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No argument allowed for option: %sMultiple optimization levels are not permittedMultiple interlace types are not permittedMultiple window sizes are not permittedManipulation of individual chunks is not implementedMultiple output file names are not permittedMultiple output dir names are not permittedMultiple log file names are not permittedThe option -out requires one input fileThe options -out and -dir are mutually exclusiveTo prevent accidental data corruption, the log file name must end with ".log"The option -log is deprecated; use shell redirectionOptiPNG version 0.7.7 Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Cosmin Truta and the Contributing Authors. Can't initialize optimization engineCan't finalize optimization engineExamples: optipng file.png (default speed) optipng -o5 file.png (slow) optipng -o7 file.png (very slow) Basic options: -?, -h, -help show this help -o optimization level (0-7) [default: 2] -v run in verbose mode / show copyright and version info General options: -backup, -keep keep a backup of the modified files -clobber overwrite existing files -fix enable error recovery -force enforce writing of a new output file -preserve preserve file attributes if possible -quiet, -silent run in quiet mode -simulate run in simulation mode -out write output file to -dir write output file(s) to -log log messages to -- stop option switch parsing Optimization options: -f PNG delta filters (0-5) [default: 0,5] -i PNG interlace type (0-1) -zc zlib compression levels (1-9) [default: 9] -zm zlib memory levels (1-9) [default: 8] -zs zlib compression strategies (0-3) [default: 0-3] -zw zlib window size (256,512,1k,2k,4k,8k,16k,32k) -full produce a full report on IDAT (might reduce speed) -nb no bit depth reduction -nc no color type reduction -np no palette reduction -nx no reductions -nz no IDAT recoding Editing options: -snip cut one image out of multi-image or animation files -strip strip metadata objects (e.g. "all") Optimization levels: -o0 <=> -o1 -nx -nz (0 or 1 trials) -o1 <=> -zc9 -zm8 -zs0 -f0 (1 trial) (or...) -zc9 -zm8 -zs1 -f5 (1 trial) -o2 <=> -zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0,5 (8 trials) -o3 <=> -zc9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0,5 (16 trials) -o4 <=> -zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5 (24 trials) -o5 <=> -zc9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 (48 trials) -o6 <=> -zc1-9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5 (120 trials) -o7 <=> -zc1-9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 (240 trials) -o7 -zm1-9 <=> -zc1-9 -zm1-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 (1080 trials) Notes: The combination for -o1 is chosen heuristically. Exhaustive combinations such as "-o7 -zm1-9" are not generally recommended. Synopsis: optipng [options] files ... Files: Image files of type: PNG, BMP, GIF, PNM or TIFF Type "optipng -h" for extended help. Basic options: -?, -h, -help show the extended help -o optimization level (0-7) [default: 2] -v run in verbose mode / show copyright and version info This program is open-source software. See LICENSE for more details. Portions of this software are based in part on the work of: Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib) Glenn Randers-Pehrson and the PNG Development Group (libpng) Miyasaka Masaru (BMP support) David Koblas (GIF support) Using libpng version %s and zlib version %s Warning: %s Invalid encoding parameters1.6.37Out of memoryNo info in imageRead errorData error increase decreaseno change1 byte%llu bytes = RGBgrayscale%lux%lu pixels, %dx%d bits/pixel1 bit/pixel1 color%d colors (%d transparent) in palette+alpha+transparencyinterlacedAPNGAPNG datastreamNo format name from pngxternImporting %s (multi-image or animation); snipping...Reducing image to Can't finalize IDATCan't write the output fileIncorrect I/O handler setupFound IDAT with no rowsrbCan't open the input file Fixing... Previous error(s) not fixedCan't continue Erasing... Incompatible input formatStripping metadata... .pngfwInput IDAT size = %llu bytes Input file size = %llu bytes No IDAT in input[internal] Invalid presetInvalid iteration parametersIterations not initialized Trying: IDAT too big IDAT size = %llu Selecting parameters: IDAT size = %llu2GB %s is already optimized. No output: simulation mode. Output file: %s Can't