@announce-cmd Feature: Rails 3 In order to take over the world Cucumber-Rails should work on major versions of Rails2 and Ruby, with Capybara, Spork and DatabaseCleaner Scenario: Install Cucumber-Rails Given I am using rvm "1.8.7" And I am using rvm gemset "cucumber-rails-3.0.0.beta" When I successfully run "rails rails-3-app" Then it should pass with: """ README """ And I cd to "rails-3-app" And I symlink this repo to "vendor/plugins/cucumber-rails" When I successfully run "rails generate cucumber:skeleton" Then the following files should exist: | config/cucumber.yml | | script/cucumber | | features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb | | features/support/env.rb | | features/support/paths.rb | | lib/tasks/cucumber.rake | And the file "features/support/env.rb" should contain "require 'cucumber/rails/world'" And the file "features/support/env.rb" should contain "require 'capybara/rails'" Scenario: Run Cucumber Given I am using rvm "1.8.7" And I am using rvm gemset "cucumber-rails-3.0.0.beta" And I successfully run "rails rails-3-app" And I cd to "rails-3-app" And I symlink this repo to "vendor/plugins/cucumber-rails" And I successfully run "rails generate cucumber:skeleton" And I successfully run "rails generate cucumber:feature post title:string body:text published:boolean" And I successfully run "rails generate scaffold post title:string body:text published:boolean" And I append to "Gemfile" with: """ gem 'cucumber' gem 'database_cleaner' gem 'capybara', :git => 'git://github.com/jnicklas/capybara.git' """ And I run "bundle install" And I successfully run "rake db:migrate" And I run "rake cucumber" Then it should pass with: """ 2 scenarios (2 passed) 11 steps (11 passed) """