module PowerStencil module CommandProcessors class Build include Climatic::Script::UnimplementedProcessor include Climatic::Proxy include PowerStencil::Project::Proxy include PowerStencil::CommandProcessors::EntityHelper def execute if config[:'supported-builds'] do |_, klass| klass.respond_to?(:buildable?) and klass.buildable? end .each do |entity_type, entity_class| builder = entity_class.buildable_by.empty? ? "'#{}'" : "plugin '#{entity_class.buildable_by}'" source_provider = entity_class.entity_type_source_provider source_provider_display = if source_provider == PowerStencil "'#{}'" elsif source_provider == project "project '#{}'" elsif source_provider.is_a? PowerStencil::Plugins::Base "plugin '#{}'" else raise PowerStencil::Error, "Unidentified source provider for #{entity_class} !" end puts " - '#{entity_type}' (buildable by #{builder} and provided by #{source_provider_display})." end return end if config.command_line_layer.extra_parameters.empty? raise PowerStencil::Error, 'Please specify something to build' end if config[:'build-tag'] raise PowerStencil::Error, "Invalid tag name '#{config[:'build-tag']}'" if config[:'build-tag'].include? '/' raise PowerStencil::Error, "Cannot tag a build under Windows" if end targets = targets_from_criteria analyse_extra_params, project.engine.root_universe raise PowerStencil::Error, 'No valid entity specified' if targets.empty? targets, fail_on_error: config[:'fail-on-error'], parallelized: config[:parallelized] project.engine.last_build_report.each do |entity_full_name, entity_report| if entity_report == ['Ok'] puts " - '#{entity_full_name}' has been correctly built" else puts_and_logs " - Failed to build '#{entity_full_name}' because #{entity_report.join}", logs_as: :error, check_verbose: false end end end end end end