image:["Gem Version", link=""] image:["Build Status", link=""] // image:["Code Climate", link=""] image:["Pull Requests", link=""] image:["Commits since latest",link=""] = asciimath2unitsml Convert Units expressions via MathML to UnitsML This gem converts MathML incorporating UnitsML expressions (based on the Ascii representation provided by NIST) into MathML complying with[], with UnitsML markup embedded in it, and with unique identifiers for each distinct unit, prefix, and dimension. Dimensions are automatically inserted corresponding to each unit. Units expressions are identified in MathML as `<mtext>unitsml(...)</mtext>`, which in turn can be identified in AsciiMath as `"unitsml(...)"`. The consuming document is meant to deduplicate the instances of UnitsML markup with the same identifier, and potentially remove them to elsewhere in the document or another document. == Notation The `unitsml()` expression consists of a unit string. The units used in `unitsml()` are taken from the UnitsDB database as updated by Ribose:[]. Units are given as an ASCII based code, consisting of multiplication or division of single units, each of which is defined as a Prefix (taken from[]), unit (taken from[]), and exponent; e.g. `mm*s^-2`. The conventions used for writing units are: * `^` for exponents, e.g. `m^-2` * `*` to combine two units by multiplication; e.g. `m*s^-2`. * `/` to combine two units by division; * `u` for μ (micro-) For more on units notation, see <<units_notation,Units Notation>>. The `unitsml()` can take additional optional parameters, giving further information for the UnitsML to be generated: * `unitsml(unit-string, quantity: ID)` provides the UnitsDB identifier for the quantity being measured (taken from[]). For example, `unitsml(s, quantity: NISTq109)` indicates that the second is used to measure period duration. If a single quantity is associated with the unit in UnitsDB (as given in[]), that quantity is added automatically; otherwise, no quantity is added unless explicitly nominated in this way. * `unitsml(unit-string, name: NAME)` provides a name for the unit, if one is not already available from UnitsDB. For example, `unitsml(cal_th/cm^2, name: langley)`. * `unitsml(unit-string, symbol: SYMBOL)` provides an alternate symbol for the unit, in AsciiMath. The unit-string gives the canonical representation of the unit, but SYMBOL is what will be rendered. For example, `unitsml(cal_th/cm^2, name: langley, symbol: La)`, or `unitsml(mm*s^-2, symbol: mm cdot s^-2)`. (All variables in SYMBOL are rendered upright, as is the default for units.) * `unitsml(unit-string, multiplier: SYMBOL)` provides an alternate symbol for the multiliper of units. The options are an XML entity, or the values `space` or `nospace` (for which see discussion under _Usage_). Standalone prefixes can be recognised by replacing the unit with hyphen; so `unitsml(p-)` corresponds to the standalone prefix "pico" (and is rendered as "p"). The gem also supports fundamental units, e.g. `unitsml(e)` for the atomic unit of charge, _e_, and symbols for dimensions. The latter are entered as `dim_XXX`, where `XXX` is their established symbol: |=== |Symbol | Dimension |dim_L | Length |dim_M | Mass |dim_T | Time |dim_I | Electric Current |dim_Theta | Thermodynamic Temperature |dim_N | Amount of Substance |dim_J | Luminous Intensity |dim_phi | Plane Angle (dimensionless) |=== e.g. `unitsml(dim_I)` for the dimension of electric current, 𝖨. == Rendering The output of the gem is MathML, with MathML unit expressions (expressed as `<mi>`, complying with[MathML Units]) cross-referenced to UnitsML definitions embedded in the MathML. The gem follows the MathML Units convention of inserting a spacing invisible times operator (`<mo rspace='thickmathspace'>⁢</mo>`) between any numbers (`<mn>`) and unit expressions in MathML, and representing units in MathML as non-italic variables (`<mi mathvariant='normal'>`). Space is not inserted between a number and a unit expression, when that unit expression wholly consists of punctuation: _1 m_, _1 °C_, but _9° 7′ 22″_. == Example [source] ---- 9 "unitsml(C^3*A)" ---- is converted into: [source,xml] ---- <math xmlns=''> <mrow> <mn>9</mn> <mo rspace='thickmathspace'>⁢</mo> <mrow xref='U_C3.A'> <msup> <mrow> <mi