module RelatonIec class DataFetcher ENTRYPOINT = "".freeze CREDENTIAL = "".freeze LAST_CHANGE_FILE = "last_change.txt".freeze # # Initialize new instance. # # @param [String] source source name (iec-harmonized-all, iec-harmonized-latest) # @param [String] output output directory # @param [String] format format of output files (xml, bibxml, yaml) # def initialize(source = "iec-harmonised-latest", output: "data", format: "yaml") @output = output @format = format @ext = format.sub(/^bib/, "") @files = [] # @index = "index.yaml" @last_change =, encoding: "UTF-8") if File.exist? LAST_CHANGE_FILE @last_change_max = @last_change.to_s @all = source == "iec-harmonised-all" end def last_change_max(date) @last_change_max = date if @last_change_max < date end def save_last_change return if @last_change_max.empty? File.write LAST_CHANGE_FILE, @last_change_max, encoding: "UTF-8" end # # Fetch data from IEC. # def fetch # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength t1 = puts "Started at: #{t1}" if @all FileUtils.rm_rf @output end FileUtils.mkdir_p @output fetch_all create_index save_last_change t2 = puts "Stopped at: #{t2}" puts "Done in: #{(t2 - t1).round} sec." rescue StandardError => e warn e.message warn e.backtrace.join("\n") end def create_index index = Relaton::Index.find_or_create :IEC, file: "index1.yaml" index.remove_all Dir["{#{@output},static}/*.yaml"].each do |file| item = YAML.load_file file id = item["docid"].detect { |i| i["primary"] }["id"] index.add_or_update id, file end end # # Add static files to index. # # @return [void] # # def add_static_files_to_index # Dir["static/*.yaml"].each do |file| # pub = RelatonBib.parse_yaml, encoding: "UTF-8") # pubid = RelatonBib.array(pub["docid"]).detect { |id| id["primary"] }["id"] # @index.add pubid, file # end # end # # Fetch documents from IEC API. # # @return [void] # def fetch_all # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength page = 0 next_page = true while next_page res = fetch_page_token page unless res.code == "200" warn "[relaton-iec] #{res.body}" break end json = JSON.parse res.body json["publication"].each { |pub| fetch_pub pub } page += 1 next_page = res["link"]&.include? "rel=\"last\"" end end # # Fetch page. If response code is 401, then get new access token and try # # @param [Integer] page page number # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] response # def fetch_page_token(page) res = fetch_page page if res.code == "401" @access_token = nil res = fetch_page page end res end # # Fetch page from IEC API. # # @param [Integer] page page number # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] response # def fetch_page(page) url = "#{ENTRYPOINT}#{page}" if !@all && @last_change url += "&lastChangeTimestampFrom=#{@last_change}" end uri = URI url req = uri req["Authorization"] = "Bearer #{access_token}" Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| http.request req end end # # Get access token. # # @return [String] access token # def access_token # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize @access_token ||= begin uri = URI CREDENTIAL req = uri req.basic_auth ENV.fetch("IEC_HAPI_PROJ_PUBS_KEY"), ENV.fetch("IEC_HAPI_PROJ_PUBS_SECRET") res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| http.request req end JSON.parse(res.body)["access_token"] end end # # Fetch publication and save it to file. # # @param [Hash] pub publication # def fetch_pub(pub) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize bib = did = bib.docidentifier.detect &:primary file = File.join(@output, "#{[:\s\/]/, '_')}.#{@ext}") if @files.include? file then warn "File #{file} exists." else @files << file # @index.add index_id(pub), file, pub["lastChangeTimestamp"] end last_change_max pub["lastChangeTimestamp"] content = case @format when "xml" then bib.to_xml bibdata: true when "yaml", "yml" then bib.to_hash.to_yaml when "bibxml" then bib.to_bibxml end File.write file, content, encoding: "UTF-8" end def index_id(pub) /-(?\d+)/ =~ pub["reference"] title = pub.dig("title", 0, "value") return pub["reference"] unless part && title ids = title.scan(/(?<=-\sPart\s)#{part[0]}\d+(?=:)/).map do |m| pub["reference"].sub(/-#{part}/, "-#{m}") end ids.size > 1 ? ids : pub["reference"] end end end