require "nokogiri" require "om" require "solrizer/xml" #this class represents a MetadataDatastream, a special case of ActiveFedora::Datastream class ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream < ActiveFedora::Datastream include ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastreamHelper include OM::XML::Document include Solrizer::XML::TerminologyBasedSolrizer # this adds support for calling .to_solr # extend(OM::XML::Container::ClassMethods) attr_accessor :ng_xml #constructor, calls up to ActiveFedora::Datastream's constructor def initialize(attrs=nil) super @fields={} self.class.from_xml(blob, self) end # @xml String, File or Nokogiri::XML::Node # @tmpl ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream # Careful! If you call this from a constructor, be sure to provide something 'ie. self' as the @tmpl. Otherwise, you will get an infinite loop! def self.from_xml(xml, # :nodoc: if xml.nil? tmpl.ng_xml = self.xml_template elsif xml.kind_of? Nokogiri::XML::Node || xml.kind_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Document) tmpl.ng_xml = xml else tmpl.ng_xml = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(xml) end tmpl.send(:dirty=, false) return tmpl end def self.xml_template Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("") end # class << self # from_xml_original = self.instance_method(:from_xml) # # define_method(:from_xml, xml, do # from_xml_original.bind(self).call(xml, tmpl) # tmpl.send(:dirty=, false) # end # # # def from_xml_custom(xml, # # from_xml_original(xml, tmpl) # # tmpl.send(:dirty=, false) # # end # # # # alias_method :from_xml_original, :from_xml # # alias_method :from_xml, :from_xml_custom # end def to_xml(xml = self.ng_xml) ng_xml = self.ng_xml if ng_xml.respond_to?(:root) && ng_xml.root.nil? && self.class.respond_to?(:root_property_ref) && !self.class.root_property_ref.nil? ng_xml = self.class.generate(self.class.root_property_ref, "") if xml.root.nil? xml = ng_xml end end unless xml == ng_xml || ng_xml.root.nil? if xml.kind_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Document) xml.root.add_child(ng_xml.root) elsif xml.kind_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Node) xml.add_child(ng_xml.root) else raise "You can only pass instances of Nokogiri::XML::Node into this method. You passed in #{xml}" end end return xml.to_xml {|config| config.no_declaration} end #overriding this method just so metadatahelper method does not get called def from_solr(solr_doc) #do nothing for now end #overriding this method just so metadatahelper method does not get called def from_solr(solr_doc) #do nothing for now end def solrize_accessor(accessor_name, accessor_info, opts={}) solr_doc = opts.fetch(:solr_doc, parents = opts.fetch(:parents, []) accessor_pointer = parents+[accessor_name] if accessor_info.nil? accessor_info = self.class.accessor_info(accessor_pointer) if accessor_info.nil? raise "No accessor is defined for #{}" end end # prep children hash child_accessors = accessor_info.fetch(:children, {}) xpath = self.class.accessor_xpath(*accessor_pointer) nodeset = lookup(xpath) nodeset.each do |node| # create solr fields solrize_node(node, accessor_pointer, solr_doc) child_accessors.each_pair do |child_accessor_name, child_accessor_info| solrize_accessor(child_accessor_name, child_accessor_info, opts={:solr_doc=>solr_doc, :parents=>parents+[{accessor_name=>nodeset.index(node)}] }) end end end def solrize_node(node, accessor_pointer, solr_doc = generic_field_name_base = self.class.accessor_generic_name(*accessor_pointer) generic_field_name = Solrizer::FieldNameMapper.solr_name(generic_field_name_base, :text) solr_doc << => node.text) if accessor_pointer.length > 1 hierarchical_field_name_base = self.class.accessor_hierarchical_name(*accessor_pointer) hierarchical_field_name = Solrizer::FieldNameMapper.solr_name(hierarchical_field_name_base, :text) solr_doc << => node.text) end end def update_indexed_attributes(params={}, opts={}) if self.class.terminology.nil? raise "No terminology is set for this NokogiriDatastream class. Cannot perform update_indexed_attributes" end # remove any fields from params that this datastream doesn't recognize #make sure to make a copy of params so not to modify hash that might be passed to other methods current_params = params.clone current_params.delete_if do |term_pointer,new_values| if term_pointer.kind_of?(String) true else !self.class.terminology.has_term?(*OM.destringify(term_pointer)) end end result = {} unless current_params.empty? result = update_values( current_params ) self.dirty = true end return result end def get_values(field_key,default=[]) term_values(*field_key) end end