"use strict"; const validateNames = require("../helpers/validate-names"); const { HTML_NS, SVG_NS } = require("../helpers/namespaces"); const { createElement, internalCreateElementNSSteps } = require("../helpers/create-element"); const DocumentType = require("../generated/DocumentType"); const documents = require("../documents.js"); class DOMImplementationImpl { constructor(globalObject, args, privateData) { this._globalObject = globalObject; this._ownerDocument = privateData.ownerDocument; } hasFeature() { return true; } createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) { validateNames.qname(this._globalObject, qualifiedName); return DocumentType.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { ownerDocument: this._ownerDocument, name: qualifiedName, publicId, systemId }); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-domimplementation-createdocument createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName, doctype) { let contentType = "application/xml"; if (namespace === HTML_NS) { contentType = "application/xhtml+xml"; } else if (namespace === SVG_NS) { contentType = "image/svg+xml"; } const document = documents.createImpl(this._globalObject, { contentType, parsingMode: "xml", encoding: "UTF-8" }); let element = null; if (qualifiedName !== "") { element = internalCreateElementNSSteps(document, namespace, qualifiedName, {}); } if (doctype !== null) { document.appendChild(doctype); } if (element !== null) { document.appendChild(element); } document._origin = this._ownerDocument._origin; return document; } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-domimplementation-createhtmldocument createHTMLDocument(title) { // Let doc be a new document that is an HTML document. // Set doc's content type to "text/html". const document = documents.createImpl(this._globalObject, { parsingMode: "html", encoding: "UTF-8" }); // Create a doctype, with "html" as its name and with its node document set // to doc. Append the newly created node to doc. const doctype = DocumentType.createImpl(this._globalObject, [], { ownerDocument: document, name: "html", publicId: "", systemId: "" }); document.appendChild(doctype); // Create an html element in the HTML namespace, and append it to doc. const htmlElement = createElement(document, "html", HTML_NS); document.appendChild(htmlElement); // Create a head element in the HTML namespace, and append it to the html // element created in the previous step. const headElement = createElement(document, "head", HTML_NS); htmlElement.appendChild(headElement); // If the title argument is not omitted: if (title !== undefined) { // Create a title element in the HTML namespace, and append it to the head // element created in the previous step. const titleElement = createElement(document, "title", HTML_NS); headElement.appendChild(titleElement); // Create a Text node, set its data to title (which could be the empty // string), and append it to the title element created in the previous step. titleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title)); } // Create a body element in the HTML namespace, and append it to the html // element created in the earlier step. const bodyElement = createElement(document, "body", HTML_NS); htmlElement.appendChild(bodyElement); // doc's origin is an alias to the origin of the context object's associated // document, and doc's effective script origin is an alias to the effective // script origin of the context object's associated document. return document; } } module.exports = { implementation: DOMImplementationImpl };