# frozen_string_literal: true require "graphql/relay/mutation/instrumentation" require "graphql/relay/mutation/resolve" require "graphql/relay/mutation/result" module GraphQL module Relay # Define a Relay mutation: # - give it a name (used for derived inputs & outputs) # - declare its inputs # - declare its outputs # - declare the mutation procedure # # `resolve` should return a hash with a key for each of the `return_field`s # # Inputs may also contain a `clientMutationId` # # @example Updating the name of an item # UpdateNameMutation = GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do # name "UpdateName" # # input_field :name, !types.String # input_field :itemId, !types.ID # # return_field :item, ItemType # # resolve ->(inputs, ctx) { # item = Item.find_by_id(inputs[:id]) # item.update(name: inputs[:name]) # {item: item} # } # end # # MutationType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do # # The mutation object exposes a field: # field :updateName, field: UpdateNameMutation.field # end # # # Then query it: # query_string = %| # mutation updateName { # updateName(input: {itemId: 1, name: "new name", clientMutationId: "1234"}) { # item { name } # clientMutationId # }| # # GraphQL::Query.new(MySchema, query_string).result # # {"data" => { # # "updateName" => { # # "item" => { "name" => "new name"}, # # "clientMutationId" => "1234" # # } # # }} # # @example Using a GraphQL::Function # class UpdateAttributes < GraphQL::Function # attr_reader :model, :return_as, :arguments # # def initialize(model:, return_as:, attributes:) # @model = model # @arguments = {} # attributes.each do |name, type| # arg_name = name.to_s # @arguments[arg_name] = GraphQL::Argument.define(name: arg_name, type: type) # end # @arguments["id"] = GraphQL::Argument.define(name: "id", type: !GraphQL::ID_TYPE) # @return_as = return_as # @attributes = attributes # end # # def type # fn = self # GraphQL::ObjectType.define do # name "Update#{fn.model.name}AttributesResponse" # field :clientMutationId, types.ID # field fn.return_as.keys[0], fn.return_as.values[0] # end # end # # def call(obj, args, ctx) # record = @model.find(args[:inputs][:id]) # new_values = {} # @attributes.each { |a| new_values[a] = args[a] } # record.update(new_values) # { @return_as => record } # end # end # # UpdateNameMutation = GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do # name "UpdateName" # function UpdateAttributes.new(model: Item, return_as: { item: ItemType }, attributes: {name: !types.String}) # end class Mutation include GraphQL::Define::InstanceDefinable accepts_definitions( :name, :description, :resolve, :return_type, :return_interfaces, input_field: GraphQL::Define::AssignArgument, return_field: GraphQL::Define::AssignObjectField, function: GraphQL::Define::AssignMutationFunction, ) attr_accessor :name, :description, :fields, :arguments, :return_type, :return_interfaces ensure_defined( :input_fields, :return_fields, :name, :description, :fields, :arguments, :return_type, :return_interfaces, :resolve=, :field, :result_class, :input_type ) # For backwards compat, but do we need this separate API? alias :return_fields :fields alias :input_fields :arguments def initialize @fields = {} @arguments = {} @has_generated_return_type = false end def has_generated_return_type? # Trigger the generation of the return type, if it is dynamically generated: return_type @has_generated_return_type end def resolve=(new_resolve_proc) @resolve_proc = new_resolve_proc end def field @field ||= begin relay_mutation = self field_resolve_proc = @resolve_proc GraphQL::Field.define do type(relay_mutation.return_type) description(relay_mutation.description) argument :input, !relay_mutation.input_type resolve(field_resolve_proc) mutation(relay_mutation) end end end def return_interfaces @return_interfaces ||= [] end def return_type @return_type ||= begin @has_generated_return_type = true relay_mutation = self GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name("#{relay_mutation.name}Payload") description("Autogenerated return type of #{relay_mutation.name}") field :clientMutationId, types.String, "A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.", property: :client_mutation_id interfaces relay_mutation.return_interfaces relay_mutation.return_fields.each do |name, field_obj| field name, field: field_obj end mutation(relay_mutation) end end end def input_type @input_type ||= begin relay_mutation = self input_object_type = GraphQL::InputObjectType.define do name("#{relay_mutation.name}Input") description("Autogenerated input type of #{relay_mutation.name}") input_field :clientMutationId, types.String, "A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation." mutation(relay_mutation) end input_fields.each do |name, arg| input_object_type.arguments[name] = arg end input_object_type end end def result_class @result_class ||= Result.define_subclass(self) end end end end