%%%% This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. %%%% %%%% Copyright (C) 1996--2022 Han-Wen Nienhuys %%%% Jan Nieuwenhuizen %%%% %%%% LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify %%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or %%%% (at your option) any later version. %%%% %%%% LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %%%% GNU General Public License for more details. %%%% %%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%%% along with LilyPond. If not, see . \version "2.21.0" #(use-modules (lily curried-definitions)) #(session-start-record) %% named durations breve = #(ly:make-duration -1 0) longa = #(ly:make-duration -2 0) maxima = #(ly:make-duration -3 0) \include "music-functions-init.ly" \include "toc-init.ly" %% default note names are dutch #(set! default-language "nederlands") #(note-names-language default-language) \include "drumpitch-init.ly" \include "chord-modifiers-init.ly" \include "script-init.ly" \include "chord-repetition-init.ly" #(define default-fret-table (make-hash-table 101)) #(define chord-shape-table (make-hash-table 29)) #(call-after-session (lambda () (hash-clear! default-fret-table) (hash-clear! chord-shape-table))) % declarations for standard directions left = #-1 right = #1 up = #1 down = #-1 start = #-1 stop = #1 smaller = #-1 bigger = #1 center = #0 %% rather name \newline, \pageBreak ? break = #(make-music 'LineBreakEvent 'break-permission 'force) noBreak = #(make-music 'LineBreakEvent 'break-permission '()) allowBreak = #(make-music 'LineBreakEvent 'break-permission 'allow) %% \pageBreak, \noPageBreak, \pageTurn, \noPageTurn, \allowPageTurn are defined %% as music functions fine = #(make-music 'FineEvent) section = #(make-music 'SectionEvent) stopStaff = #(make-span-event 'StaffSpanEvent STOP) startStaff = #(make-span-event 'StaffSpanEvent START) % % Code articulation definitions % noBeam = #(make-music 'BeamForbidEvent) glide = #(make-music 'FingerGlideEvent) "|" = #(make-music 'BarCheck) "[" = #(make-span-event 'BeamEvent START) "]" = #(make-span-event 'BeamEvent STOP) "~" = #(make-music 'TieEvent) "(" = #(make-span-event 'SlurEvent START) ")" = #(make-span-event 'SlurEvent STOP) "\\!" = #(make-span-event 'CrescendoEvent STOP) "\\(" = #(make-span-event 'PhrasingSlurEvent START) "\\)" = #(make-span-event 'PhrasingSlurEvent STOP) "\\>" = #(make-span-event 'DecrescendoEvent START) "\\<" = #(make-span-event 'CrescendoEvent START) "\\[" = #(make-span-event 'LigatureEvent START) "\\]" = #(make-span-event 'LigatureEvent STOP) "\\~" = #(make-music 'PesOrFlexaEvent) "\\\\" = #(make-music 'VoiceSeparator) "\\-" = #(make-music 'DurationLineEvent) "\\^" = #(make-music 'BendSpanEvent) \include "scale-definitions-init.ly" melisma = #(context-spec-music (make-property-set 'melismaBusy #t) 'Bottom) melismaEnd = #(context-spec-music (make-property-unset 'melismaBusy) 'Bottom) laissezVibrer = #(make-music 'LaissezVibrerEvent) repeatTie = #(make-music 'RepeatTieEvent) \include "dynamic-scripts-init.ly" \include "spanners-init.ly" #(define musicQuotes (make-hash-table)) #(call-after-session (lambda () (hash-clear! musicQuotes))) #(define toplevel-book-handler print-book-with-defaults) #(define toplevel-bookpart-handler collect-bookpart-for-book) #(define toplevel-music-handler collect-music-for-book) #(define toplevel-score-handler collect-scores-for-book) #(define toplevel-text-handler collect-scores-for-book) #(define book-bookpart-handler ly:book-add-bookpart!) #(define book-music-handler collect-book-music-for-book) #(define book-score-handler ly:book-add-score!) #(define book-text-handler ly:book-add-score!) #(define bookpart-score-handler ly:book-add-score!) #(define bookpart-text-handler ly:book-add-score!) #(define bookpart-music-handler collect-book-music-for-book) #(define output-def-music-handler context-defs-from-music) #(define context-mod-music-handler context-mod-from-music) \include "predefined-fretboards-init.ly" \include "string-tunings-init.ly" \include "property-init.ly" \include "grace-init.ly" \include "midi-init.ly" \include "paper-defaults-init.ly" \include "context-mods-init.ly" \layout { mm = #(ly:output-def-lookup $defaultpaper 'mm) unit = #(ly:output-def-lookup $defaultpaper 'unit) in = #(* 25.4 mm) bp = #(/ in 72) pt = #(/ in 72.27) cm = #(* 10 mm) \include "engraver-init.ly" #(set-paper-dimension-variables (current-module)) } #(set-default-paper-size (ly:get-option 'paper-size)) partCombineListener = \layout { \context { \Score skipTypesetting = ##t ignoreBarChecks = ##t measurePosition = #ZERO-MOMENT \alias Timing } } setDefaultDurationToQuarter = { c4 } #(session-save)