module Irwi::Helpers::WikiPagesHelper include Irwi::Support::TemplateFinder include Irwi::Helpers::WikiPageAttachmentsHelper # Edit form for wiki page model def wiki_page_form( config = {}, &block ) form_for( @page, { :as => :page, :url => url_for( :action => :update ), :html=> { :class => 'wiki_form', :method => :post } }.merge!( config ), &block ) end def wiki_page_new_path if params && params[:path].present? page = CGI::escape(params[:path]) end wiki_page_path( page, :new ) end def wiki_page_edit_path( page = nil ) wiki_page_path( page, :edit ) end def wiki_page_history_path( page = nil ) wiki_page_path( page, :history ) end def wiki_page_compare_path( page = nil ) wiki_page_path( page, :compare ) end def wiki_page_path( page = nil, action = :show ) if page page = page.path if page.respond_to? :path page = nil if page.empty? url_for( :action => action, :path => page ) else url_for( :action => action ) end end def wiki_content( text ) sanitize( auto_link( Irwi.config.formatter.format( wiki_linkify( wiki_show_attachments(text) ) ).html_safe)) end def wiki_diff( old_text, new_text ) Irwi.config.comparator.render_changes(h(old_text), h(new_text)).html_safe end def wiki_user( user ) return ("<" + wt("Unknown") + ">").html_safe unless user if user.respond_to?(:name) else "User##{}" end end def wiki_linkify( str ) str.gsub /\[\[ (?:([^\[\]\|]+)\|)? ([^\[\]]+) \]\] (\w+)?/xu do |m| text = "#$2#$3" link, anchor = if $1 then $1.split('#', 2) else $2 end "#{text}" end.html_safe end def wiki_paginate( collection, &block ) Irwi.config.paginator.paginated_section( self, collection, &block ) end def wiki_link( title ) if page = Irwi.config.page_class.find_by_title( title ) url_for( :controller => Irwi.config.controller_name, :action => :show, :path => page.path ) else url_for( :controller => Irwi.config.controller_name, :action => :show, :path => CGI::escape(title) ) end end ## # Instead of having to translate strings and defining a default value: # # t("Hello World!", :default => 'Hello World!') # # We define this method to define the value only once: # # wt("Hello World!") # # Note that interpolation still works ... # # wt("Hello {{world}}!", :world => @world) # def wt(msg, *args) config = args.extract_options! config[:default] = msg if config[:default].blank? config[:scope] = 'wiki' I18n.t(msg, config) end def wiki_page_style render :partial => "#{template_dir '_wiki_page_style'}/wiki_page_style" end def wiki_page_info(page = nil) page ||= @page # By default take page from instance variable render :partial => "#{template_dir '_wiki_page_info'}/wiki_page_info", :locals => { :page => page } end def wiki_page_actions(page = nil) page ||= @page # By default take page from instance variable render :partial => "#{template_dir '_wiki_page_actions'}/wiki_page_actions", :locals => { :page => page } end def wiki_page_history(page = nil,versions = nil) page ||= @page # By default take page from instance variable versions ||= @versions || page.versions render :partial => "#{template_dir '_wiki_page_history'}/wiki_page_history", :locals => { :page => page, :versions => versions, :with_form => (versions.size > 1) } end def wiki_page_attachments(page = @page) return unless Irwi::config.page_attachment_class_name page.attachments.each do |attachment| concat image_tag(attachment.wiki_page_attachment.url(:thumb)) concat "Attachment_#{}" concat link_to(wt('Remove'), wiki_remove_page_attachment_path(, :method => :delete) end form_for(, :as => :wiki_page_attachment, :url => wiki_add_page_attachment_path(page), :html => { :multipart => true }) do |form| concat form.file_field :wiki_page_attachment concat form.hidden_field :page_id, :value => concat form.submit 'Add Attachment' end end end