mathvariant='normal'>C</mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> </mrow> </msup> <mo>·</mo> <mi mathvariant='normal'>A</mi> </mrow> <Unit xmlns='' xml:id='U_C3.A' dimensionURL='#D_T3I4'> <UnitSystem name='SI' type='SI_derived' xml:lang='en-US'/> <UnitName xml:lang='en'>C^3*A</UnitName> <UnitSymbol type='HTML'>C<sup>3</sup> · A</UnitSymbol> <UnitSymbol type='MathML'> <math xmlns=''> <mrow> <msup> <mrow> <mi mathvariant='normal'>C</mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> </mrow> </msup> <mo>·</mo> <mi mathvariant='normal'>A</mi> </mrow> </math> </UnitSymbol> <RootUnits> <EnumeratedRootUnit unit='coulomb' powerNumerator='3'/> <EnumeratedRootUnit unit='ampere'/> </RootUnits> </Unit> <Dimension xmlns='' xml:id='D_T3I4'> <Time symbol='T' powerNumerator='3'/> <ElectricCurrent symbol='I' powerNumerator='4'/> </Dimension> </mrow> </math> ---- == Usage The converter is run as: [source,ruby] ---- c = c.Asciimath2UnitsML('1 "unitsml(mm*s^-2)"') # AsciiMath string containing UnitsML c.MathML2UnitsML("<math xmlns=''><mn>7</mn>"\ "<mtext>unitsml(kg^-2)</mtext></math>") # AsciiMath string containing <mtext>unitsml()</mtext> c.MathML2UnitsML(Nokogiri::XML("<math xmlns=''><mn>7</mn>"\ "<mtext>unitsml(kg^-2)</mtext></math>")) # Nokogiri parse of MathML document containing <mtext>unitsml()</mtext> ---- The converter class may be initialised with options: * `multiplier` is the symbol used to represent the multiplication of units. By default, following MathML Units, the symbol is middle dot (`·`). An arbitrary UTF-8 string can be supplied instead; it will be encoded as XML entities. The value `:space` is rendered as a spacing invisible times in MathML (`<mo rspace='thickmathspace'>⁢</mo>`), and as a non-breaking space in HTML. The value `:nospace` is rendered as a non-spacing invisible times in MathML (`<mo>⁢</mo>`), and is not rendered in HTML. [[units_notation]] == Units Notation The units used in `unitsml()` are taken from the UnitsDB database as updated by Ribose:[]. Units are given as an ASCII based code, consisting of multiplication or division of single units, each of which is defined as a Prefix (taken from[]), unit (taken from[]), and exponent; e.g. `mm*s^-2`. In case of ambiguity, the interpretation with no prefix is prioritised over the interpretation as a unit; so `ct` is interpreted as _hundredweight_, rather than _centi-ton_. Exceptionally, `kg` is decomposed into kilo-gram rather than treated as a basic unit, for consistency with other prefixes of grams. (Prefixed units appear in UnitsDB, and are indicated as `prefixed: true`.) A unit may have multiple symbols; these are registered separately in[units.yaml], as entries under `unit_symbols`. These different symbols will be recognised as the same Unit in the UnitsML markup, but the original symbol will be retained in the MathML expression. So an expression like `1 unitsml(mL)` will be recognised as referring to microlitres; the expression will be given under its canonical rendering `ml` in UnitsML markup, but the MathML rendering referencing that UnitsML expression will keep the notation `mL`. The symbols used for units can be highly ambiguous; in order to guarantee accurate parsing, the symbols used to data enter units are unambiguous in[units.yaml]. They may be found as the entries for `unit_symbols/id` under each unit. For example, `B` is ambiguous between _bel_ (as in decibel) and _byte_; they are kept unambiguous by using `bel_B` and `byte_B` to refer to them, although they will still both be rendered as `B`. The following table is the current list of ambiguous symbols, which are disambiguated in the symbol ids used. This table can be generated (in Asciidoc format) through ``: [cols="7*"] |=== |Symbol | Unit + ID | | | | | | ′ | minute (minute of arc): `'` | foot: `'_ft` | minute: `'_min` | minute (minute of arc): `prime` | foot: `prime_ft` | minute: `prime_min` | ″ | second (second of arc): `"` | second: `"_s` | inch: `"_in` | second (second of arc): `dprime` | second: `dprime_s` | inch: `dprime_in` | ″Hg | conventional inch of mercury: `"Hg` | conventional inch of mercury: `dprime_Hg` | inch of mercury (32 degF): `"Hg_32degF` | inch of mercury (60 degF): `"Hg_60degF` | inch of mercury (32 degF): `dprime_Hg_32degF` | inch of mercury (60 