require 'cgi' require 'fileutils' require 'find' # Must specify absolute path of ::Archive when using # this module to avoid conflicts with Fig::Statement::Archive require 'libarchive_ruby' unless RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' require 'net/http' require 'net/ssh' require 'net/sftp' require 'net/netrc' require 'rbconfig' require 'tempfile' require 'highline/import' require 'fig/at_exit' require 'fig/environment_variables/case_insensitive' require 'fig/environment_variables/case_sensitive' require 'fig/file_not_found_error' require 'fig/logging' require 'fig/network_error' require 'fig/url' require 'fig/user_input_error' module Fig; end # Does things requiring real O/S interaction, primarilly taking care of file # transfers and running external commands. class Fig::OperatingSystem WINDOWS_FILE_NAME_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS = %w[ \\ / : * ? " < > | ] UNIX_FILE_NAME_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS = %w[ / ] def RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ end def RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' end def self.unix? !windows? end def self.file_name_illegal_characters() if return WINDOWS_FILE_NAME_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS end return UNIX_FILE_NAME_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS end def self.wrap_variable_name_with_shell_expansion(variable_name) if return "%#{variable_name}%" else return "$#{variable_name}" end end def self.get_environment_variables(initial_values = nil) if return end return end def initialize(login) @login = login @username = ENV['FIG_USERNAME'] @password = ENV['FIG_PASSWORD'] end def get_username() # #ask() comes from highline @username ||= ask('Username: ') { |q| q.echo = true } end def get_password() # #ask() comes from highline @password ||= ask('Password: ') { |q| q.echo = false } end def ftp_login(ftp, host) if @login rc = Net::Netrc.locate(host) if rc @username = rc.login @password = rc.password end ftp.login(get_username, get_password) else ftp.login() end ftp.passive = true end def list(dir) Dir.entries(dir) - ['.','..'] end def mtime(path) File.mtime(path) end def write(path, content), 'wb') { |f| f.binmode; f << content } end def strip_paths_for_list(ls_output, packages, path) if not ls_output.nil? ls_output = ls_output.gsub(path + '/', '').gsub(path, '').split("\n") ls_output.each do |line| parts = line.gsub(/\\/, '/').sub(/^\.\//, '').sub(/:$/, '').chomp().split('/') packages << parts.join('/') if parts.size == 2 end end end def download_list(url) begin uri = Fig::URL.parse(url) rescue Fig::Logging.fatal %Q<Unable to parse url: "#{url}"> raise end begin case uri.scheme when 'ftp' ftp = ftp_login(ftp, ftp.chdir(uri.path) dirs = ftp.nlst ftp.close download_ftp_list(uri, dirs) when 'ssh' packages = [] Net::SSH.start(, uri.user) do |ssh| ls = ssh.exec!("[ -d #{uri.path} ] && find #{uri.path}") strip_paths_for_list(ls, packages, uri.path) end packages when 'file' packages = [] unescaped_path = CGI.unescape uri.path return packages if ! File.exist?(unescaped_path) ls = '' Find.find(unescaped_path) { |file| ls << file.to_s; ls << "\n" } strip_paths_for_list(ls, packages, unescaped_path) return packages else Fig::Logging.fatal "Protocol not supported: #{url}" raise "Protocol not supported: #{url}" end rescue SocketError => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise "#{url}: #{error.message}" rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise "#{url}: #{error.message}" end end def download_ftp_list(uri, dirs) # Run a bunch of these in parallel since they're slow as hell num_threads = (ENV['FIG_FTP_THREADS'] || '16').to_i threads = [] all_packages = [] (0..num_threads-1).each { |num| all_packages[num] = [] } (0..num_threads-1).each do |num| threads << do packages = all_packages[num] ftp = ftp_login(ftp, ftp.chdir(uri.path) pos = num while pos < dirs.length pkg = dirs[pos] begin ftp.nlst(dirs[pos]).each do |ver| packages << pkg + '/' + ver end rescue Net::FTPPermError # Ignore this error because it's indicative of the FTP library # encountering a file or directory that it does not have # permission to open. Fig needs to be able to have secure # repos/packages and there is no way easy way to deal with the # permissions issues other than consuming these errors. # # Actually, with FTP, you can't tell the difference between a # file not existing and not having permission to access it (which # is probably a good thing). end pos += num_threads end ftp.close end end threads.each { |thread| thread.join } all_packages.flatten.sort end # Determine whether we need to update something. Returns nil to indicate # "don't know". def path_up_to_date?