= ContextR A context-oriented programming library for Ruby. Inspired by ContextL (Pascal Costanza) and ContextS (Robert Hirschfeld) with thanks to Christian Neukirchen for giving the name and lots of ideas. For more information see - http://contextr.rubyforge.org/ - http://www.contextr.org/ or - http://www.swa.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/cop/ This code is published under the same license as Ruby. See LICENSE.txt for more information. (c) 2007 - Gregor Schmidt - Berlin, Germany = Usage require 'rubygems' require 'contextr' class A def a puts "a" end layer :foo foo.post :a do | n | n.return_value += "_with_context" end end A.new.a # => "a" ContextR::with_layers( :foo ) do A.new.a # => "a_with_context" end = Starting Points For a more detailed description - visit the project homepage at RubyForge[http://contextr.rubyforge.org/] - have a look at the +examples+ folder in the ContextR distribution For detailed API descriptions have a look at the following classes and modules - Class - ContextR::LayerInClass - ContextR::ClassMethods