== 2016-07-22 version 0.7.32 DON'T USE THIS VERSION UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS! This version is for migration v07 to v0.8.48. * Use PerfectQueue v0.8.48's timeout model (#41) == 2014-10-08 version 0.7.31 * Upgraded sequal v3.48.0 == 2014-04-24 version 0.7.30 * RDBBackend: fixed NoMethodError for @url == 2014-04-24 version 0.7.29 * RDBBackend: add MySQL's SSL support == 2014-02-18 version 0.7.28 * RDBBackend: wrap blob data in Sequel::SQL::Blob == 2013-06-16 version 0.7.27 * RDBBackend: #issue should not ignore erros excepting duplicate entry error == 2013-06-14 version 0.7.26 * RDBBackend: #issue should not ignore erros excepting duplicate entry error == 2012-09-19 version 0.7.25 * removed depenedency on aws-sdk which is optional == 2012-08-10 version 0.7.24 * Kill running task if an unexpected error occured during extending timeout == 2012-08-03 version 0.7.23 * Use free slot ratio instead of free slot amount to decide task priorities == 2012-07-19 version 0.7.22 * Fixed RDBBackend SQL == 2012-07-19 version 0.7.21 * Added max_running column for fair resource restriction == 2012-01-24 version 0.7.20 * Fixed MonitorThread == 2012-01-24 version 0.7.19 * Don't stop MonitorThread while shutting down == 2012-01-15 version 0.7.18 * Fixed expiration logic == 2012-01-10 version 0.7.17 * RDBBackend: disabled connection keepalive == 2012-01-10 version 0.7.16 * RDBBackend: sleep 0.5 before retrying failed transaction by deadlock * RDBBackend: release the row lock acquired by SELECT .. FOR UPDATE before retrying it == 2012-01-10 version 0.7.15 * RDBBackend: Fixed locking routines to work with possibility of deadlocks == 2012-01-08 version 0.7.14 * Re-enabled order of the tasks * RDBBackend: Fixed table locking routine == 2011-12-18 version 0.7.13 * Don't guarantee the order of the tasks to improve performance == 2011-12-18 version 0.7.12 * Added -D, --delete-wait option == 2011-12-18 version 0.7.11 * Optimized a SQL of RDBBackend == 2011-12-17 version 0.7.8, 0.7.9, 0.7.10 * Supports resource limit == 2011-12-08 version 0.7.7 * RDBBackend doesn't create table automatically * Fix nil errors == 2011-12-06 version 0.7.6 * NullBackend always returns success == 2011-12-04 version 0.7.5 * Added NullBackend * RDBBackend considers URLs begin with jdbc::mysql * Reduced MAX_SELECT_ROW from 32 to 4 to reduce backend load * SimpleDBBackend#list ignores finished task == 2011-11-02 version 0.7.3 * Disables logger's buffering * Fixed time format in --list message == 2011-09-16 version 0.7.2 * Supported --env argument == 2011-08-31 version 0.7.1 * Fixed kill behavior * Supported to read multiple configuration files * Optimized --list subcommand == 2011-08-31 version 0.7.0 * Backend uses logical delete instead of deleting tasks when task is finished or canceled. It surely raises error when duplicated job id is submitted. == 2011-08-25 version 0.6.1 * Supports SimpleDB Backend == 2011-08-23 version 0.6.0 * First release