(url, path) return false if ! File.exist? path uri = Fig::URL.parse(url) case uri.scheme when 'ftp' begin ftp = ftp_login(ftp, if ftp.mtime(uri.path) <= File.mtime(path) return true end return false rescue Net::FTPPermError => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise error.message, url rescue SocketError => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise error.message, url end when 'http' return nil # Not implemented when 'ssh' when 'file' begin unescaped_path = CGI.unescape uri.path if File.mtime(unescaped_path) <= File.mtime(path) return true end return false rescue Errno::ENOENT => error raise error.message, url end else raise_unknown_protocol(url) end end # Returns whether the file was not downloaded because the file already # exists and is already up-to-date. def download(url, path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) uri = Fig::URL.parse(url) case uri.scheme when 'ftp' begin ftp = ftp_login(ftp, if File.exist?(path) && ftp.mtime(uri.path) <= File.mtime(path) Fig::Logging.debug "#{path} is up to date." return false else log_download(url, path) ftp.getbinaryfile(uri.path, path, 256*1024) return true end rescue Net::FTPPermError => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise error.message, url rescue SocketError => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise error.message, url rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise error.message, url end when 'http' log_download(url, path), 'wb') do |file| file.binmode begin download_via_http_get(url, file) rescue SystemCallError => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise error.message, url rescue SocketError => error Fig::Logging.debug error.message raise error.message, url end end when 'ssh' # TODO need better way to do conditional download timestamp = File.exist?(path) ? File.mtime(path).to_i : 0 # Requires that remote installation of fig be at the same location as the local machine. command = `which fig-download`.strip + " #{timestamp} #{uri.path}" log_download(url, path) ssh_download(uri.user,, path, command) when 'file' begin unescaped_path = CGI.unescape uri.path FileUtils.cp(unescaped_path, path) return true rescue Errno::ENOENT => error raise error.message, url end else raise_unknown_protocol(url) end end # Returns the basename and full path to the download. def download_resource(url, download_directory) FileUtils.mkdir_p(download_directory) basename = CGI.unescape Fig::URL.parse(url).path.split('/').last path = File.join(download_directory, basename) download(url, path) return basename, path end def download_and_unpack_archive(url, download_directory) basename, path = download_resource(url, download_directory) case path when /\.tar\.gz$/ unpack_archive(download_directory, path) when /\.tgz$/ unpack_archive(download_directory, path) when /\.tar\.bz2$/ unpack_archive(download_directory, path) when /\.zip$/ unpack_archive(download_directory, path) else Fig::Logging.fatal "Unknown archive type: #{basename}" raise"Unknown archive type: #{basename}") end return end def upload(local_file, remote_file) Fig::Logging.debug "Uploading #{local_file} to #{remote_file}." uri = Fig::URL.parse(remote_file) case uri.scheme when 'ssh' ssh_upload(uri.user,, local_file, remote_file) when 'ftp' # fail unless system "curl -T #{local_file} --create-dirs --ftp-create-dirs #{remote_file}" require 'net/ftp' ftp_uri = Fig::URL.parse(ENV['FIG_REMOTE_URL']) ftp_root_path = ftp_uri.path ftp_root_dirs = ftp_uri.path.split('/') remote_publish_path = uri.path[0, uri.path.rindex('/')] remote_publish_dirs = remote_publish_path.split('/') # Use array subtraction to deduce which project/version folder to upload # to, i.e. [1,2,3] - [2,3,4] = [1] remote_project_dirs = remote_publish_dirs - ftp_root_dirs do |ftp| ftp_login(ftp, # Assume that the FIG_REMOTE_URL path exists. ftp.chdir(ftp_root_path) remote_project_dirs.each do |dir| # Can't automatically create parent directories, so do it manually. if ftp.nlst().index(dir).nil? ftp.mkdir(dir) ftp.chdir(dir) else ftp.chdir(dir) end end ftp.putbinaryfile(local_file) end when 'file' unescaped_path = CGI.unescape uri.path FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(unescaped_path)) FileUtils.cp(local_file, unescaped_path) else raise_unknown_protocol(uri) end end def delete_and_recreate_directory(dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end def copy(source, target, msg = nil) if FileUtils.mkdir_p(target) Dir.foreach(source) do |child| if child != '.' and child != '..' copy(File.join(source, child), File.join(target, child), msg) end end else if !File.exist?