degF): `dprime_Hg_60degF` | hp | horsepower: `hp` | horsepower (UK): `hp_UK` | horsepower, water: `hp_water` | horsepower, metric: `hp_metric` | horsepower, boiler: `hp_boiler` | horsepower, electric: `hp_electric` | Btu | British thermal unit_IT: `Btu` | British thermal unit (mean): `Btu_mean` | British thermal unit (39 degF): `Btu_39degF` | British thermal unit (59 degF): `Btu_59degF` | British thermal unit (60 degF): `Btu_60degF` | | a | are: `a` | year (365 days): `a_year` | year, tropical: `a_tropical_year` | year, sidereal: `a_sidereal_year` | | | d | day: `d` | darcy: `darcy` | day, sidereal: `d_sidereal` | | | | inHg | conventional inch of mercury: `inHg` | inch of mercury (32 degF): `inHg_32degF` | inch of mercury (60 degF): `inHg_60degF` | | | | inH~2~O | conventional inch of water: `inH_2O` | inch of water (39.2 degF): `inH_2O_39degF` | inch of water (60 degF): `inH_2O_60degF` | | | | min | minute: `min` | minim: `minim` | minute, sidereal: `min_sidereal` | | | | pc | parsec: `pc` | pica (printer's): `pica_printer` | pica (computer): `pica_computer` | | | | t | metric ton: `t` | long ton: `ton_long` | short ton: `ton_short` | | | | B | bel: `bel_B` | byte: `byte_B` | | | | | cmHg | conventional centimeter of mercury: `cmHg` | centimeter of mercury (0 degC): `cmHg_0degC` | | | | | cmH~2~O | conventional centimeter of water: `cmH_2O` | centimeter of water (4 degC): `cmH_2O_4degC` | | | | | cup | cup (US): `cup` | cup (FDA): `cup_label` | | | | | D | debye: `D` | darcy: `Darcy` | | | | | ft | foot: `ft` | foot (based on US survey foot): `ft_US_survey` | | | | | ftH~2~O | conventional foot of water: `ftH_2O` | foot of water (39.2 degF): `ftH_2O_39degF` | | | | | gi | gill (US): `gi` | gill [Canadian and UK (Imperial)]: `gi_imperial` | | | | | h | hour: `h` | hour, sidereal: `h_sidereal` | | | | | ′Hg | conventional foot of mercury: `'Hg` | conventional foot of mercury: `prime_Hg` | | | | | __ħ__ | natural unit of action: `h-bar` | atomic unit of action: `h-bar_atomic` | | | | | __m__~e~ | natural unit of mass: `m_e` | atomic unit of mass: `m_e_atomic` | | | | | in | inch: `in` | inch (based on US survey foot): `in_US_survey` | | | | | K | kelvin: `K` | kayser: `kayser` | | | | | L | liter: `L` | lambert: `Lambert` | | | | | lb | pound (avoirdupois): `lb` | pound (troy or apothecary): `lb_troy` | | | | | mi | mile: `mi` | mile (based on US survey foot): `mi_US_survey` | | | | | mil | mil (length): `mil` | angular mil (NATO): `mil_nato` | | | | | oz | ounce (avoirdupois): `oz` | ounce (troy or apothecary): `oz_troy` | | | | | pt | point (printer's): `pt_printer` | point (computer): `pt_computer` | | | | | rad | radian: `rad` | rad (absorbed dose): `rad_radiation` | | | | | s | second: `s` | second, sidereal: `s_sidereal` | | | | | tbsp | tablespoon: `tbsp` | tablespoon (FDA): `tbsp_label` | | | | | ton | ton of TNT (energy equivalent): `ton_TNT` | ton of refrigeration (12 000 Btu_IT/h): `ton_refrigeration` | | | | | tsp | teaspoon: `tsp` | teaspoon (FDA): `tsp_label` | | | | | yd | yard: `yd` | yard (based on US survey foot): `yd_US_survey` | | | | | ° | degree (degree of arc): `deg` | | | | | | γ | gamma: `gamma` | | | | | | μ | micron: `micron` | | | | | | Ω | ohm: `Ohm` | | | | | | Å | angstrom: `Aring` | | | | | | ħ | natural unit of action in eV s: `h-bar_eV_s` | | | | | | abΩ | abohm: `abohm` | | | | | | (abΩ)^-1^ | abmho: `abS` | | | | | | aW | abwatt: `aW (Cardelli)` | | | | | | b | barn: `barn` | | | | | | Btu~th~ | British thermal unit_th: `Btu_th` | | | | | | °C | degree Celsius: `degC` | | | | | | cal~IT~ | I.T. calorie: `cal_IT` | | | | | | cal~th~ | thermochemical calorie: `cal_th` | | | | | | °F | degree Fahrenheit: `degF` | | | | | | __a__~0~ | atomic unit of length: `a_0` | | | | | | __c__ | natural unit of velocity: `c` | | | | | | __c__~0~ | natural unit of velocity: `c_0` | | | | | | __e__ | atomic unit of charge: `e` | | | | | | __E__~h~ | atomic unit of energy: `e_h` | | | | | | μin | microinch: `uin` | | | | | | °K | kelvin: `degK` | | | | | | kcal~IT~ | kilocalorie_IT: `kcal_IT` | | | | | | kcal~th~ | kilocalorie_th: `kcal_th` | | | | | | mmH~2~O | conventional millimeter of water: `mmH_2O` | | | | | | °R | degree Rankine: `degR` | | | | | | ƛ~C~ | natural unit of length: `lambda-bar_C` | | | | | |===