#!/usr/bin/env ruby BIN_DIR = File.dirname(File.symlink?(__FILE__) ? File.readlink(__FILE__) : __FILE__) TOP_DIR = File.join(BIN_DIR, '..') $: << File.join(TOP_DIR, 'lib') DESCR = %{ Monitor a set of resources (topics) and print all observed messages. If the 'follow-children' flag is set, automatically add all resources created by the monitored resources to the monitor set. Please note that there will be a delay until the new monitors are in place which can result in missed messages. } require 'optparse' require 'omf_common' OP_MODE = :development opts = { communication: { #url: 'xmpp://srv.mytestbed.net', #auth: {} }, eventloop: { type: :em}, logging: { level: 'info' } } observed_topic = nil $follow_children = true $debug = false op = OptionParser.new op.banner = "Usage: #{op.program_name} [options] topic1 topic2 ...\n#{DESCR}\n" op.on '-c', '--comms-url URL', "URL of communication server (e.g. xmpp://my.server.com)" do |url| opts[:communication][:url] = url end op.on '-f', "--[no-]follow-children", "Follow all newly created resources [#{$follow_children}]" do |flag| $follow_children = flag end op.on '-d', '--debug', "Set log level to DEBUG" do opts[:logging][:level] = 'debug' $debug = true end op.on_tail('-h', "--help", "Show this message") { $stderr.puts op; exit } observed_topics = op.parse(ARGV) unless opts[:communication][:url] && observed_topics $stderr.puts "ERROR: Missing declaration of --comms-url or topics to follow\n\n" $stderr.puts op exit(-1) end $observed_topics = {} def observe(tname, comm) return if $observed_topics.key? tname info "Observing '#{tname}'" $observed_topics[tname] = true comm.subscribe(tname) do |topic| topic.on_message do |msg| ts = Time.now.strftime('%H:%M:%S') puts "#{ts} #{msg.type}(#{msg.itype}) #{$debug ? msg.inspect : ''}" #puts " #{topic.id}" if (src_topic = (msg.src.is_a?(OmfCommon::Comm::Topic) ? msg.src.id : msg.src)) == topic.id puts " #{topic.id}" else puts " #{src_topic} via #{topic.id}" end msg.each_property do |name, value| puts " #{name}: #{value}" end puts "------" if $follow_children && msg.itype =~ /creation.ok/i observe(msg[:res_id], comm) end end end end OmfCommon.init(OP_MODE, opts) do |el| OmfCommon.comm.on_connected do |comm| observed_topics.each do |topic| observe(topic, comm) end end end