--- format_version: 4 default_step_lib_source: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git trigger_map: - push_branch: dev workflow: internal - push_branch: release/next workflow: test_external - push_branch: master workflow: external - pull_request_source_branch: "*" workflow: test workflows: test: steps: - build-number-adjust: inputs: - change: '' - increase: "$FW_BUILD_NUMBER_OFFSET" - decrease: '' - activate-ssh-key: run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}' - script: title: Set GEM_HOME env var inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -ev envman add --key GEM_HOME --value "$(gem environment gemdir)" - git-clone: {} - recreate-user-schemes: inputs: - project_path: "$BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH" - cocoapods-install: {} - xcode-test: inputs: - generate_code_coverage_files: 'yes' - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/steps-github-status.git@master: title: Git Hub status run_if: .IsCI inputs: - auth_token: "$FW_GITHUB_STATUS_AUTH_TOKEN" - commit_hash: "$GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_HASH" - deploy-to-bitrise-io: inputs: - notify_email_list: '' _add_iconoverlay: steps: - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/bitrise-step-icon-overlay.git@master: title: Git Commit Icon Overlay inputs: - iconsbundle_name: AppIcon.appiconset - overlay_text: "$GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_HASH" internal: envs: - FW_ENVIRONMENT: STAGING opts: is_expand: true - EXPORT_TYPE: enterprise opts: is_expand: true - CODESIGN_IDENTITY: 'iPhone Distribution: Future Workshops Limited' opts: is_expand: true - KEYCHAIN_NAME: fw_enterprise.p12 opts: is_expand: true - PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER: com.futureworkshops.<%= config[:project_name] %> opts: is_expand: true - PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME: <%= config[:project_name] %> Internal opts: is_expand: true - DEVPORTAL_TEAM: BQHMJ2C6RL opts: is_expand: true - BITRISE_SCHEME: <%= config[:project_name] %> - SWIFT_FLAGS: '"-DSTAGING"' after_run: - _preflight - _add_iconoverlay - _build test_external: envs: - FW_ENVIRONMENT: STAGING opts: is_expand: true - EXPORT_TYPE: app-store opts: is_expand: true - CODESIGN_IDENTITY: 'iPhone Distribution: Future Workshops Ltd (F94732585Z)' opts: is_expand: true - KEYCHAIN_NAME: fw_ltd.p12 opts: is_expand: true - PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER: com.futureworkshops.<%= config[:project_name] %>.external opts: is_expand: true - PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME: <%= config[:project_name] %> External opts: is_expand: true - PROVISIONING_PROFILE_TYPE: app-store opts: is_expand: true - ITUNESCONNECT_APPID: opts: is_expand: true - DEVPORTAL_TEAM: F94732585Z opts: is_expand: true - ITUNES_TEAM_ID: '462819' - BITRISE_SCHEME: <%= config[:project_name] %> - SWIFT_FLAGS: '"-DSTAGING"' after_run: - _preflight - _build - _deploy_itunes external: envs: - FW_ENVIRONMENT: PRODUCTION opts: is_expand: true - EXPORT_TYPE: app-store opts: is_expand: true - CODESIGN_IDENTITY: 'iPhone Distribution: Future Workshops Ltd (F94732585Z)' opts: is_expand: true - KEYCHAIN_NAME: fw_ltd.p12 opts: is_expand: true - PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER: com.futureworkshops.<%= config[:project_name] %>.external opts: is_expand: true - PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME: <%= config[:project_name] %> External opts: is_expand: true - PROVISIONING_PROFILE_TYPE: app-store opts: is_expand: true - ITUNESCONNECT_APPID: '' opts: is_expand: true - DEVPORTAL_TEAM: F94732585Z opts: is_expand: true - FW_BUILD_NUMBER_OFFSET: '0' - ITUNES_TEAM_ID: '462819' - BITRISE_SCHEME: <%= config[:project_name] %> - SWIFT_FLAGS: '"-DPRODUCTION"' after_run: - _preflight - _build - _deploy_itunes _preflight: steps: - script: title: Set GEM_HOME env var inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash set -ev envman add --key GEM_HOME --value "$(gem environment gemdir)" - build-number-adjust: inputs: - change: '' - increase: "$FW_BUILD_NUMBER_OFFSET" - decrease: '' - activate-ssh-key: run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}' - git-clone: {} - git-tag: run_if: .IsCI inputs: - tag: ci/$PROJECT_NAME/$BITRISE_TRIGGERED_WORKFLOW_ID/$BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH-$BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER - tag_message: '' - recreate-user-schemes: inputs: - project_path: "$BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH" - install-bundler@1.0.0: {} _build: steps: - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/bitrise-step-extract-xcode-settings@master: title: Extract Info.plist path inputs: - xcode_project_path: "$FW_PROJECT_DIR/$FW_XCODEPROJ_NAME" - target: "$BITRISE_SCHEME" - configuration: Release - xcode_setting_key: INFOPLIST_FILE - target_variable: INFO_PLIST_PATH - set-xcode-build-number: inputs: - plist_path: "$FW_PROJECT_DIR/$INFO_PLIST_PATH" - build_version_offset: '' - build_short_version_string: "$VERSION_NUMBER" - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/bitrise-step-download-provisioning-profile@master: title: Download provisioning profile run_if: .IsCI inputs: - profile_name: "$PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME" - bundle_id: "$PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" - team_id: "$DEVPORTAL_TEAM" - portal_username: "$DEVPORTAL_USERNAME" - portal_password: "$DEVPORTAL_PASSWORD" - target_variable: BITRISE_PROVISION_URL - target_filename: profile.mobileprovision - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/bitrise-step-s3-download.git@master: title: Download keychain run_if: .IsCI inputs: - aws_access_key: "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" - aws_secret_access_key: "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" - s3_bucket: fw.ci.certificates - s3_filepath: "$KEYCHAIN_NAME" - certificate-and-profile-installer: run_if: .IsCI inputs: - certificate_url: file://./$KEYCHAIN_NAME - provisioning_profile_url: "$BITRISE_PROVISION_URL" - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/bitrise-step-change-xcode-settings@master: title: Change Bundle ID inputs: - xcode_project_path: "$FW_PROJECT_DIR/$FW_XCODEPROJ_NAME" - target: "$BITRISE_SCHEME" - configuration: Release - xcode_setting_keys: PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER - new_values: "$PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/bitrise-step-change-xcode-settings@master: title: Set Provisioning Profile and team ID inputs: - xcode_project_path: "$FW_PROJECT_DIR/$FW_XCODEPROJ_NAME" - target: "$BITRISE_SCHEME" - configuration: Release - xcode_setting_keys: PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER | DEVELOPMENT_TEAM - new_values: "$PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME | $DEVPORTAL_TEAM" - cocoapods-install: {} - script: title: Set environment inputs: - content: |- #!/bin/bash # fail if any commands fails set -e # debug log set -x xconfig="$BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR/$FW_PROJECT_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/Supporting Files/fw-shared.xcconfig" echo "Updating xcconfig file $xconfig" echo "" >> "$xconfig" echo "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS = $SWIFT_FLAGS" >> "$xconfig" echo "" >> "$xconfig" echo "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = \"CI_BUILD $FW_ENVIRONMENT\"" >> "$xconfig" echo "" >> "$xconfig" echo "Final file" pbcopy < "$xconfig" pbpaste - xcode-archive: inputs: - upload_bitcode: 'no' - compile_bitcode: 'no' - team_id: "$DEVPORTAL_TEAM" - configuration: Release - output_dir: "$BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME" - force_team_id: '' - force_code_sign_identity: "$CODESIGN_IDENTITY" - force_provisioning_profile_specifier: '' - force_provisioning_profile: '' - is_clean_build: 'yes' - artifact_name: "$COMPANY_NAME-$PROJECT_NAME-$BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER" - export_method: "$EXPORT_TYPE" - custom_export_options_plist_content: "\n\n\n\n\tmethod\n\t$EXPORT_TYPE\n\tteamID\n\t$DEVPORTAL_TEAM\n\tthinning\n\t<none>\n\tprovisioningProfiles\n\t\n\t\t$PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER\n\t\t$PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME\n\t\n\n" - git::https://github.com/FutureWorkshops/steps-github-status.git@master: title: Git Hub status run_if: .IsCI inputs: - auth_token: "$FW_GITHUB_STATUS_AUTH_TOKEN" - commit_hash: "$GIT_CLONE_COMMIT_HASH" - deploy-to-bitrise-io: title: Deploy to Bitrise.io - IPA inputs: - is_enable_public_page: 'false' - deploy-to-bitrise-io: title: Deploy to Bitrise.io - IPA inputs: - deploy_path: "$BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME" - is_enable_public_page: 'false' _deploy_itunes: steps: - deploy-to-itunesconnect-deliver: run_if: .IsCI inputs: - itunescon_user: "$ITUNESCONNECT_USERNAME" - password: "$ITUNESCONNECT_PASSWORD" - app_id: "$ITUNESCONNECT_APPID" - team_id: "$ITUNES_TEAM_ID" - options: '' app: envs: - opts: is_expand: false BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH: <%= config[:project_name] %>.xcworkspace - opts: is_expand: false BITRISE_SCHEME: <%= config[:project_name] %> - opts: is_expand: false FW_PROJECT_DIR: <%= config[:project_name] %> - opts: is_expand: true FW_XCODEPROJ_NAME: <%= config[:project_name] %>.xcodeproj - opts: is_expand: true DEVPORTAL_USERNAME: c-i@futureworkshops.com - opts: is_expand: true FW_BUILD_NUMBER_OFFSET: '0' - COMPANY_NAME: <%= config[:class_prefix] %> opts: is_expand: true - PROJECT_NAME: <%= config[:project_name] %> opts: is_expand: true - VERSION_NUMBER: 1.0.0