require 'macroape' require 'yaml' module Macroape module CLI module ScanCollection def self.main(argv) help_string = %q{ Command-line format: ruby scan_collection.rb [options] or in linux cat | ruby scan_collection.rb .stdin [options] or on windows type | ruby scan_collection.rb .stdin [options] Options: [-p ] [-c ] or [--all], '-c 0.05' by default [--precise []], off by default, '--precise 0.01' if level is not set [--silent] - don't show current progress information during scan (by default this information's written into stderr) Output format: * [in case that result calculated on the second pass(in precise mode)] Attention! Name can contain whitespace characters. Attention! The shift and orientation are reported for the collection matrix relative to the query matrix. Example: ruby scan_collection.rb motifs/KLF4.pat collection.yaml -p 0.005 or in linux cat motifs/KLF4.pat | ruby scan_collection.rb .stdin collection.yaml -p 0.005 --precise 0.03 } if argv.empty? || ['-h', '--h', '-help', '--help'].any?{|help_option| argv.include?(help_option)} STDERR.puts help_string exit end data_model = argv.delete('--pcm') ? Bioinform::PCM : Bioinform::PWM filename = argv.shift collection_file = argv.shift raise "No input. You'd specify input source for pat: filename or .stdin" unless filename raise "No input. You'd specify input file with collection" unless collection_file raise "Collection file #{collection_file} doesn't exist" unless File.exist?(collection_file) pvalue = 0.0005 cutoff = 0.05 # minimal similarity to output collection = YAML.load_file(collection_file) background_query = collection.background max_hash_size = 1000000 max_pair_hash_size = 1000 silent = false precision_mode = :rough until argv.empty? case argv.shift when '-bq' background_query = argv.shift(4).map(&:to_f) raise 'background should be symmetric: p(A)=p(T) and p(G) = p(C)' unless background_query == background_query.reverse when '-p' pvalue = argv.shift.to_f when '-m' max_hash_size = argv.shift.to_i when '-md' max_pair_hash_size = argv.shift.to_i when '-c' cutoff = argv.shift.to_f when '--all' cutoff = 0.0 when '--silent' silent = true when '--precise' precision_mode = :precise begin Float(argv.first) minimal_similarity = argv.shift.to_f rescue minimal_similarity = 0.05 end end end raise "Thresholds for pvalue #{pvalue} aren't presented in collection (#{collection.pvalues.join(', ')}). Use one of listed pvalues or recalculate the collection with needed pvalue" unless collection.pvalues.include? pvalue if filename == '.stdin' query_input = $ else raise "Error! File #{filename} doesn't exist" unless File.exist?(filename) query_input = end query_pwm = query_pwm.background(background_query).max_hash_size(max_hash_size) query_pwm_rough = query_pwm.discrete(collection.rough_discretization) query_pwm_precise = query_pwm.discrete(collection.precise_discretization) query_threshold_rough = query_pwm_rough.threshold(pvalue) query_threshold_precise = query_pwm_precise.threshold(pvalue) similarities = {} precision_file_mode = {} collection.pwms.each_key do |name| pwm = collection.pwms[name] pwm.background(collection.background).max_hash_size(max_hash_size) pwm_rough = pwm.discrete(collection.rough_discretization) pwm_precise = pwm.discrete(collection.precise_discretization) pwm_info = collection.infos[name] pwm_threshold_rough = pwm_info[:rough][pvalue] * collection.rough_discretization pwm_threshold_precise = pwm_info[:precise][pvalue] * collection.precise_discretization STDERR.puts unless silent cmp =, pwm_rough).max_hash_size(max_pair_hash_size) info = cmp.jaccard(query_threshold_rough, pwm_threshold_rough) precision_file_mode[name] = :rough if precision_mode == :precise and info[:similarity] >= minimal_similarity cmp =, pwm_precise).max_hash_size(max_pair_hash_size) info = cmp.jaccard(query_threshold_precise, pwm_threshold_precise) precision_file_mode[name] = :precise end similarities[name] = info end puts "#pwm\tsimilarity\tshift\toverlap\torientation" similarities.sort_by do |name, info| info[:similarity] end.reverse.each do |name, info| precision_text = (precision_file_mode[name] == :precise) ? "\t*" : "" puts "#{name}\t#{info[:similarity]}\t#{info[:shift]}\t#{info[:overlap]}\t#{info[:orientation]}#{precision_text}" if info[:similarity] >= cutoff end rescue => err STDERR.puts "\n#{err}\n#{err.backtrace.first(5).join("\n")}\n\nUse -help option for help\n" end end end end