module Turn require 'turn/colorize' require 'turn/core_ext' # = Reporter # # There are two distinct way in which a report may be utilized # by a Runner: per-call or per-file. The method #pass, #fail # and #error are generic, and will be used in either case. # A per-call runner will use all the methods of a Reporter, # while a per-file runner will use start_case per file, # and will not use the start_test and finish_test methods, # since those are beyond it's grainularity. # class Reporter include Colorize attr :io def initialize(io, opts={}) @io = io || $stdout @trace = opts[:trace] @natural = opts[:natural] end # These methods are called in the process of running the tests. def start_suite(test_suite) end def start_case(test_case) end def start_test(test) end def pass(message=nil) end def fail(assertion, message=nil) end def error(exception, message=nil) end def finish_test(test) end def finish_case(test_case) end def finish_suite(test_suite) end private # TODO: backtrace filter probably could use some refinement. def filter_backtrace(bt) return [] unless bt bt.reject!{ |line| line.rindex('minitest') } bt.reject!{ |line| line.rindex('test/unit') } bt.reject!{ |line| line.rindex('lib/turn') } bt.reject!{ |line| line.rindex('bin/turn') }{ |line| line.sub(Dir.pwd+'/', '') } end end end