# fake MIME::Types module Koala::MIME module Types def self.type_for(type) # this should be faked out in tests nil end end end describe "Koala::UploadableIO" do def rails_3_mocks tempfile = stub('Tempfile', :path => "foo") uploaded_file = stub('ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile', :content_type => true, :tempfile => tempfile, :original_filename => "bar" ) tempfile.stub!(:respond_to?).with(:path).and_return(true) [tempfile, uploaded_file] end def sinatra_mocks {:type => "type", :tempfile => "Tempfile", :filename => "foo.bar"} end describe "the constructor" do describe "when given a file path" do before(:each) do @path = BEACH_BALL_PATH @koala_io_params = [@path] end describe "and a content type" do before :each do @stub_type = stub("image/jpg") @koala_io_params.concat([@stub_type]) end it "returns an UploadIO with the same file path" do Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).io_or_path.should == @path end it "returns an UploadIO with the same content type" do Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).content_type.should == @stub_type end it "returns an UploadIO with the file's name" do Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).filename.should == File.basename(@path) end end describe "and no content type" do it_should_behave_like "determining a mime type" end end describe "when given a File object" do before(:each) do @file = File.open(BEACH_BALL_PATH) @koala_io_params = [@file] end describe "and a content type" do before :each do @koala_io_params.concat(["image/jpg"]) end it "returns an UploadIO with the same io" do Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).io_or_path.should == @koala_io_params[0] end it "returns an UploadableIO with the same content_type" do content_stub = @koala_io_params[1] = stub('Content Type') Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).content_type.should == content_stub end it "returns an UploadableIO with the right filename" do Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).filename.should == File.basename(@file.path) end end describe "and no content type" do it_should_behave_like "determining a mime type" end end describe "when given an IO object" do before(:each) do @io = StringIO.open("abcdefgh") @koala_io_params = [@io] end describe "and a content type" do before :each do @koala_io_params.concat(["image/jpg"]) end it "returns an UploadableIO with the same io" do Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).io_or_path.should == @koala_io_params[0] end it "returns an UploadableIO with the same content_type" do content_stub = @koala_io_params[1] = stub('Content Type') Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params).content_type.should == content_stub end end describe "and no content type" do it "raises an exception" do lambda { Koala::UploadableIO.new(*@koala_io_params) }.should raise_exception(Koala::KoalaError) end end end describe "when given a Rails 3 ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile" do before(:each) do @tempfile, @uploaded_file = rails_3_mocks end it "gets the path from the tempfile associated with the UploadedFile" do expected_path = stub('Tempfile') @tempfile.should_receive(:path).and_return(expected_path) Koala::UploadableIO.new(@uploaded_file).io_or_path.should == expected_path end it "gets the content type via the content_type method" do expected_content_type = stub('Content Type') @uploaded_file.should_receive(:content_type).and_return(expected_content_type) Koala::UploadableIO.new(@uploaded_file).content_type.should == expected_content_type end it "gets the filename from the UploadedFile" do Koala::UploadableIO.new(@uploaded_file).filename.should == @uploaded_file.original_filename end end describe "when given a Sinatra file parameter hash" do before(:each) do @file_hash = sinatra_mocks end it "gets the io_or_path from the :tempfile key" do expected_file = stub('File') @file_hash[:tempfile] = expected_file uploadable = Koala::UploadableIO.new(@file_hash) uploadable.io_or_path.should == expected_file end it "gets the content type from the :type key" do expected_content_type = stub('Content Type') @file_hash[:type] = expected_content_type uploadable = Koala::UploadableIO.new(@file_hash) uploadable.content_type.should == expected_content_type end it "gets the content type from the :type key" do uploadable = Koala::UploadableIO.new(@file_hash) uploadable.filename.should == @file_hash[:filename] end end describe "for files with with recognizable MIME types" do # what that means is tested below it "should accept a file object alone" do params = [BEACH_BALL_PATH] lambda { Koala::UploadableIO.new(*params) }.should_not raise_exception(Koala::KoalaError) end it "should accept a file path alone" do params = [BEACH_BALL_PATH] lambda { Koala::UploadableIO.new(*params) }.should_not raise_exception(Koala::KoalaError) end end end describe "getting an UploadableIO" do before(:each) do @upload_io = stub("UploadIO") UploadIO.stub!(:new).with(anything, anything, anything).and_return(@upload_io) end context "if no filename was provided" do it "should call the constructor with the content type, file name, and a dummy file name" do UploadIO.should_receive(:new).with(BEACH_BALL_PATH, "content/type", anything).and_return(@upload_io) Koala::UploadableIO.new(BEACH_BALL_PATH, "content/type").to_upload_io.should == @upload_io end end context "if a filename was provided" do it "should call the constructor with the content type, file name, and the filename" do filename = "file" UploadIO.should_receive(:new).with(BEACH_BALL_PATH, "content/type", filename).and_return(@upload_io) Koala::UploadableIO.new(BEACH_BALL_PATH, "content/type", filename).to_upload_io end end end describe "getting a file" do it "returns the File if initialized with a file" do f = File.new(BEACH_BALL_PATH) Koala::UploadableIO.new(f).to_file.should == f end it "should open up and return a file corresponding to the path if io_or_path is a path" do result = stub("File") File.should_receive(:open).with(BEACH_BALL_PATH).and_return(result) Koala::UploadableIO.new(BEACH_BALL_PATH).to_file.should == result end end describe ".binary_content?" do it "returns true for Rails 3 file uploads" do Koala::UploadableIO.binary_content?(rails_3_mocks.last).should be_true end it "returns true for Sinatra file uploads" do Koala::UploadableIO.binary_content?(rails_3_mocks.last).should be_true end it "returns true for File objects" do Koala::UploadableIO.binary_content?(File.open(BEACH_BALL_PATH)).should be_true end it "returns false for everything else" do Koala::UploadableIO.binary_content?(StringIO.new).should be_false Koala::UploadableIO.binary_content?(BEACH_BALL_PATH).should be_false Koala::UploadableIO.binary_content?(nil).should be_false end end end # describe UploadableIO