require "spec_helper" describe Savon::WSDL::Parser do context "with namespaced_actions.xml" do let(:parser) { new_parser :namespaced_actions } it "should return the target namespace" do parser.namespace.should == "" end it "should return the SOAP endpoint" do parser.endpoint.should == URI("") end it "should return the available SOAP operations" do parser.operations.should match_operations( :get_api_key => { :input => "GetApiKey", :action => "" }, :delete_client => { :input => "DeleteClient", :action => "" }, :get_clients => { :input => "GetClients", :action => "" } ) end it "should return that :element_form_default is set to :qualified" do parser.element_form_default.should == :qualified end end context "with no_namespace.xml" do let(:parser) { new_parser :no_namespace } it "should return the target namespace" do parser.namespace.should == "urn:ActionWebService" end it "should return the SOAP endpoint" do parser.endpoint.should == URI("") end it "should return the available SOAP operations" do parser.operations.should match_operations( :search_user => { :input => "SearchUser", :action => "/api/api/SearchUser" }, :get_user_login_by_id => { :input => "GetUserLoginById", :action => "/api/api/GetUserLoginById" }, :get_all_contacts => { :input => "GetAllContacts", :action => "/api/api/GetAllContacts" } ) end it "should return that :element_form_default is set to :unqualified" do parser.element_form_default.should == :unqualified end end context "with geotrust.xml" do let(:parser) { new_parser :geotrust } it "should return the target namespace" do parser.namespace.should == "" end it "should return the SOAP endpoint" do parser.endpoint.should == URI("") end it "should return the available SOAP operations" do parser.operations.should match_operations( :get_quick_approver_list => { :input => "GetQuickApproverList", :action => "GetQuickApproverList" }, :hello => { :input => "hello", :action => "hello" } ) end it "should return that :element_form_default is set to :qualified" do parser.element_form_default.should == :qualified end end context "with two_bindings.xml" do let(:parser) { new_parser :two_bindings } it "should merge operations from all binding sections (until we have an example where it makes sense to do otherwise)" do == %w{post post11only post12only} end end RSpec::Matchers.define :match_operations do |expected| match do |actual| actual.should have(expected.keys.size).items actual.keys.should include(*expected.keys) actual.each { |key, value| value.should == expected[key] } end end def new_parser(fixture) parser = REXML::Document.parse_stream Fixture[:wsdl, fixture], parser parser end end