b0VIM 7.4GW/}danok~dan/dev/gems/whirly/spec/whirly_spec.rbutf-8 3210#"! Utp-ad -k}|: ~ t l f e K  a O G F   v X W  n Z R ,   end end endend end end end end end refute_predicendend end end refutend end end refuend end endend end end refute_predicate Whirly, :enabled? Whirly.stop Whirly.start it "returns false if whirly was stopped" do end Whirly.stop assert_predicate Whirly, :enabled? Whirly.start it "returns true if whirly was started, but not yet stopped" do end refute_predicate Whirly, :enabled? it "returns false if whirly was not started yet" do describe ".enabled?" do end end end Whirly.stop sleep 0.1 Whirly.start(spinner: spinner, non_tty: true) assert_output /frame/ do spinner = { "proc" => ->(){ "frame" }, "interval" => 10 } it "calls spinner proc instead of frames if proc is given" do end end Whirly.stop sleep 0.1 Whirly.start(spinner: spinner, non_tty: true) assert_output /first.*second.*third/m do spinner = { "frames" => ["first", "second", "third"], "interval" => 10 } it "outputs every frame of the spinner" do describe "usage" dodescribe Whirly dorequire "minitest/autorun"require_relative "../lib/whirly"