module ThinkingSphinx class OracleAdapter < AbstractAdapter def setup create_group_concat_function create_crc32_function end def sphinx_identifier "odbc" end def concatenate(clause, separator = ' ') clause.split(', ').collect { |field| field }.join(" || '#{separator}' || ") end def group_concatenate(clause, separator = ' ') "TO_STRING(CAST(COLLECT(DISTINCT TO_CHAR(#{clause})) AS SYS.ODCIVARCHAR2LIST), '#{separator}')" end def cast_to_string(clause) "TO_CHAR(#{clause})" end # Works the same way as described here: # # # With oracle_enhanced you can specify "time_zone" in database.yml def cast_to_datetime(clause) "((SYSDATE + (#{clause} - timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00') - SYSDATE) * 86400)" end def cast_to_unsigned(clause) "CAST(#{clause} AS NUMBER(10,0))" end def convert_nulls(clause, default = '') return clause if default == '' default = "'#{default}'" if default.is_a?(String) "NVL(#{clause},#{default})" end def boolean(value) value ? '1' : '0' end def crc(clause, blank_to_null = false) "CRC32(#{clause})" end def utf8_query_pre nil end def time_difference(diff) "SYSDATE - #{diff}/(86400)" end def select_each(query) cursor = connection.raw_connection.exec(query) col_names = cursor.get_col_names.collect(&:downcase) while values = cursor.fetch hash_values = Hash[*] yield hash_values end ensure cursor.close if cursor end private # Requires Oracle 10g+ # Return only first 4000 bytes def create_group_concat_function connection.execute <<-SQL CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_string ( nt_in IN SYS.ODCIVARCHAR2LIST, delimiter_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ',' ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS v_idx PLS_INTEGER; v_str VARCHAR2(4000); v_dlm VARCHAR2(1); BEGIN v_idx := nt_in.FIRST; WHILE v_idx IS NOT NULL LOOP v_str := SUBSTRB(v_str || v_dlm || nt_in(v_idx), 1, 4000); v_dlm := delimiter_in; v_idx := nt_in.NEXT(v_idx); END LOOP; RETURN v_str; END to_string; SQL end # Requires Oracle 10g+ def create_crc32_function connection.execute <<-SQL CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crc32( word IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS code NUMBER(4,0); i NUMBER(10,0); j NUMBER(1,0); tmp NUMBER(10,0); tmp_a NUMBER(10,0); tmp_b NUMBER(10,0); BEGIN tmp := 4294967295; i := 0; WHILE i < length(word) LOOP code := ascii(SUBSTR(word, i + 1, 1)); tmp := tmp - 2 * to_number(bitand(tmp, code)) + code; j := 0; WHILE j < 8 LOOP tmp_a := floor(tmp / 2); tmp_b := 3988292384 * to_number(bitand(tmp, 1)); tmp := tmp_a - 2 * to_number(bitand(tmp_a, tmp_b)) + tmp_b; j := j + 1; END LOOP; i := i + 1; END LOOP; RETURN tmp - 2 * to_number(bitand(tmp, 4294967295)) + 4294967295; END crc32; SQL end end end