# # = Discrete Hankel Transforms # This chapter describes functions for performing Discrete Hankel Transforms # (DHTs). # # 1. {Definitions}[link:files/rdoc/dht_rdoc.html#1] # 1. {Initialization}[link:files/rdoc/dht_rdoc.html#2] # 1. {Methods}[link:files/rdoc/dht_rdoc.html#3] # # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Definitions # The discrete Hankel transform acts on a vector of sampled data, where the # samples are assumed to have been taken at points related to the zeroes of a # Bessel function of fixed order; compare this to the case of the discrete # Fourier transform, where samples are taken at points related to the zeroes # of the sine or cosine function. # # Specifically, let f(t) be a function on the unit interval. Then the finite # \nu-Hankel transform of f(t) is defined to be the set of numbers g_m given by, # so that, Suppose that f is band-limited in the sense that g_m=0 for m > M. # Then we have the following fundamental sampling theorem. It is this discrete # expression which defines the discrete Hankel transform. The kernel in the # summation above defines the matrix of the \nu-Hankel transform of size M-1. # The coefficients of this matrix, being dependent on \nu and M, must be # precomputed and stored; the GSL::Dht object encapsulates this data. # The constructor GSL::Dht.alloc returns a GSL::Dht object # which must be properly initialized with GSL::Dht#init before # it can be used to perform transforms on data sample vectors, # for fixed \nu and M, using the GSL::Dht#apply method. # The implementation allows a scaling of the fundamental # interval, for convenience, so that one can assume the function is defined on # the interval [0,X], rather than the unit interval. # # Notice that by assumption f(t) vanishes at the endpoints of the interval, # consistent with the inversion formula and the sampling formula given above. # Therefore, this transform corresponds to an orthogonal expansion in # eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet problem for the Bessel differential equation. # # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Initialization # # --- # * GSL::Dht.alloc(size) # * GSL::Dht.alloc(size, nu, xmax) # # These methods allocate a Discrete Hankel transform object GSL::Dht # of size size. # If three arguments are given, the object is initialized with the values of # nu, xmax. # # --- # * GSL::Dht#init(nu, xmax) # # This initializes the transform self for the given values of nu and xmax. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Methods # --- # * GSL::Dht#apply(vin, vout) # * GSL::Dht#apply(vin) # # This applies the transform self to the vector vin whose size is # equal to the size of the transform. # # --- # * GSL::Dht#x_sample(n) # # This method returns the value of the n'th sample point in the unit interval, # (j_{nu,n+1}/j_{nu,M}) X. These are the points where the function f(t) is # assumed to be sampled. # # --- # * GSL::Dht#k_sample(n) # # This method returns the value of the n'th sample point in "k-space", # j_{nu,n+1}/X. # # --- # * GSL::Dht#size # # Returns the size of the sample arrays to be transformed # --- # * GSL::Dht#nu # # Returns the Bessel function order # --- # * GSL::Dht#xmax # # Returns the upper limit to the x-sampling domain # --- # * GSL::Dht#kmax # # Returns the upper limit to the k-sampling domain # # --- # * GSL::Dht#j # # Returns an array of computed J_nu zeros, j_{nu,s} = j[s] # as a GSL::Vector::View. # # --- # * GSL::Dht#Jjj # # Returns an array of transform numerator, J_nu(j_i j_m / j_N) # as a GSL::Vector::View. # # --- # * GSL::Dht#J2 # # Returns an array of transform numerator, J_nu(j_i j_m / j_N). # # --- # * GSL::Dht#coef # * GSL::Dht#coef(n, m) # # Return the (n,m)-th transform coefficient. # # {prev}[link:files/rdoc/sum_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:files/rdoc/roots_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:files/rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html] # #