require "securerandom" require "labdb_manager/version" COMMAND_PREFIX = "--> " CONFIRM_PREFIX = "--? " #git parameters BR_DEPLOY_STAGING = 'deploy_staging' BR_DEPLOY = 'deploy' BR_REMOTE = 'master' REM_NAME = 'origin' PROJECT_URL = '' DEFAULT_REPO_PATH = '~/labdb' DEFAULT_BACKUP_DIR = '~/backups' AUTO_MERGE_MESSAGE = '"auto merge by"' #database backend PG_DUMP_PATH = `which pg_dump`.strip #paths to config files HOSTNAME_CFG_FILE = 'config/full_hostname.txt' SECRET_CFG_FILE = 'config/secret_token.txt' COLORS = { green: "\033[92m", yellow: "\033[93m", red: "\033[91m", off: "\033[0m" } # define methods on string for each color class String COLORS.each do |c, s| define_method c do s + self + COLORS[:off] end end end def print_command(cmd) ### Print a command being run in a standard format puts (COMMAND_PREFIX + cmd).green end def confirm(cmd) # Ask the user for confirmation of the specified command # # If confirmation is not given, exit the program immediately without running # the command. puts (CONFIRM_PREFIX + cmd).yellow response = gets unless ['yes', 'y'].include? response.downcase then exit 0 end cmd end SHELL_COMMAND_LIST = [] def queue_command(**kwargs, &bl) SHELL_COMMAND_LIST <<, **kwargs) end def run_queued_commands(dry_run: false) SHELL_COMMAND_LIST.each do |c| dry_run) end SHELL_COMMAND_LIST.clear end class ShellCommand # A command that gets run in a login shell. def self.prepend_login_shell(cmd) "/bin/bash --login -c #{cmd}" end def initialize(cmd_fct, args: [], requires_sudo: false, exit_on_fail: true) @cmd_fct = cmd_fct @requires_sudo = requires_sudo @exit_on_fail = exit_on_fail @args = args end def call(dry_run: false) # Run the command. command_string = *@args puts (COMMAND_PREFIX + command_string).green unless dry_run then `#{ShellCommand.prepend_login_shell command_string}` if $?.exitstatus > 0 and @exit_on_fail puts ("Encountered an unresolvable error while running #{command_string}. " + "Please resolve the problem manually and re-run").red exit($?.exitstatus) end end $?.exitstatus end def to_s end end # git commands def check_for_staging_branch # Check (via process return code) if the staging branch already exists. # # @return 0 if the branch exists, nonzero otherwise "git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/#{BR_DEPLOY_STAGING}" end def clean_up_staging_branch # Delete the staging branch. Don't check for its existence. confirm "git checkout #{BR_DEPLOY} && git branch -d #{BR_DEPLOY_STAGING}" end def create_staging_branch # Create the staging branch. Don't check for its existence. "git checkout #{BR_DEPLOY} && git branch #{BR_DEPLOY_STAGING}" end def fetch_remote_changes # Download changes from the central labdb repo set up as a remote. # # The remote name and branch to download are set up in the constants above. "git checkout #{BR_REMOTE} && git pull #{REM_NAME} #{BR_REMOTE}" end def stage_changes # Merge changes from the downloaded branch into the staging branch. # # This is where problems should arise if there are merge conflicts. If this # happens and you need to get back to a workable state, you can force the # load of the (still unchanged) deploy branch using ` revert- # failure`. ("git checkout #{BR_DEPLOY_STAGING} && " + "git merge -m #{AUTO_MERGE_MESSAGE} #{BR_REMOTE}") end def merge_into_production # Merge changes from staging into production. ("git checkout #{BR_DEPLOY} && " + "git merge -m #{AUTO_MERGE_MESSAGE} #{BR_DEPLOY_STAGING}") end def revert_merge_failure # Revert a merge and go back to production in case conflicts arise. "git reset --merge && git checkout #{BR_DEPLOY}" end # application commands def bundle_install "bundle install" end def bundle_update confirm "bundle update" end def precompile_assets "bundle exec rake assets:precompile" end # database commands def create_backup suffix = "_labdb_backup.dump" backup_timestring ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") fn = backup_timestring + suffix fn_full = File.expand_path(fn, DEFAULT_BACKUP_DIR) [PG_DUMP_PATH, "-h localhost labdb > #{fn_full}", "&&", "tar cjf #{fn_full}.tar.bz2 -C {DEFAULT_BACKUP_DIR} {fn}", "&&", "rm -f #{fn_full}" ].join(" ") end def create_production_db "RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:setup" end # server status commands def restart_server "supervisorctl restart labdb" end def run_devserver "bundle exec puma --config config/puma.rb" end # other commands not using the shell def set_hostname(hostname: nil) if hostname.nil? puts ("Please enter the full hostname of the machine.\n" + '(i.e. the part that would appear including the https:// ' + 'in a url but before any other slashes):').yellow CONFIRM_PREFIX.yellow hostname = gets, 'w') do |f| f.write hostname end end end def generate_application_secret secret = SecureRandom.hex(64) # 512 bits puts (COMMAND_PREFIX + "Writing application secret to #{SECRET_CFG_FILE}").green, 'w') do |f| f.write secret end File.chmod(0600, SECRET_CFG_FILE) ok end # task helpers def ok puts "OK".green end # tasks def update queue_command {create_backup} if {check_for_staging_branch}, exit_on_fail: false).call == 0 then queue_command {clean_up_staging_branch} end queue_command {create_staging_branch} queue_command {fetch_remote_changes} queue_command {stage_changes} queue_command {bundle_install} queue_command {precompile_assets} queue_command {merge_into_production} queue_command {restart_server} end def backup queue_command {create_backup} end def force_update_deps queue_command bundle_update end def secret generate_application_secret end def hostname(hostname: nil) set_hostname(hostname: hostname) end def install queue_command {create_production_db} end def revert_failure queue_command {revert_merge_failure} end def restart queue_command {restart_server} end def devserver queue_command {run_devserver} end def help end def run_task(t, args: [], dry_run: false) send t, *args run_queued_commands dry_run: dry_run ok end