(target) || File.mtime(source) != File.mtime(target) log_info "#{msg} #{target}" if msg FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(target)) FileUtils.cp(source, target) File.utime(File.atime(source), File.mtime(source), target) end end end def move_file(dir, from, to) Dir.chdir(dir) {, to, :force => true) } end def log_info(msg) msg end # Expects files_to_archive as an Array of filenames. def create_archive(archive_name, files_to_archive) if `tar czvf #{archive_name} #{files_to_archive.join(' ')}` else # TODO: Need to verify files_to_archive exists. ::Archive.write_open_filename( archive_name, ::Archive::COMPRESSION_GZIP, ::Archive::FORMAT_TAR ) do |writer| files_to_archive.each do |file_name| writer.new_entry do |entry| entry.copy_lstat(file_name) entry.pathname = file_name if entry.symbolic_link? linked = File.readlink(file_name) entry.symlink = linked end writer.write_header(entry) if entry.regular? writer.write_data(open(file_name) {|f| f.binmode; }) end end end end end end # This method can handle the following archive types: # .tar.bz2 # .tar.gz # .tgz # .zip def unpack_archive(dir, file) Dir.chdir(dir) do if `tar xzvf #{file}` else ::Archive.read_open_filename(file) do |reader| while entry = reader.next_header reader.extract(entry) end end end end end def shell_exec(command) if plain_exec( [ ENV['ComSpec'], '/c', command ] ) else plain_exec( [ ENV['SHELL'], '-c', command ] ) end end def plain_exec(command) # Kernel#exec won't run Kernel#at_exit handlers. Fig::AtExit.execute() if ENV['FIG_COVERAGE'] end begin Kernel.exec(*command) rescue SystemCallError => exception raise exception end end # *sigh* Apparently Ruby < v1.9.3 does some wacko thing with single argument # exec that causes it to not invoke the shell, so we've got this mess. def plain_or_shell_exec(command) if command.size > 1 plain_exec(command) else shell_exec(command[0]) end end private SUCCESS = 0 NOT_MODIFIED = 3 NOT_FOUND = 4 # path = The local path the file should be downloaded to. # command = The command to be run on the remote host. def ssh_download(user, host, path, command) return_code = nil tempfile ='tmp') Net::SSH.start(host, user) do |ssh| ssh.open_channel do |channel| channel.exec(command) channel.on_data() { |ch, data| tempfile << data } channel.on_extended_data() { |ch, type, data| Fig::Logging.error "SSH Download ERROR: #{data}" } channel.on_request('exit-status') { |ch, request| return_code = request.read_long } end end tempfile.close() case return_code when NOT_MODIFIED tempfile.delete return false when NOT_FOUND tempfile.delete raise 'Remote path not found', path when SUCCESS, path) return true else tempfile.delete Fig::Logging.fatal "Unable to download file #{path}: #{return_code}" raise"Unable to download file #{path}: #{return_code}") end end def ssh_upload(user, host, local_file, remote_file) uri = Fig::URL.parse(remote_file) dir = uri.path[0, uri.path.rindex('/')] Net::SSH.start(host, user) do |ssh| ssh.exec!("mkdir -p #{dir}") end Net::SFTP.start(host, user) do |sftp| sftp.upload!(local_file, uri.path) end end def download_via_http_get(uri_string, file, redirection_limit = 10) if redirection_limit < 1 Fig::Logging.debug 'Too many HTTP redirects.' raise 'Too many HTTP redirects.', uri_string end response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(uri_string)) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then file.write(response.body) when Net::HTTPRedirection then location = response['location'] Fig::Logging.debug "Redirecting to #{location}." download_via_http_get(location, file, redirection_limit - 1) else Fig::Logging.debug "Download failed: #{response.code} #{response.message}." raise "Download failed: #{response.code} #{response.message}.", uri_string ) end return end def raise_unknown_protocol(url) Fig::Logging.fatal %Q<Don't know how to handle the protocol in "#{url}".> raise %Q<Don't know how to handle the protocol in "#{url}".> ) return end def log_download(url, path) Fig::Logging.debug "Downloading #{url} to #{path}." end end