tracked?(target)
              return unless (properties = Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.properties!(target))

              # otherwise for each tag this source_node applies, create a tag range on the target object. I realize
              # this looping is counter-intuitive from the above message, that's why we're revisiting.
              source_node.tags.each do |tag|
                next unless Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::SourceValidation.valid?(tag, source_type, source_name)

                length = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.ret_length(target)
                properties.add_tag(tag, 0...length)
                logger.trace('Source detected', node_id: source_node.id, target_id: target.__id__, tag: tag)
              # make a representation of this method that TeamServer can render
              event_data = Contrast::Agent::Assess::Events::EventData.new(source_node,
              properties.build_event(event_data, source_type, source_name)

            # Find the literal target of the propagation
            # @param source_node [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::SourceNode] the node to direct applying this source
            #   event
            # @param source_data [Contrast::Agent::Asssess::Events::EventData] used to hold object and ret
            # @param args [Array<Object>] the Arguments with which the method was invoked
            # @return [Object] the target to which this source event applies
            def determine_target source_node, source_data, args
              source_target = source_node.targets[0]
              case source_target
              when Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::RETURN_KEY
              when Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::OBJECT_KEY

            # Simple helper method to flip the type from value to key when the source is the key of a Hash
            # @param source_type [String] the original value source type
            # @return [String] the key form of the source type, if one exists, else the original source type
            def key_type source_type
              case source_type
              when PARAMETER_TYPE
              when HEADER_TYPE
              when COOKIE_TYPE