back up the output fileCan't back up the input filewbCan't open the output fileCan't reopen the input fileCan't remove the backup file () ** Processing: %s Error: %s ** Status report 0-0,58-91-9IDAT sizes larger than the maximum chunk size are currently unsupportedIteration parameter(s) out of rangeUnrecognized image file formatCan't get the correct file sizeCan't reliably reduce APNG file; disabling reductions. (Did you want to -snip and optimize the first frame?) Incorrect info in png_ptr->io_stateWriting chunk header, expecting 8 bytesWriting chunk CRC, expecting 4 bytesWrong guess of the output IDAT sizeCan't read the input file or unexpected end of filePNG I/O must start with the first 8 bytesCan't get the file-position indicator in input fileReading chunk header, expecting 8 bytesFailed allocation of image rows; unsafe libpng allocatorReading chunk CRC, expecting 4 bytesMysterious error in opng_read_fileRecoverable errors found in input. Rerun OptiPNG with -fix enabled. IDAT recoding is necessary, but is disabled by the user. Digital signature found in input. Rerun OptiPNG with -force enabled. Can't optimize digitally-signed filesConversion to PNG requires snipping. Rerun OptiPNG with -snip enabled. Can't create the output file (name too long)Can't create backup file (name too long)The output file exists. Rerun OptiPNG with -backup enabled. Can't overwrite the output fileCan't back up the existing output file zc = %d zm = %d zs = %d f = %dInconsistent iteration counter zc = * zm = * zs = * f = * IDAT size > %s Can't reposition the input fileMysterious error in opng_copy_fileCan't recover the original file from backupOverwrote input with no temporary backupCan't remove the broken output file Output IDAT size = %llu bytes Output file size = %llu bytes (The OptiPNG engine is not running%u file(s) have been processed. %u multi-image file(s) have been snipped. %u error(s) have been encountered. %u erroneous file(s) have been fixed. fdATfcTLacTLdSIGsBIThISTbKGDIENDIDATtRNSPLTE @        /??%%INFINITY%%%u.%02u%%%llu.%02ux%llux%llu%02u%%@F?B_opngreduc.cnum_palette > 0!(color_type & 1)bit_depth == 8channels == 3color_type == 0channels == 1channels > 1low <= *num_transnum_palette < 0bit_depth < 8last_color_index >= 0Too few colors in PLTEToo many alpha values in tRNSnum_trans > 0src_bit_depth >= 8src_bit_depth == 16src_color_type & 2src_color_type & 4src_bit_depth == dest_bit_depth*num_palette >= 0 && *num_palette <= max_tuples*num_trans >= 0 && *num_trans <= *num_palettelow >= 0 && low <= *num_palettenum_palette > 0 && num_palette <= 256num_trans >= 0 && num_trans <= num_palettetrans_alpha != ((void *)0) && num_trans > 0last_color_index >= last_trans_indexnum_palette == last_color_index + 1num_trans == last_trans_index + 1src_sample_size > dest_sample_sizeImage reduction requires the presence of all critical informationopng_insert_palette_entryopng_get_alpha_rowopng_reduce_to_paletteopng_reduce_palette_bitsopng_realloc_tRNSopng_realloc_PLTEopng_analyze_sample_usageopng_reduce_paletteopng_reduce_bitsCan't ftell in input file streamCan't fseek in input file streamPNG file appears to be corrupted by text file conversionsExtraneous data found after IENDMNG decoding is not supportedPortable Network Graphics embedded datastreamPortable Network GraphicsPNG datastreamPNGMNG  IHDRPNG  Missing color mask in BMP fileJPEG-compressed BMP files are not supportedUnsupported compression method in BMP fileInvalid image dimensions in BMP fileInvalid pixel depth in BMP fileCan't handle exceedingly large BMP dimensionsInvalid color mask in BMP fileError reading color palette in BMP fileError reading BMP file7_7h;'BH7;Windows BitmapOS/2 BitmapBMPNo image in GIF fileGIF89aGIF87aGraphics Interchange FormatGIFJPEGJNGJPEG-2000JPEG-2000 decoding is not supportedJNG (JPEG) decoding is not supportedJPEG decoding is not supportedJHDRJNG  OQ jP Can't handle PNM formats newer than PPM ("P6")Can't handle exceedingly large PNM dimensionsCan't handle PNM samples larger than 16 bitsPossibly inexact sample conversion from PNM to PNGExtraneous data found after PNM imageOverflow in PNM samplesError in PNM image fileݼټռݼټռѼPortable AnymapPortable PixmapPortable GraymapPortable BitmapPAMPPMPGMPBMmulti-imageUnsupported TIFF color spaceUnsupported TIFF sample depthOverflow in TIFF samplesTagged Image File FormatTIFFMissing 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